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Automatic Control in Combinded Wastewater Treatment Plants

Some problems in biological wastewater treatment control are discussed. The reason for control is disturbances, and some important operational problems are described. The control means available for an activated sludge process are considered. Available dynamical models are reviewed briefly and a survey of current practice in control is given.

Three-body correlations data analysis through monte carlo simulation in decay of 10He

This work concerns the program for Monte Carlo (MC) simulation of three-body decays data. Three-body events are characterized by complicated correlations hindered by induced distortions due to finite resolution of experimental setups. The MC code is developed and tested by performing the analysis of the 10He experiment which shows the unusual order of first excited states of 10He.

Delayed onset of ototoxic effects of gentamicin in treatment of Menière's disease. Rationale for extremely low dose therapy

Five patients with Menière's disease and disabling vertigo were treated with two intratympanic instillations of gentamicin given at an interval of about 12 h. Although no further gentamicin treatment was given despite the absence of any discernible effects on the vestibular endorgan at that time, all patients developed vertigo and nystagmus beating toward the untreated ear within 3 to 5 days after

Intra-individual variation in oculomotor performance in man

Peak velocity of saccade, maximum velocity of smooth pursuit, and peak velocity of slow phase of vestibular and optovestibular nystagmus were measured three times daily on three separate days in 6 healthy subjects in order to estimate the intra-individual variation of the results of oculomotor tests. Analysis of variance revealed that the oculomotor performance of the individual subjects varied sy

Strategies toward High-Temperature Lanthanide-Based Single-Molecule Magnets

Lanthanide-based single-molecule magnets are leading materials for achieving magnetization blocking at the level of one molecule. In this paper, we examine the physical requirements for efficient magnetization blocking in single-ion complexes and identify the design principles for achieving very high magnetization blocking barriers in lanthanide-based compounds. The key condition is the prepondera

Synen på skrivande : Föreställningar om skrivande i mediedebatter och gymnasieskolans läroplaner

This dissertation is about the view of writing. One of the intentions of the study is to analyse different notions of writing that become manifest in media debates about student writing. Another intention is to analyse conceptions of writing in curricula and course plans for upper secondary school in Sweden from 1970 to 2011. Drawing from theories of critical discourse analysis, the study aims atThis dissertation is about the view of writing. One of the intentions of the study is to analyse different notions of writing that become manifest in media debates about student writing. Another intention is to analyse conceptions of writing in curricula and course plans for upper secondary school in Sweden from 1970 to 2011. Drawing from theories of critical discourse analysis, the study aims at

Turning a Coin over Instead of Tossing It

Given a sequence of numbers (Formula presented.) in [0, 1], consider the following experiment. First, we flip a fair coin and then, at step n, we turn the coin over to the other side with probability (Formula presented.), (Formula presented.), independently of the sequence of the previous terms. What can we say about the distribution of the empirical frequency of heads as (Formula presented.)? We

Influences of mechanical pretreatment on the non-biological treatment of municipal wastewater by forward osmosis

Municipal wastewater treatment involves mechanical, biological and chemical treatment steps for protecting the environment from adverse effects. The biological treatment step consumes the most energy and can create greenhouse gases. This study investigates municipal wastewater treatment without the biological treatment step, including the effects of different pretreatment configurations, for examp

Habitat-driven variation in mycorrhizal communities in the terrestrial orchid genus Dactylorhiza

Orchid species are critically dependent on mycorrhizal fungi for completion of their life cycle, particularly during the early stages of their development when nutritional resources are scarce. As such, orchid mycorrhizal fungi play an important role in the population dynamics, abundance, and spatial distribution of orchid species. However, less is known about the ecology and distribution of orchi

Hybrid ZnO/GaN distributed Bragg reflectors grown by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy

We demonstrate crack-free ZnO/GaN distributed Bragg reflectors (DBRs) grown by hybrid plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy using the same growth chamber for continuous growth of both ZnO and GaN without exposure to air. This is the first time these ZnO/GaN DBRs have been demonstrated. The Bragg reflectors consisted up to 20 periods as shown with cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy.

Geographic Location, not Forest Type, Affects the Diversity of Spider Communities Sampled with Malaise Traps in Sweden

The latitudinal diversity gradient predicts higher species richness at lower latitudes. Here, we utilize the data from a long-term monitoring with malaise traps to analyse if spider communities in Sweden are affected by geographic gradients and if these effects hold independent of forest type. The species richness and the effective number of species in spider communities were not significantly rel

Survival, differentiation, and connectivity of ventral mesencephalic dopamine neurons following transplantation

The reconstruction of midbrain dopamine (DA) circuitry through intracerebral transplantation of new DA neurons contained in embryonic ventral mesencephalon (VM) is a promising therapeutic approach for Parkinson's disease (PD). Although some of the early open-label trials have provided proof-of-principal that VM grafts can provide sustained improvement of motor function in some patients, subsequent

Congruence of decay chains of elements 113, 115, and 117

Superheavy element research relies heavily on the detection of correlated decay chains. When several chains have been detected, it is natural to ask whether they form one congruent set, or whether they should be further divided into subsets. To statistically assess the congruence between the chains in a data set, we developed a procedure to calculate a Figure-of-Merit for low-number statistics. In