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Mucosal adjuvants and long-term memory development with special focus on CTA1-DD and other ADP-ribosylating toxins

The ultimate goal for vaccination is to stimulate protective immunological memory. Protection against infectious diseases not only relies on the magnitude of the humoral immune response, but more importantly on the quality and longevity of it. Adjuvants are critical components of most non-living vaccines. Although little attention has been given to qualitative aspects of the choice of vaccine adju

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The aim of this study is to explore pre-service teachers’ procedural and conceptual understanding of pupils’ understanding of mean value, before and after an intervention. Participants are 66 pre-service teachers, and two teacher educators. The data consists of five video-recorded lessons and pre-service teachers’ pre- and post-test discussions. Based on variation theory, the analysis aimed to ide

What Influences People’s Tradeoff Decisions Between CO2 Emissions and Travel Time? An Experiment With Anchors and Normative Messages

One of the today’s greatest challenges is to adjust our behavior so that we can avoid a major climate disaster. To do so, we must make sacrifices for the sake of the environment. The study reported here investigates how anchors (extrinsic motivational-free information) and normative messages (extrinsic motivational information) influence people’s tradeoffs between travel time and carbon dioxide (C

Disruption of mouse polymerase ζ (Rev3) leads to embryonic lethality and impairs blastocyst development in vitro

Multiple DNA polymerases exist in eukaryotes. Polymerases α, δ and ε are mainly responsible for chromosomal DNA replication in the nucleus and are required for proliferation. In contrast, the repair polymerases β and η are not essential for cellular proliferation in yeast or mice, but a lack of either polymerase can lead, respectively, to defects in base excision repair or the ability to replicate

Visualizing atomic-scale redox dynamics in vanadium oxide-based catalysts

Surface redox processes involving oxygen atom exchange are fundamental in catalytic reactions mediated by metal oxides. These processes are often difficult to uncover due to changes in the surface stoichiometry and atomic arrangement. Here we employ high-resolution transmission electron microscopy to study vanadium oxide supported on titanium dioxide, which is of relevance as a catalyst in, e.g.,

To what extent are greenhouse-gas emissions offset by trees in a Sahelian silvopastoral system?

To assess the extent to which trees in a semi-arid silvopastoral system (SPS) can offset the greenhouse-gas (GHG) emissions of the system's livestock, this study used two process-based models (STEP-GENDEC-N2O and DynACof) to simulate 9 years of agricultural activity and resulting emissions in a SPS that has been operating in sahelian Senegal. STEP-GENDEC-N2O simulated soil N2O and CO2 fluxes, plus

Signposts on the road toward transformative governance : how a stronger focus on diverse values can enhance environmental policies

Transformative change toward sustainability is increasingly recognized as inevitable to avoid the collapse of socio-ecological systems. However, for a deep and system-wide transformation, governance approaches and policymaking need to be changed too. This paper discusses how a diverse value approach in environmental policymaking could be undertaken to foster transformative governance that can furt

Normal pituitary hormone response to thyrotrophin and gonadotrophin releasing hormones in subjects exposed to elemental mercury vapour

Exposure to elemental mercury (Hg) vapour results in an accumulation of Hg in the pituitary, the thyroid, and the testis. In this study, basal serum concentrations of pituitary hormones (thyrotrophin (TSH), prolactin (PRL), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), and luteinising hormone (LH] or their response after administration of thyrotrophin and gonadotrophin releasing hormones did not differ betw

Critical recurrence in the real quadratic family

We study recurrence in the real quadratic family and give a sufficient condition on the recurrence rate of the critical orbit such that, for almost every non-regular parameter a, the set of n such that Fn(0;a) is infinite. In particular, when, this extends an earlier result by Avila and Moreira [Statistical properties of unimodal maps: the quadratic family. Ann. of Math. (2) 161(2) (2005), 831-881

Diffusion MRI with free gradient waveforms on a high-performance gradient system : Probing restriction and exchange in the human brain

The dependence of the diffusion MRI signal on the diffusion time carries signatures of restricted diffusion and exchange. Here we seek to highlight these signatures in the human brain by performing experiments using free gradient waveforms designed to be selectively sensitive to the two effects. We examine six healthy volunteers using both strong and ultra-strong gradients (80, 200 and 300 mT/m).

Let's Do Free-Spirited Sociology!

Kan du som sociolog bli "bättre" på att teoretisera och i så fall hur? Handlar det om att behärska vissa vetenskapliga metoder för teoretiserande eller tvärtom om att släppa loss och inte tänka så mycket på vad du gör och varför? Är det det ena eller det andra som gäller, eller ska du snarare växla mellan olika förhållningssätt? Måste kreativiteten frigöras och i så fall från vad? I denna korta te

Influence of genetic variants and sialylation of purified κ-casein on peptide release during in vitro digestion

In the present study, digestion pattern of purified bovine κ-casein (κ-CN) variants A, B, E as well as desialylated variant B, using INFOGEST 2.0 in vitro gastrointestinal digestion were investigated using peptidomics. Peptide profiles of the digests were identified and quantified using ion abundancies by liquid chromatography electrospray quadropole time of flight mass spectrometry (LC-ESI/Q-TOF

In vivo hepatic flow distribution by computational fluid dynamics can predict pulmonary flow distribution in patients with Fontan circulation

In Fontan patients, a lung deprived of hepatic blood may develop pulmonary arterio-venous malformations (PAVMs) resulting in shunting, reduced pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) and decreased oxygenation. To provide guidance for corrective invasive interventions, we aimed to non-invasively determine how the hepatic to pulmonary blood flow balance correlates with pulmonary flow, PVR, and with oxyg

Metoprolol disrupts inflammatory response of human cardiomyocytes via β-arrestin2 biased agonism and NF-κB signaling modulation

Aims: Recent evidence supports non-class cardioprotective effects of metoprolol against neutrophil-mediated ischemia-reperfusion injury during exacerbated inflammation. Whether metoprolol exerts direct anti-inflammatory effect on cardiomyocytes is unknown. Accordingly, we aimed to investigate the direct anti-inflammatory effects of metoprolol in a cellular model of human induced pluripotent stem c

Solar power and storage with heat battery

Detta examensarbete ger en ̈oversiktsbild av projektet Solstice. Det berättar om projektets ursprung, det nuvarande stadiet projektet befinner sig i samt dess framtida potential. Konsekvensen av detta ̈ar en mycket mångfacetterad rapport som ̊aterspeglar hur nyutvecklad energiteknik avser att avfossilisera energimarknaden och minska effekterna av klimatförändringarna. Solstice ̈ar en produkt som kThis thesis provides an overview of the project Solstice. It tells its origin, the present stage and its potential future. The consequence of this is a very multifaceted thesis which tells the story of a newly developed energy technology that aims to defossilize the energy market and mitigate the effects of climate change. Solstice is a product that concentrates sunlight and via a newly developed

High aspect ratio metal microcasting by hot embossing for X-ray optics fabrication

Metal microstructured optical elements for grating-based X-ray phase-contrast interferometry were fabricated by using an innovative approach of microcasting: hot embossing technology with low melting temperature (280 °C) metal alloy foils and silicon etched templates. A gold-tin alloy (80 wt% Au/20 wt% Sn) was used to cast micro-gratings with pitch sizes in the range of 2 to20 μm and depth of the

Multiple scattering tomography

Multiple scattering represents a challenge for numerous modern tomographic imaging techniques. In this Letter, we derive an appropriate line integral that allows for the tomographic reconstruction of angular resolved scattering distributions, even in the presence of multiple scattering. The line integral is applicable to a wide range of imaging techniques utilizing various kinds of probes. Here, w