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Ätten Tersmeden genom sex århundraden

Individinriktad historik över den svenska adelsätten Tersmeden från dess äldsta kända rötter i Stade och Flensburg under 1400- och 1500-talen fram till de av dess svenska medlemmar som föddes före år 1900. Därtill historik över Tersmedenska släktföreningens verksamhet sedan 1912 samt över Tersmedenska släktarkivet.

Josef Bexell som själasörjare

Josef Bexell as soul-carer Josef Bexell (1815–1897), Lutheran rector of Långaryd in the diocese of Växjö, was widely known as a soul-carer, both in public and in private. His sermons were not only heard in Church, but circulated and read in private, and questions from his private soul-care were answered in public preaching. The private soul-care was performed both in private encounters and in lett

Pragmatic Estimation of a Spatio-Temporal Air Quality Model With Irregular Monitoring Data

Statistical analyses of the health effects of air pollution have increasingly used GIS-based covariates for prediction of ambient air quality in “land-use” regression models. More recently these regression models have accounted for spatial correlation structure in combining monitoring data with land-use covariates. The current paper builds on these concepts to address spatio-temporal prediction of

Gene description, activity quantification and physiological responses of mitochondrial alternative NAD(P)H dehydrogenases

Popular Abstract in Swedish Liksom du och jag, måste växter andas för att kunna leva. Med hjälp av luftens syre förbränns näring i form av bl a kolhydrater och fetter till koldioxid. Den energi som avges vid förbränningen omvandlas till ATP, som är cellens bränsle. Den huvudsakliga produktionen av ATP sker i den del av cellen som kallas mitokondrien, cellens kraftverk. Vän av ordning kliar sig nu In addition to proton-pumping complex I, the plant respiratory chain contains type II NAD(P)H dehydrogenases. These extra enzymes do not pump protons and consequently do not contribute to the electrochemical proton gradient. Database screening of the Arabidopsis genome identified seven type II NAD(P)H dehydrogenase homologues of which two and four genes were closely related to potato (Solanum tube

NICH: a preliminary theoretical study on Natural Interaction applied to Cultural Heritage contexts

Gesture-based interaction constitutes a new paradigm in human-machine interaction. The possibility to control a technical system with gestures on surfaces or in mid air makes it possible to design user interfaces that go beyond the WIMP paradigm (Windows Icons Menus and Pointers), the dominating interaction paradigm since the 1970's. After mainly having been of interest in the human-computer inter

Soil-living archaea: Influence of pH, carbon and nitrogen on their abundance and activity

Popular Abstract in Swedish På 70-talet upptäckte man att en grupp mikroorganismer, som man tidigare katalogiserat som bakterier, bildade en helt egen grupp. Dessa kallades ärkebakterier och fick senare namnet arkéer. Arkéer är små (ca 1 tusendels millimeter) encelliga organismer precis som bakterier, men de skiljer sig på många sätt från dem. Till exempel har de en kemiskt annorlunda uppbyggd celDuring the last decade it has been discovered that around 2% of the soil-living prokaryotes belong to the domain Archaea. In many soils the most abundant archaeal group is the ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) that, in addition to ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB), preform the first and rate-limiting step in the nitrification process. The knowledge of factors that regulates the archaeal abundance and