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An autobiography
Adolescent problem behaviour : The gender gap in European perspective
This study scrutinizes gender differences in adolescent problem behaviour and its potential determinants, simultaneously taking into account the individual and contextual level, including personality, family and country characteristics. Using the 2010 EU Kids Online Survey, we estimate multilevel models on 18,027 individuals from 24 European countries. In line with earlier research, we find that b
A high-precision chemical abundance analysis of the HAT-P-1 stellar binary: constraints on planet formation
High-precision analysis of the solar twin HIP 100963
Generation of coherent 19- and 38-nm radiation at a free-electron laser directly seeded at 38 nm
Initiating the gain process in a free-electron laser (FEL) from an external highly coherent source of radiation is a promising way to improve the pulse properties such as temporal coherence and synchronization performance in time-resolved pump-probe experiments at FEL facilities, but this so-called "seeding" suffers from the lack of adequate sources at short wavelengths. We report on the first suc
Characterisation of the BEAM from thermionic RF-gun adapted for photo cathode operation
The existing thermionic RF-gun (tungsten-BaO cathode) at the MAX-lab linac injector has been adapted for photo cathode operation. Important parameters of this system for free electron laser experiments, like emittance and charge, were measured giving 5.5 mmmrad at 70 pC (see below). A more detailed report on that setup, including laser and electron optics is given.
Midsommar i sagolandet : Bildretorik och rörelse
Vår blick på världen är inte neutral, utan medskapande. När vi betraktar ett fotografi i ett vardagligt sammanhang registrerar vår blick inte bara sinnesdata, utan skapar också mening utifrån det vi tror oss veta om världen. Insikten om att blicken inte är neutral får politiska implikationer då det innebär att det betraktades mening inte är given. I maktspelet om blicken blir frågan om vems blick
The Nordic wave in place branding : A manifesto
Axial membrane tubules in atrial cardiomyocytes confine ultrarapid intracellular Calcium signals through a new super-hub mechanism
Classical Reception in a New Key : Contemporary Hellenic Polytheism in Modern Greece
Was Aristotle an Anti-Semitic Alien? : Conspiracy Theory, Ufology, and the Colonization of the Past in Contemporary Greece
Man Born of Man Alone : Male Motherhood in the History and Reception of Daoist Alchemy
This chapter deals with the male appropriation of motherhood as a metaphor for transformation in religious texts and practices. Particular attention is given to its historical uses and modern reception in the Daoist alchemical traditions. Through a textual study of the central Daoist text the Daodejing, gendered metaphors, particularly relating to motherhood and infancy are identified and analysed
The Genetic System in Plant Mitochondria Has Several Special Features
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Margento's "computationally assembled" anthology (Raluca Tanasescu, Chris Tanasescu, Marius Surleac, Vaibhav Kesarwani, Diana Inkpen) has a bilingual title with different appearances: once "US" Poets Foreign Poets, then "New Poets". The first time is "foreign", the second time novelty. It is clear that the volume appearing at FrActalia Press in 2018 is a step further on the development of digital
SkiROS: A four tiered architecture for task-level programming of industrial mobile manipulators
During the last decades, the methods for intuitive task level programming of robots have become a fundamental point of interest for industrial application. The paper in hand presents SkiROS (Skill-based Robot Operating System) a novel software architecture based on the skills paradigm. The skill paradigm has already been used and tested within the FP7 project TAPAS, and we are going to use it in s
SkiROS—A skill-based robot control platform on top of ROS
The development of cognitive robots in ROS still lacks the support of some key components: a knowledge integration framework and a framework for autonomous mission execution. In this research chapter, we will discuss our skill-based platform SkiROS, that was developed on top of ROS in order to organize robot knowledge and its behavior. We will show how SkiROS offers the possibility to integrate diThe development of cognitive robots in ROS still lacks the support of some key components: a knowledge integration framework and a framework for autonomous mission execution. In this research chapter, we will discuss our skill-based platform SkiROS, that was developed on top of ROS in order to organize robot knowledge and its behavior. We will show how SkiROS offers the possibility to integrate di
Intuitive Skill-Level Programming of Industrial Handling Tasks on a Mobile Manipulator
In order for manufacturing companies to remain competitive while also offering a high degree of customization for the customers, flexible robots that can be rapidly reprogrammed to new tasks need to be applied in the factories. In this paper we propose a method for the intuitive programming of an industrial mobile robot by combining robot skills, a graphical user interface and human gesture recogn
Automated Planning of Industrial Logistics on a Skill-equipped Robot
Automated task planning for robots is usually implemented on a motion primitive domain, where the focus is on constructing meaningful, general motion primitives. In this work we propose planning on the higher abstraction level of robot skills. In this context, skills are general, functional blocks that contain both sensing and action, have a welldefined expected outcome and set of preconditions, a
Integration of Mobile Manipulators in an Industrial Production
Purpose– The purpose of this study has been to evaluate the technology of autonomous mobile manipulation in a real world industrial manufacturing environment. The objective has been to obtain experience in the integration with existing equipment and determine key challenges in maturing the technology to a level of readiness suitable for industry. Despite much research within the topic of industriaPurpose– The purpose of this study has been to evaluate the technology of autonomous mobile manipulation in a real world industrial manufacturing environment. The objective has been to obtain experience in the integration with existing equipment and determine key challenges in maturing the technology to a level of readiness suitable for industry. Despite much research within the topic of industria