Privatising governance, practising triage: securitization of insurance risks and the politics of global warming
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Popular Abstract in Swedish Varje vecka firar ett stort antal människor gudstjänst i Svenska kyrkan. Vid varje enskild gudstjänst bildas en sorts gemenskap. Men vad är egentligen en gudstjänstgemenskap, hur kan den förstås sociologiskt och teologiskt, vilken ställning har den i Svenska kyrkan och vilken ställning borde den ha? Gudstjänstgemenskaper i Svenska kyrkan i dag kan beskrivas som öppna, iThe dissertation examines the theoretical identity and formal status of a worship community within the Church of Sweden. Two theoretical perspectives form the basis of the investigation. The first is that the identity of the church cannot be reduced to an abstract idea of its essential nature, but what is said about the church must refer to the actual people who belong to it, especially those who
Salespeople’s work has always been regarded a crucial contributor to businesses’ value creation by researchers and practitioners alike. As tangible products are not at the core of interactions between salesperson and customer in the context of services-based or non-standardized markets, sales’ role is assigned greater influence in the understanding, creating and delivering of customer value. Under
This thesis illustrates the effects of environmental factors on pollen performance and its importance on gene flow. Pollen competitive ability between the wild and cultivated species of four genera belonging to Cucurbitaceae family was compared to evaluate the evolutionary potential for selection on pollen tube growth rate. A possibility of hybrids formation between these species was also determin
Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling visar att jordgubbar innehåller ett allergen, proteinet Fra a 1, som är mycket likt det allergen som orsakar besvär vid björkpollen-allergi. Den som får allergiska besvär av jordgubbar, t.ex. att det kliar och blir irriterat i munhålan och svalget när man äter , har ofta en björkpollen-allergi sen tidigare. Motsvarande allergen finns också i en del andrStrawberry (Fragaria ananassa) is an economically important crop, and recognised as an important source of antioxidants and bioactive compounds with health promoting effects. Yet increased incidence of allergy puts a limit to the choice of food for an increasing percentage of the population. As part of this thesis a strawberry allergen termed Fra a 1 was identified, which is related to a major bi
Universities have become important components of the national innovation systems in innovation driven economies. To strengthen the university related flow of mainly technological knowledge into commercialized products many European countries have followed the American example and changed from an inventor-ownership system to a university-owned system (Genua & Rossi, 2011). Today most European c
BCJR based source coding of image residuals is investigated. From a trellis representation of the residual, a joint source-channel coding system is formed. Then the BCJR algorithm is applied to find the MAP encoding. MAP and minimized squared error encoding are compared. The novelty of this work is the use of the BCJR algorithm and the MAP criterion in the source coding procedure. The source encod