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Scheduling Tests for Stacked 3D Chips under Power Constraints

This paper addresses test application time (TAT) reduction for core-based stacked 3D chips. In contrast to the traditional method of testing non-stacked chips where the same test schedule is applied both at wafer test and at final test, stacked 3D chips need a pre-bond test schedule for each individual chip and a different post-bond test schedule where all chips are jointly tested. We consider a s

Evaluation of the Telia scattered field measurement method for estimation of in-network performance of mobile terminal antennas

In this paper we present and evaluate a method for estimation of in-network performance of mobile terminal antennas developed by the Swedish telecom operator Telia. The Telia Scattered Field Measurement (TSFM) Method is intended to give a better estimate of the performance of the mobile terminal antenna as in an in-network fading scenario. The parameter measured from the TSFM method is referred t

Theory and Reality : Metaphysics as Second Science

Popular Abstract in Swedish "Theory and Reality" handlar om vilka slutsatser vi kan dra om världen från de vetenskapliga teorier vi har. I allmänhet är dessa svåra att tolka bokstavligt, och de används ofta just som redskap, snarare än som beskrivningar av verkligheten. Men för att vara användbara redskap måste teorier ha vissa kopplingar till vad de handlar om. Theory and Reality beskriver sådaTheory and Reality is about the connection between true theories and the world. A mathematical framefork for such connections is given, and it is shown how that framework can be used to infer facts about the structure of reality from facts about the structure of true theories, The book starts with an overview of various approaches to metaphysics. Beginning with Quine's programmatic "On what there

Sustainable businesses practices in supply chains: learning from Swedish companies

Businesses play a vital role in building a more sustainable society by practicing and promoting more socially and environmentally responsible practices along supply chains. The social and environmental conduct of Western companies in their respective countries is usually rather strong due to the existing strong legislation on human rights, working conditions, freedom of trade unions, etc. In devel

A Distributed Power Coordination Scheme for Fatigue Load Reduction in Wind Farms

Wind turbines operating in wind farms are coupled by the wind flow. This coupling results in increased turbulence levels for downwind turbines, and consequently higher maintenance costs. In this paper, we consider a scenario where a wind farm is asked to produce less than maximum power. The objective is to minimize fatigue loads on the turbines, while maintaining the desired power production. We s

Analytical method development for ultra-trace determination of human pharmaceuticals in aqueous samples. Assessing the performance of a sewage treatment plant

Research focus in environmental pollution has recently been extended from more classical environmental pollutants such as PCBs or pesticides to pharmaceuticals and steroid hormones, which are designed to be biologically active and enter the environment primarily through regular domestic use. Consequently, it is important to monitor these substances concentrations in the effluents of sewage treatme