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Catastrophic expenditure and impoverishment after caesarean section in Sierra Leone : An evaluation of the free health care initiative

Background Utilizing surgical services, including caesarean sections, can result in catastrophic expenditure and impoverishment. In 2010, Sierra Leone introduced the Free Health Care Initiative (FHCI), a national financial risk protection program for the most vulnerable groups. Aim of this study was to investigate catastrophic expenditure and impoverishment related to caesarean section in Sierra L

A gene-centric approach to biomarker discovery identifies transglutaminase 1 as an epidermal autoantigen

Autoantigen discovery is a critical challenge for the understanding and diagnosis of autoimmune diseases. While autoantibody markers in current clinical use have been identified through studies focused on individual disorders, we postulated that a reverse approach starting with a putative autoantigen to explore multiple disorders might hold promise. We here targeted the epidermal protein transglut

TRPV1 har viktig roll i hjärnan

The discovery of TRPV1 as a receptor for capsaicin, the pungent ingredient in chili pepper, and noxious heat has triggered immense research on the role of TRP channels as polymodal receptors in sensory neuronal signaling. The rich abundance of TRPV1 in nociceptive primary afferents and its involvement in inflammatory and neuropathic pain encouraged the development of analgesics acting on TRPV1. Ho

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Abstract in GermanDas Thema dieses Beitrags ist die Übersetzung deutscher Partizipialkonstruktionen ins Schwedische – ein Thema, dem die bisherige Forschung kaum Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt hat. Die Studie ist sowohl quantitativer als auch qualitativer Natur. Als Korpus dienen deutsche Sachprosatexte und ihre schwedischen Übersetzungen, von denen anzunehmen ist, dass sie im Einklang mit den entsprech

We can work it out : an enactive look at cooperation

The past years have seen an increasing debate on cooperation and its unique human character. Philosophers and psychologists have proposed that cooperative activities are characterized by shared goals to which participants are committed through the ability to understand each other’s intentions. Despite its popularity, some serious issues arise with this approach to cooperation. First, one may chall

Learning blossoms : Caregiver-infant interactions in an outdoor garden setting

Plants provide unique opportunities for learning by engaging all human senses. Recent laboratory studies have shown that infants use a combination of behavioural avoidance and social learning strategies to safely learn about plant properties from adults. Here we investigate how infants and their caregivers interact with plants in an outdoor garden as a first step towards examining the operation of

Relativisera inte synen på människoliv

Det sägs ofta att mätt i överdödlighet är Sverige ett av de länder som har klarat coronapandemin bäst. Men de hittills gjorda studierna av överdödlighet hjälper oss inte att bedöma den svenska pandemistrategin. Det skriver forskarna Joacim Rocklöv, Peter Jagers, Holger Rootzen, Thors Hans Hansson och Torsten Åkesson.

Towards Optimization of Anomaly Detection Using Autonomous Monitors in DevOps

Continuous practices including continuous integration, continuous testing, and continuous deployment are foundations of many software development initiatives. Another very popular industrial concept, DevOps, promotes automation, collaboration, and monitoring, to even more empower development processes. The scope of this thesis is on continuous monitoring and the data collected through continuous m

Toward Reconciling Radiocarbon Production Rates With Carbon Cycle Changes of the Last 55,000 Years

Since it is currently not understood how changes in 14C production rate (Q), and in the carbon cycle, can be combined to explain the reconstructed atmospheric Δ14C record, we discuss possible reasons for this knowledge gap. Reviewing the literature, we exclude that changes in the content of atoms in the atmosphere, which produce cosmogenic 14C after being hit by galactic cosmic rays, might be resp