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Your search for "*" yielded 531888 hits

Screening the molecular surface of human anticoagulant protein C: a search for interaction sites

Protein C (PC), a 62 kDa multi-modular zymogen, is activated to an anticoagulant serine protease (activated PC or APC) by thrombin bound to thrombomodulin on the surface of endothelial cells. PC/APC interacts with many proteins and the characterisation of these interactions is not trivial. However, molecular modelling methods help to study these complex biological processes and provide basis for r

Trust and confirmation in a gynecologic examination situation: a critical incident technique analysis

Background. Gynecologic examination is a common measure in reproductive health care. Many women experience the examination as a more or less negative event, with shortcomings in the examiner's behavior. The aim of the study was to describe, in terms of critical incidences, women's experiences concerning the personnel's behavior in the situation of gynecologic examination. Methods. The informants w

Nya rituella sammanhang i senmodernitetens Sverige

På senare år har en rad alternativa terapiformer vuxit fram: Kyrkan och den traditionella psykoterapin har fått konkurrens av ”må bra-marknadens” rituella snabbterapier. Eftersom riterna syftar till att hela existentiellt utarmade eller stressade medborgare borde de vara välkomna inslag i samhället, men finns det skäl att kritisera dem. De lösningar som erbjuds individen är också de som bäst gagn

The Early Church as a Narrative Fellowship. An Exploratory Study of the Performance of the Chreia

The early Church was a narrative fellowship which narrativized the Jesus tradition and per-formed it from memory. It did so by using specific narrative and mnemonic forms of commu-nication. The chreia combines features of narrativity, oral performance, and memory and con-stituted a basic element of the narrative mosaic of the Church. The author of the Gospel of Mark indicates a broader pattern of

Vägval vid utrymning - utrymningsförsök med gröna blinkande lampor vid nödutgångar

Unannounced evacuation experiments were performed in an office building and a cinema theatre in order to investigate if green flashing lights at emergency exit can influence exit choice, i.e., make people choose the emergency exits. Experiments were documented using standard video cameras and participants filled out a questionnaire. The results show that green flashing lights influenced exit choic

From critters to cancers: bridging comparative and clinical research on oxygen sensing, HIF signaling, and adaptations towards hypoxia

The objective of this symposium at the First International Congress of Respiratory Biology (ICRB) was to enhance communication between comparative biologists and cancer researchers working on O-2 sensing via the HIF pathway. Representatives from both camps came together on August 13-16, 2006, in Bonn, Germany, to discuss molecular adaptations that occur after cells have been challenged by a reduce

Results of second-look resection after primary resection of T1 tumour of the urinary bladder

Objective. To study residual tumours at second-look resection in patients resected 4-8 weeks earlier for T1 tumours of the urinary bladder. Material and methods. All patients randomized in the ongoing Nordic T1G2-G3 Bladder Sparing Study with monitored data available were included in the study. Data on residual tumours at second-look resection were compared to basic patient and tumour characterist

Prediction of treatment-response to inhaled corticosteroids by mannitol-challenge test in COPD. A proof of concept

Background: There are no predictors known that can identify COPD patients who will respond to treatment with ICS. Method: We investigated 30 patients (median age 65 (range 44-83, 12 females) with mild to moderately severe COPD. All patients had post bronchodilator FEV1/forced vital capacity ratio of less than 70% and a reversibility of less than 12% and 200 ml from baseline. We wanted to determine

A strategy for identifying putative causes of gene expression variation in human cancers

The majority of microarray studies focus on analysis of gene expression differences between various specimens or conditions. However, the causes of this variability from one cancer to another, from one sample to another and from one gene to another often remain unknown. In this study, we present a systematic procedure for finding genes whose expression levels are altered due to an intrinsic or ext

Purification of protein and recycling of polymers in a new aqueous two-phase system using two thermoseparating polymers

In this study we present a new aqueous two-phase system where both polymers are thermoseparating. In this system it is possible to recycle both polymers by temperature induced phase separation, which is an improvement of the aqueous two-phase system previously reported where one of the polymers was thermoseparating and the other polymer was dextran or a starch derivative. The polymers used in this

Stormy records from peat bogs in south-west Sweden : implications for regional climatic variability and vegetation changes during the past 6500 years

This thesis aims to reconstruct and explain variations in storm activity, humidity, vegetation composition and land cover in south-west Sweden during the past 6500 years. Two ombrotrophic bogs, Store Mosse and Undarsmosse, situated on the coastal plain of Halland, were selected for this purpose. The coastal plain of Halland is positioned in the cyclone path and is therefore particularly sensitive

Effects of hardened wood ash on microbial activity, plant growth and nutrient uptake by ectomycorrhizal spruce seedlings

Plant growth, nutrient uptake, microbial biomass and activity were studied in pot systems containing spruce seedlings colonised with different ectomycorrhizal fungi from an ash-fertilised forest. The seedling root systems were enclosed in mesh bags inside an outer compartment containing crushed, hardened wood ash. Three different species of mycorrhizal fungi and a non-mycorrhizal control were expo

Sexual child abuse in a defined Swedish area 1993-97: a population-based survey

Attempting to avoid some of the most common methodological problems involved in research on sexual child abuse, we collected data on crimes, perpetrators, and sanctions in all convicted cases of sexual child abuse in a defined population during a 5-year period. This approach provided amply documented and ascertained cases with precise definitions and descriptions of the crimes involved, no clinica