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Fixed-point implementation of a robust complex valued divider architecture
In this paper a fixed-point implementation of robust complex valued divider architecture is presented. The architecture uses feedback loops and time multiplexing strategies resulting in a fast and area conservative architecture. The architecture has good numerical properties and the result is accurate to less than one ulp. A combination of low latency and high throughput rate makes the architectur
Book review: Coping with International Conflict
Centrality dependent particle production at y=0 and y ~ 1 in Au + Au collisions at s(NN)**(1/2) = 200-GeV.
Managing inter-organisational relationships in Application Service Provision
Förstudie till projektet: Task Force Öresundslogistik - Logistik före och efter bron
Abstract not available
Högskolepedagogisk utvecklingsplan
Den högskolepedagogiska utvecklingsplanen har utvecklats i samband med en högskolepedagogisk fortsättningskurs på HT-området höstterminen 2006. Utvecklingsplanen applicerades på kursen "Utomeuropeisk musik" (7,5 p) som var en delkurs i en grundläggande 30p-kurs för alla nybörjare på A-nivå inom musikvetenskapen vid Lunds universitet.
Presentation på konferensen Future of Democracy, Tammerfors, Finland
Small science on big machines: Politics and practices of synchrotron radiation laboratories
Synchrotron radiation laboratories are large scientific facilities where various scientific experiments are carried out by the use of radiation produced by particle accelerators. Research with synchrotron radiation emerged in the 1960s and 1970s as a peripheral activity at particle physics laboratories. It has since expanded and taken over facilities from particle physics, and developed specialize
Particle Interferometry in e+e- Annihilation
This thesis is the result of three years of work in Lund University, as a member of DELPHI group, at the Elementary Particle Physics Department. The work concerns the study of Bose-Einstein correlations in electron-positron collisions at LEP. Since the Jetset event generator and its implementation of the Bose-Einstein correlation effect, LUBOEI, is the most used tool in the particle physics commun
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Heightening student learning with SI
This text presents the background and overall aims of the project Experi- mental Archaeology – Between Enlightenment and Experience, the contents of this book in general and also the preceding regional workshops held in Norway, Sweden and Denmark. The concluding vision is that the project will contribute to the initiation of a true and unlimited experi- mental archaeology that is given a possibili
Visualizing design problems and solutions of workstations on ships
A New Approach to Steady-State Analysis of Power Distribution Networks
In vitro meat and the promises of future co-production processes
Industrialised meat production has since long remade animal bodies (Boyd, 2001; Watts, 2000), together with labour processes and spaces of production (Cronon, 1991; Pachirat, 2011). Current attempts to bypass animals by growing meat in petri dishes and on scaffoldings here offers no exception. In vitro meat promises to remake human bodies, the properties of meat, and food production landscapes tog
Bonnard Goes Bondage
A catalogue essay about the Swedish-Danish painter Alba S. Enström.
Nanoelectronic pulse generators for UWB applications
Experimental Structural Acoustic investigation of a lightweight floor structure
A common floor construction in a lightweight building system is using chipboard plates attached to wooden beams using screws and glue. One drawback with such a system is the propagation of vibrations stemming either from harmonic (washing machines, dishwashers, HiFi-systems) especially at low frequencies and/or transient (Human walking, dropped items, slamming doors) excitations. In order to accur