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Neutralisation of uPA with a monoclonal antibody reduces plasmin formation and delays skin wound healing in tPA-deficient mice.

BACKGROUND: Proteolytic degradation by plasmin and metalloproteinases is essential for epidermal regeneration in skin wound healing. Plasminogen deficient mice have severely delayed wound closure as have mice simultaneously lacking the two plasminogen activators, urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) and tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA). In contrast, individual genetic deficiencies in

Prepositionernas grammatik i SAOB

En genomgång av hur de grammatiska delarna av ordboksartiklar om prepositioner har behandlats terminologiskt i Svenska Akademiens grammatik (1893–).

Fire hazard analysis of hetero-organic fuels - Source characteristics from experiments

Source characteristics from experiments with hetero-organic fuels are presented. The results are intended as input to fire hazard analysis. The results imply that it is possible to use experiments in reduced scale to get an indication of the combustion products that can be produced in a fire with hetero-organic fuels as well as the levels of yields that can expected in a fire involving chemicals.

Accuracy of the Hartree-Fock and Local Density Approximations for Electron Densities: A study for Light Atoms

We compare the electron densities and Hartree potentials in the local density and the Hartree-Fock approximations to the corresponding quantities obtained from more accurate correlated wavefunctions. The comparison is made for a number of two-electron atoms, Li, and for Be. The Hartree-Fock approximation is more accurate than the local density approximation within the 1s shell and for the spin pol

Diffusion of the Balanced Scorecard in the Swedish Municipality Sector

This article examines the introduction of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) among municipalities in Sweden from a diffusion perspective. The point of departure in the article is that there is a gap in our understanding concerning the diffusion of new management accounting constructs. Over the last decade, research has largely been based on empirical evidence regarding early adopters. Furthermore, these

Introductory Study of Variable Valve Actuation for Pneumatic Hybridization

Urban traffic involves frequent acceleration and deceleration. During deceleration, the energy previously used to accelerate the vehicle is mainly wasted on heat generated by the friction brakes. If this energy that is wasted in traditional IC engines could be saved, the fuel economy would improve. One solution to this is a pneumatic hybrid using variable valve timing to compress air during decele

Synthesis of biomimetic precursors of isovelleral analogues.

Based on how the mushroom Lactarius vellereus converts an inactive precursor into the cytotoxic dialdehyde isovelleral (1) via a cyclic enol ether, as part of a binary chemical defense system that protects the fruit bodies against parasites, a synthetic way to obtain analogous dialdehydes masked in the same way has been developed. As isovelleral analogues (e.g. 2 and 3) possess extremely potent cy

Effects of enhanced ultraviolet-B radiation on subarctic ecosystems

Popular Abstract in Swedish I takt med att den stratosferiska ozonskikten tunnas ut når mera av solens skadliga ultraviolet-B strålning (UV-B, 280 - 320 nm) jordytan. I avhandlingen beskrivs det effekter av ökad UV-B strålning på komponenter (mossor) och processer (nedbrytning av förna, biomassa produktion, arternas samspel) i ekosystem på höga breddgrader. Experiment utfördes där en hed och en myBiologically harmful ultraviolet-B radiation (UV-B, 280-320 nm) is increasing at the Earth´s surface owing to stratospheric ozone depletion. This is of global concern due to potential impacts of enhanced UV-B radiation on the biosphere. The aim of this thesis was to investigate effects of enhanced UV-B radiation on components (bryophytes) and processes (decomposition, productivity, species interac

Biologically Interesting Compounds from Natural Sources.

Natural products have traditionally played a major role in the drug discovery process. Besides constituting extremely popular drugs in the market, and an ever-increasing source of interesting and novel chemical structures, they have also aided the characterization of many a pharmacological target. And although natural product-oriented research has suffered from a declining interest from the pharma