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Your search for "*" yielded 524942 hits

The impact of identity meaning and voluntary simplicity on second-hand clothing (SHC) consumption from the consumer’s perspective.

Shopping for second-hand clothes is a phenomenon that has been on the rise, especially for the last twenty years. Second-hand clothes (SHC) consumption is a consumer-generated shopping trend whose consumers are discursively creating new identity meaning(s) for themselves out of their consumption. It has changed the outlook to become a fashionable trend in the last 20 years and is positively influe

Willingness to Pay (WTP) for COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Dose and Its Determinants in Indonesia

Willingness to pay (WTP) for booster doses of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccines is an under studied research topic. Therefore, the current study aimed to investigate the WTP for the booster doses of COVID-19 vaccines and its predictors in Indonesia using an online survey distributed all over the provinces of this low-middle-income country. The WTP was evaluated using a basic dichotomous

Demolish, recycle, build new or renovate – energy use throughout the life cycle.

The building industry has a major impact on the global carbon emissions, the use of natural resources and generation of waste. A drastic change is needed for this industry to be a part of a sustainable future. Within this research, a case study is performed to investigate how cultural values of a building can be preserved when energy efficiency measures are taken, with a low global warming potenti

Gender and Preferences in the Labor Market: Insights from Experiments

Despite increased female educational attainment and labor market participation, labor markets around the world remain characterized by vertical and horizontal gender segregation. This chapter reviews recent findings from the experimental economics literature that shed light on some of the causes of gender differences in labor market outcomes. First, it reviews the recent literature using incentivi

Efficacy of eicosapentaenoic acid in inflammatory depression : study protocol for a match-mismatch trial

Background: Most antidepressant treatment studies have included patients strictly based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders definition of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). Given the heterogeneity of MDD, this approach may have obscured inter-patient differences and hampered the development of novel and targeted treatment strategies. An alternative strategy is ​​to use bioma

Wood structure explained by complex spatial source-sink interactions

Wood is a remarkable material with great cultural, economic, and biogeochemical importance. However, our understanding of its formation is poor. Key properties that have not been explained include the anatomy of growth rings (with consistent transitions from low-density earlywood to high density latewood), strong temperature-dependence of latewood density (used for historical temperature reconstru

The Yellow-browed Warbler (Phylloscopus inornatus) as a model to understand vagrancy and its potential for the evolution of new migration routes

Why and how new migration routes emerge remain fundamental questions in ecology, particularly in the context of current global changes. In its early stages, when few individuals are involved, the evolution of new migration routes can be easily confused with vagrancy, i.e. the occurrence of individuals outside their regular breeding, non-breeding or migratory distribution ranges. Yet, vagrancy can

A measurement of the K + → π + μ + μ− decay

A sample of 2.8 × 104K+ → π+μ+μ− candidates with negligible background was collected by the NA62 experiment at the CERN SPS in 2017–2018. The model-independent branching fraction is measured to be (9.15 ± 0.08) × 10−8, a factor three more precise than previous measurements. The decay form factor is presented as a function of the squared dimuon mass. A measurement of the form factor parameters and

Double-hit separation and dE/dx resolution of a time projection chamber with GEM readout

A time projection chamber (TPC) with micropattern gaseous detector (MPGD) readout is investigated as main tracking device of the International Large Detector (ILD) concept at the planned International Linear Collider (ILC). A prototype TPC equipped with a triple gas electron multiplier (GEM) readout has been built and operated in an electron test beam. The TPC was placed in a 1 T solenoidal field

New contributions of measurements in Europe to the global inventory of the stable isotopic composition of methane

Recent climate change mitigation strategies rely on the reduction of methane (CH4) emissions. Carbon and hydrogen isotope ratio (δ13CCH4 and δ2HCH4) measurements can be used to distinguish sources and thus to understand the CH4 budget better. The CH4 emission estimates by models are sensitive to the isotopic signatures assigned to each source category, so it is important to provide representative

Learning Online Multi-sensor Depth Fusion

Many hand-held or mixed reality devices are used with a single sensor for 3D reconstruction, although they often comprise multiple sensors. Multi-sensor depth fusion is able to substantially improve the robustness and accuracy of 3D reconstruction methods, but existing techniques are not robust enough to handle sensors which operate with diverse value ranges as well as noise and outlier statistics

Barns upplevelser av delaktighet inom cancervård

Bakgrund: I Sverige överlever åttiofem procent av alla barn under femton år sin cancersjukdom. Utvecklingen av medicinsk teknik och behandlingar har bidragit till att allt fler barn överlever sjukdomen. Upplevelsen av barncancervård är väl utforskat utifrån föräldrars upplevelser, men studier om barns egna upplevelser är svårare att hitta. Genom att sammanställa de studier som undersöker barns upp

Unraveling the Reaction Mechanism of Mo/Cu CO Dehydrogenase Using QM/MM Calculations

Some microorganisms, like the aerobic soil bacteria, Oligotropha carboxidovorans, have the capability to oxidize the highly toxic atmospheric gas carbon monoxide (CO) into CO2 through CO dehydrogenase enzymes, whose active site contains a bimetallic MoCu center. Over the last decades, a number of experimental and theoretical investigations were devoted to understanding the mechanism of CO oxidatio

Maximizing QRS duration reduction in contemporary cardiac resynchronization therapy is feasible and shorter QRS duration is associated with better clinical outcome

AbstractBackground We aimed to evaluate if optimization by maximizing QRS duration (QRSd) reduction is feasible in an all-comercardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) population, and if reduced, QRSd is associated with a better clinical outcome.Methods Patients with LBBB receiving CRT implants during the period 2015–2020 were retrospectively evaluated. Implantsfrom 2015–2017 were designated as conBackgroundWe aimed to evaluate if optimization by maximizing QRS duration (QRSd) reduction is feasible in an all-comer cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) population, and if reduced, QRSd is associated with a better clinical outcome.MethodsPatients with LBBB receiving CRT implants during the period 2015–2020 were retrospectively evaluated. Implants from 2015–2017 were designated as controls. S