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Norian SRS versus functional treatment in redisplaced distal radial fractures: A randomized study in 20 patients

We compared the use of Norian SRS, an injectable calcium phosphate bone cement, with functional treatment of redisplaced distal radial fractures in a prospective randomized study of 20 patients. The redisplaced fractures were either rereduced and stabilized by Norian SRS, or the displaced position was accepted and was not rereduced. All wrists were immobilized in a short-arm dorsal splint for 1 we

Aerosol elemental concentrations in the tropopause region from intercontinental flights with the Civil Aircraft for Regular Investigation of the Atmosphere Based on an Instrument Container (CARIBIC) platform

This study with the Civil Aircraft for Regular Investigation of the Atmosphere Based on an Instrument Container (CARIBIC) platform investigates the aerosol elemental concentrations at 9-11 km altitude in the northern hemisphere. Measurements from 31 intercontinental flights over a 2-year period between Germany and Sri Lanka/Maldives in the Indian Ocean are presented. Aerosol samples were collected

Pravastatin treatment increases collagen content and decreases lipid content, inflammation, metalloproteinases, and cell death in human carotid plaques - Implications for plaque stabilization

Background--The clinical benefits of lipid lowering with statins are attributed to changes in plaque composition leading to lesion stability, but supporting clinical data from human studies are lacking. Therefore, we investigated the effect of 3 months of pravastatin treatment on composition of human carotid plaques removed during carotid endarterectomy. Methods and Results--Consecutive patients w

Unusual vascular responses in the umbilical artery, mediated by endothelin-like receptors

Popular Abstract in Swedish Kontrollmekanismerna rörande blodcirkulationen i den mänskliga fetoplacentära enheten är fortfarande inte fullständigt kända, trots genomgripande undersökningar. Det är dock känt att den är viktig för att kunna bibehålla en normal graviditet och för att kunna frambrigna ett friskt nyfött barn. Om kontrollen brister kan utgången försämras i form av tillstånd såsom preeklIn this present study the population of endothelin-like receptors in the human umbilical artery was examined in vitro in different parts of the umbilical cord. Immunohistochemistry revealed ETB receptors in the endothelium and an uneven distribution of ETA receptors in the smooth muscle of the arterial wall, when comparing different parts of the umbilical artery. ET-1 induced vasoconstriction wa

Språket i universum : Polhem och alfabetskonsten

The Swedish inventor Christopher Polhem had an idea of a universal language which occupied him for decades, i.e. a perfect language which can be spoken and understood by everyone, by the educated and non educated alike, and no matter where they come from. Polhem did a large number of sketches for such a universal language, among others a manuscript concerning a lunar language, which was completely

Determination of cotinine in urine using glass capillary gas chromatography and selective detection, with special reference to the biological monitoring of passive smoking

A capillary gas chromatographic (GC) method using selected-ion monitoring (SIM) was developed for the analysis of cotinine (C.A.S. No. 486-56-6) in human urine. The method is based on basic extraction of cotinine from 2 ml of urine into dichloromethane. After evaporation of the dichloromethane solution to dryness, 100 microliters of toluene were added, prior to GC-mass spectrometric (MS) analysis.

High-resolution In-beam Particle-gamma Coincidence Spectroscopy

A short summary of the present status of prompt particle decays in the mass A similar to 60 region is presented. It includes recent results from a GAMMASPHERE experiment, which aimed at the combined high-resolution spectroscopy of light charged particles and gamma-rays to allow for more detailed studies of known decays and the identification of new cases of discrete prompt proton and a-particle em

Survival of women with breast cancer in relation to smoking

OBJECTIVE: To compare survival of patients with breast cancer who had never smoked, were smokers, and who were ex-smokers. DESIGN: Observational study. SETTING: City of Malmo, Sweden. PATIENTS: 792 patients with breast cancer diagnosed between 1977-1986 in the Malmo mammographic screening trial. INTERVENTIONS: Follow-up of breast cancer cases through record-linkage with the Swedish Cause of Death

The Immigrant Experience: Changing Employment and Income Patterns in Sweden, 1970 - 1993.

This thesis explores the changing patterns of employment and income assimilation among male immigrants to Sweden. In brief, the results of this work are that immigrants have been facing an increasingly difficult time integrating into the Swedish economy. This difficulty has not been caused by decreasing “quality” of the newer immigrant cohorts, as has often been the argument in the literature. Rat

Arbetslöshetsfrågan i historisk belysning : en diskussion om arbetslöshet och social politik i Sverige 1830-1920

Popular Abstract in Swedish I debatterna om sociala och ekonomiska frågor under 1800-talets första hälft utvecklades grundvalarna för de förhållningssätt till arbetslöshetsfrågan som sedan återkommit i skilda former. Det gällde t.ex. det perspektiv som betonade politikens roll och behovet av statlig intervention för att stimulera produktion och sysselsättning. Det gällde också det renodlade marknaLabour market policy has been at the forefront of economic and political debate in Sweden during the postwar period. Much research effort has been focused on the evolution of labour market policy and its historical roots. The time-perspective has often been narrow, however, and has very seldom extended to include the period prior to the first two decades of the twentieth century. This study emphas

Diameter and compliance in the male human abdominal aorta: influence of age and aortic aneurysm

In this study changes in the diameter and compliance of the distal abdominal aorta (76 healthy Caucasian males, 5-71 years old) were determined non-invasively and related to age by means of an ultrasound phase-locked echo-tracking system. The diameter of the aorta increased not only in the period between 5 and 25 years of age, but also by about 30% between the ages of 25 and 71. The pressure diame