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Is Bitcoin a Safe Haven?

The objective of this bachelor thesis is to assess the safe haven property of Bitcoin by conducting an augmented Dickey-Fuller test and Engle and Granger cointegration test with price data from the COVID-19 crash. The analysis revealed a cointegration relationship between Bitcoin and the S&P 500, indicating a long-run equilibrium between the two and thus providing evidence against the safe hav

A Sustainable Pioneer in a House on Fire

This paper examines the impact of the Paris agreement on firms on the Swedish stock market. Additionally, the firms were also categorized into sustainable and unsustainable firms by their Environmental Pillar Score (which is part of the ESG score) in order to investigate performance differences between the two groups. On top of that, a comparison between sustainable firms with the market index OMX

Negativa utbudsstörningars påverkan på konsumentprisinflationen i Sverige mellan 1998–2022

This paper examines how negative supply shocks in the form of the oil price and disruptions in the global value chains have affected Swedish consumer price inflation in two periods: 1998Q1- 2022Q3 and 1998Q1-2019Q4. The results from the time series regressions supports the two hypotheses that both the oil price and disruptions in the global value chains have a positive impact on consumer price

Do strong English skills boost international trade?

The aim of this paper is to analyze the relationship between English proficiency and trade. The question that this examination will try to answer is “do strong English skills boost international trade?”. That a common official language has a positive effect on bilateral trade flows have been confirmed by many. This paper will instead focus on English as a second language and will study whether cou

Reala kostnaderna för Home Bias

Home Bias är ett fenomenen som innebär att investerare inte optimerar sina aktieportföljer, utan har en tendens att övervikta mot inhemska tillgångar. Med den utökade digitaliseringen, som utvecklas varje år, och som resultat innebär att information från runt om i världen är lättare att få tag på. I den finansiella världen så innebär det att det är lättare att få tag på information för utländska f

Private Equity and Venture Capital Investment Attractiveness

This paper is a cross-country study on how national culture affects institutional private equity and venture capital investments in Europe and is based on the previous works of Groh, Liechtenstein and Lieser (2010) and Hofstede, Hofstede and Minkov (2011). We argue that national culture affects capital allocation and that this parameter is often missing in the contemporary discourse on the drivers

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Min diktsamling fick 1a priset ex-æquo vid poesitävlingen "I Murazzi 2023". Priset bestod i en utgivning hos förlaget Genesi editrice.

Modeling fibrotic alveolar transitional cells with pluripotent stem cell-derived alveolar organoids

Repeated injury of the lung epithelium is proposed to be the main driver of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). However, available therapies do not specifically target the epithelium and human models of fibrotic epithelial damage with suitability for drug discovery are lacking. We developed a model of the aberrant epithelial reprogramming observed in IPF using alveolar organoids derived from huma

The Role of Social Norms in Reducing Corruption in Education : A Case Study of Schools in Hanoi-Vietnam

This research report presents empirical findings from an ethnographic study of the role of informal social norms in reducing corruption in public and private schools in Hanoi. The study begins by building a theoretical framework that inculcates the significance of local informal social norms in analysing/understanding corruption and designing counteraction strategies, especially at the sub-nationa

Looking for Sápmi: Navigating representations of Sámi history and Sámi culture in Southern Sweden

In Skåne, Southern region of Sweden, where the idea that no Sámis live in the area is largely spread across the Swedish population, the few Sámis living there find themselves navigating their ethnic identity, between performativity, agency, and making use of the policies implemented at a national level. In a context of ongoing decolonisation of the Sámis and their lands, official institutions such

Human CEACAM1 is targeted by a Streptococcus pyogenes adhesin implicated in puerperal sepsis pathogenesis

Life-threatening bacterial infections in women after childbirth, known as puerperal sepsis, resulted in classical epidemics and remain a global health problem. While outbreaks of puerperal sepsis have been ascribed to Streptococcus pyogenes, little is known about disease mechanisms. Here, we show that the bacterial R28 protein, which is epidemiologically associated with outbreaks of puerperal seps

Metabolomics-based analysis in Daphnia magna after exposure to low environmental concentrations of polystyrene nanoparticles

Larger plastic pieces break down into micro- and eventually nano-sized plastics. This makes nanoplastics ubiquitous in the environment, giving rise to great concern for its effect on biota. Many studies use polystyrene nanoparticles (PS-NPs) as a model for nanoplastics, showing a negative impact on various organisms, but the molecular effects are yet not fully explored. Here we applied 1H nuclear

Treatment outcome and factors affecting time to recovery in children with severe acute malnutrition treated at outpatient therapeutic care program

BackgroundThe outpatient therapeutic care program (OTP) of children with severe acute malnutrition (SAM) has been decentralized to health post level in Ethiopia since 2008–2009. However, there is a lack of evidence regarding treatment outcomes and factors related to the duration of stay on treatment after its decentralization to health post level.ObjectiveThis study was aimed to assess treatment o

Ankle-foot orthoses among children with cerebral palsy : a cross-sectional population-based register study of 8,928 children living in Northern Europe

BACKGROUND: Cerebral palsy (CP) is an umbrella term where an injury to the immature brain affects muscle tone and motor control, posture, and at times, the ability to walk and stand. Orthoses can be used to improve or maintain function. Ankle-foot orthoses (AFOs) are the most frequently used orthoses in children with CP. However, how commonly AFOs are used by children and adolescents with CP is st

Autoimmunity in Long Covid and POTS

Orthostatic intolerance and other autonomic dysfunction syndromes are emerging as distinct symptom clusters in Long Covid. Often accompanying these are common, multi-system constitutional features such as fatigue, malaise and skin rashes which can signify generalized immune dysregulation. At the same time, multiple autoantibodies are identified in both Covid-related autonomic disorders and non-Cov

Design of AI to prevent and counteract work-related mental illness

Stress och annan arbetsrelaterad psykisk ohälsa blir allt vanligare. Hur kan AI nyttjas för att förebygga och förhindra psykisk ohälsa på arbetsplatsen?Artificial intelligence (AI) is an emerging technology with the potential to revolutionize the field of mental health. As the prevalence of mental health issues continues to rise, there is a growing need for effective and accessible interventions. This master’s thesis is done in collaboration with Prevas South in Malmö at the UX department. The scope of the project was to investigate how AI can be

Permanently stored, permanently trapped? A study on the risk of carbon lock-in through the German-Norwegian partnership in CCS and hydrogen

As the climate crisis becomes more severe, carbon capture and storage (CCS) is increasingly seen as a viable option to help mitigate climate change. However, one risk with regard to CCS is that it locks us into the use of carbon-based energy sources and industry, creating a carbon lock-in. Looking at the German-Norwegian partnership to store German CO2 in Norway and to provide hydrogen in return,

Byggemenskaper och beträdor

I det här projektet söks en balans mellan den högproduktiva jordbruksmarken och de boendemiljöer som existerar sida vid sida i södra Skåne. Projektet fokuserar på byn Grönby i utkanten av Trelleborgs kommun som en slags testbädd. I södra Skåne är många byar likt Grönby omgärdade av ett landskap starkt präglat av ett storskaligt jordbruk. Här återfinns den allemansrättsliga marken fragmenterad och

Nivågruppering i fokus - En studie om undervisning i gehörs- och musiklära

Under vår utbildning har vi blivit intresserade av nivågruppering. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur nivågruppering används i gehörs- och musiklära samt dess påverkan på undervisningen. I tidigare forskning presenteras litteratur som vi har valt att dela upp i följande områden: nivågruppering som verktyg för ökad trivsel och ökad kunskap, att undervisa med nivågruppering, mindset, inlärd hjäDuring our education we have developed an interest in level grouping. The purpose of the study is to investigate how schools are using level grouping and what effects it has on education. The literature chapter presents sources that we have divided into areas: level grouping as a tool for increased well-being and increased knowledge, to teach with level grouping, mindset, fixity and learned helple