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Har förhållandet mellan Aktiemarknaden och Bostadsmarknaden förändrats på grund av regleringar? - En Ekonometrisk analys

A frequently asked question is if owning real estate is a good asset to diversify one's portfolio from the stock market. A common perception is that it favors the portfolio since the two assets are segmentated. Earlier studies came to the conclusion that there is a weak or even negative correlation which is often considered as the basis for this argument. The question is if the stock market an

Moving from shareholder to stakeholder value : an investigation into blockchain and its ability to govern common pool resources and incentivize collaborative behavior

The transgression of Earth’s nine planetary boundaries is a phenomena that will have consequences shared by us all. Contemporary political and economic paradigms vow for the substitution of Earth’s limited natural capital with growing human capital for our self-aggrandizing interests. Based on the lack of collective action towards sustainability, international bodies such as the Intergovernmental

Knowledge Sharing in the Public Sector: An Affordance Approach of ICT

Research question: How do the affordances of information and communications technology support knowledge sharing in the public sector? Contribution: With this study, we aim to contribute to the literature of qualitative research on knowledge sharing within the context of the public sector. Adapting an affordance perspective we focus on the employees’ use of information and communications technolo

”Välkommen hela veckan” : bemötande och library anxiety på ett svenskt högskolebibliotek

The aim of this study is to examine the experiences and views of the library staff at a Swedish academic library on the concept of library anxiety – a feeling of discomfort on a physiological and behavioral level that appears in a library context. Nine of the library staff members at the University Library were interviewed through focus groups about their experiences with, and opinions on, the use

What about disposition? Exploring millennials’ clothing disposal behaviours in fashion-oriented impulse buying.

The frequent restocking of stores and constant promotional offers associated with fast fashion presents the physical cues for consumers to engage in fashion-oriented impulse buying. This consumption behaviour has led to over consumption and the underutilization of clothes, adding to the problems of textile waste all over the world. Despite the increasing interest in consumers’ disposition behaviou

Voices of the flight-free visionary : an overview of the ‘staying on the ground’ narratives and their position in relation to (neoliberal) mobility hegemony

Förenta nationernas klimatpanel (IPCC) uppmuntrar till djup och snabb omvandling inom varje ekonomisk sektor för att förebygga eskalerande klimatförändringar. I detta sammanhang har en offentlig och politisk debatt om luftfart som en stor källa till koldioxidutsläpp uppstått i Sverige med ökande antal människor som förklarar att de ”håller sig på jorden”. Trots att forskning har undersökt motivatiThe Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is encouraging profound and rapid transformation in every economic sector to mitigate escalating climate change. In this context, a public and political debate about aviation as a high-carbon source has emerged in Sweden with growing numbers of people declaring that they are “staying on the ground”. Despite increased research that explores the motivati

The Effects of Motivational Orientation on Entrepreneurial Well-Being

Different from the short-lived pleasure of hedonic well-being, eudaimonic well-being conceptualizes the often effortful but fulfilling nature of self-actualization. Eudaimonia has recently started to attract attention in entrepreneurship literature because it promises to reflect the specific attributes of entrepreneurial well-being. This study sets out to apply the concept to the context of socia

Under sekretess : Arkivariers resonemang och dilemman kring sekretessbelagda handlingar

Archivists tackle a variety of problems in their daily work, among them are issues concerning privacy-based material. This work demands a good understanding of the laws which govern this practice, laws comprising the Freedom of the Press Act (tryckfrihetsförordningen SFS 1949:105), the Public Access and Security Act (offentlighets- och sekretsslagen SFS 2009:400), and the Archival Law (arkivlagen

A wind of change in Germany: From local opposition against wind energy towards the national social movement Vernunftkraft

To reach the targets of the Paris Agreement and reduce its CO2 emissions, the expansion of wind energy on land as part of the so-called ‘Energiewende’ (energy transition) is of major significance for Germany. Yet, these sustainability endeavors are under serious attack due to a multitude of protesters that oppose wind energy efforts and unite under the label ‘Vernunftkraft’ to resist the energy tr

Walking a tightrope towards sustainability : a multi-level transition analysis of Iranian Nature Schools as an alternative educational initiative

Sustainable development requires a change of values, norms, and capabilities within individuals and societies, and education is a crucial means to achieve these goals. However, transformation is not a simple task as dominant structures due to path-dependency and lock-in processes resist change, put pressure on innovative approaches, and hinder their potential for change. Thus the question is how s

Learning from nature? : a framework to assess the sustainability of biomimicry product design applications

Products and systems form the bridge between production and consumption, helping to shape our society and lifestyles. Biomimicry uses design principles based on those seen in nature, aiming to emulate the natural sustainability seen from the 3.8 billion years of life on earth. However, there is no current measure to determine how sustainable applications of biomimicry actually are. The aim of this

The Revaluation Effect Following M&A Withdrawals: Evidence from Europe between 1997-2019

The main purpose of this study is to examine the revaluation effect on European target firms following a withdrawn bid. Thereto, investigate if different deal characteristics including method of payment, company status, cross-border versus domestic, and industry relatedness cause any variation in the revaluation effect on target firm wealth. This thesis employs a quantitative research approach by

Conceptualizing Alignment of People in Organizational Contexts: A Systematic Review of 13 Meta-Analyses

This thesis aims to examine the focus in present literature on the alignment of people in an organizational context with regards to its conceptualization, whether it is seen as dependent or independent variable, its antecedents, its outcomes and how it can be measured. Therefore, a systematic review has been conducted, investigating the findings of 13 meta-analyses on the alignment of people. Res

Impact of Environment-related CSR Activities on Consumer Perception and Purchasing Behaviour in the Global Fashion Industry: A Case Study of “Traditional” and “Sustainability-Driven” Firms - H&M and Tentree

The purpose of this study is to investigate the difference in consumer perception of and purchasing behaviour towards two different categories of companies (“traditional” fast fashion brands and “sustainability-driven” sustainable/slow fashion brands) and their environment-related CSR activities in the global fashion industry. The primary objectives of this paper are to determine if “sustainabilit

Governing the emerging sociotechnical imaginary of a climate-positive Sweden : an exploration of the political discussion on negative emissions technologies as a climate change solution

In recent years, negative emissions technologies (NETs) have gained attention as a strategy to tackle climate change. While the academic debate on NETs has been heated, international and national governance frameworks for regulating and incentivising the technologies largely remain unseen. In this thesis, I add to a growing debate concerning the governance of NETs with an empirical investigation o

Mobile Social Commerce in China: The Interactive Role of Platforms

Title: Mobile Social Commerce in China: The interactive role of platforms Date of the seminar: 4 June 2019 Course: BUSN39 Degree Project in Global Marketing Authors: Jiewen Cheng & Svenja Sabrina Tänzer Supervisor: Tommy Shih Keywords: mobile s-commerce platforms, interaction, communication, community, commerce Thesis purpose: This thesis aims to give a better understanding of the intera

Finding your passion: The influence of entrepreneurial passion on the career path of entrepreneurship graduates

Entrepreneurial passion (EP) has been hailed as a facilitator of venture performance,entrepreneurial skills, and psychological wellbeing. Yet, the concept is underexplored in entrepreneurship research, specifically among entrepreneurship graduates. This thesis aims to understand the influence of EP on the career path of entrepreneurship graduates by studying eight recent graduates from two Scandin

A dynamical system with oscillating time average

Given a discrete dynamical system T, one can ask what the time average of the system will be, that is, what is the average position of T^n(x) for large n? Birkhoff’s ergodic theorem, one of the most important results in ergodic theory, says that for an ergodic system on a finite measure space, the time average will in the limit as n -> infinity be equal to the space average for almost all initial

Kvinnors upplevelse av omvårdnad i samband med abort

Bakgrund: I Sverige genomförs upp till 38 000 aborter per år och är en påfrestande situation för kvinnor som genomgår processen. Ett bra bemötande kan öka chansen till välbefinnande hos dessa kvinnor. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att belysa hur kvinnor upplever omvårdnaden vid abort. Metod: En litteraturstudie genomfördes baserad på 9 artiklar från hela världen, data analyserades med integrerad a