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Strong phonon replicas in Be 1s photoemission spectra

Strong phonon replicas in Be 1s photoemission spectra were investigated. The fine structure caused by intrinsic excitation of a narrow band of optical phonons was discussed in the 1s photoemission proces. The excitations of the optical Be phonons in the photoemission process caused fine structures. It was found that the phonon replicas in Be metal were strong due to large size misfit between neutr

Improvement in Time-domain IP Data Quality with Multi-electrode Systems by Separating Current and Potential Cables

Good quality time-domain IP data can be obtained using multi-electrode resistivity-IP equipment and standard electrode cable layouts at sites with favourable electrode contact. High contact resistances often result in low signal levels and capacitive coupling problems making the IP signals drown in noise. We tested an approach for measuring with separated cable spreads for current transmission and

Numerical investigation of two-phase aqueous foam flow for heat exchanger applications

This work details investigation of two-phase aqueous foam flow, which is applicable for developing energy-efficient heat exchangers. In such heat exchangers, heat transfer rates are enhanced due to the structure and properties of aqueous foam, namely gas bubbles separated by a thin liquid film. Aqueous foam is noted to have an especially large inter-phase contact surface and reduced surface tensio

Syrian Water Resources between the Present and the Future

Water scarcity is one of the main challenges facing Middle Eastern countries. A typical country in this respect is Syria. This paper estimates projections for the available water resources, water balance, and available water per capita (AWPC) in Syria until 2050 in relation to possible future climate changes, national development agendas, water constraints, and water management alternatives. Resul

Cybernorms and Virtual Solidarity

The sharing of computer programs, movies and music over the Internet marks an all time high in the persistent controversy between intellectual property owners and reproduction technologies as file sharing has gradually become a natural element in the everyday life of today’s younger generations. At present, the magnitude of the expanding gulf between traditional society’s intellectual property rig