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A test of models for fungal growth based on metabolic heat rate measurements

This paper presents a test of modelling of fungal growth based on the heat produced by Penicillium roqueforti growing on malt extract agar. Thermal power (heat production rate) of P. roqueforti was measured by isothermal calorimetry at 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30°C. The equivalent diameter of similar colonies growing at 20°C were measured by image analysis. Four predictive equations including time lag w

Increased prevalence of gastrointestinal symptoms associated with impaired quality of life in renal transplant recipients.

Background. Immunosuppressive therapies have been associated with gastrointestinal (GI) side effects, which may impair health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Methods. In this survey, 4,232 renal transplant recipients from Denmark, Finland, Nor-way, and Sweden completed the Short-Form 36 (SF-36) questionnaire and the Gastrointestinal Symptom Rating Scale (GSRS). SF-36 scores were compared with cou

Users on the Agenda - Strategies and Theories

This chapter highlights user perspectives related to the development of ICT and the launching of political strategies to involve users in the IT society. Strategies are discussed in relation to cooperation between technical and social scientists. The author points to the fact that the diffrences between various theoretical understandings of the interaction between technology and social change tend

Woven convolutional codes I: Encoder properties

Encoders for convolutional codes with large free distances can be constructed by combining several less powerful convolutional encoders. This paper is devoted to constructions in which the constituent convolutional codes are woven together in a manner that resembles the structure of a fabric. The general construction is called twill and it is described together with two special cases, viz., woven

Chest x ray films from construction workers: International Labour Office (ILO 1980) classification compared with routine readings

The extent of agreement between International Labour Office (ILO) and clinical readings of chest x ray films from construction workers was studied. From a survey of 5898 workers 258 subjects with a profusion of small opacities of > or = 1/1 and a stratified sample of subjects with profusion < 1/1 were selected. Only 41% of the films classified as ILO profusion category > or = 1/1 were clinically r

Protein kinase A-dependent and -independent stimulation of exocytosis by cAMP in mouse pancreatic B-cells

1. The mechanisms by which cAMP stimulates Ca(2+)-dependent insulin secretion were investigated by combining measurements of whole-cell Ca2+ currents, the cytoplasmic free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) and membrane capacitance in single mouse B-cells maintained in tissue culture. 2. Cyclic AMP stimulated exocytosis > 4-fold in whole-cell experiments in which secretion was evoked by intracellular di

Ion binding to interfaces

A multitude of crucial chemical phenomena occur in the region where an aqueous medium meets a more apolar environment. The change in the character of the medium can be due to a macroscopic phase boundary, but it is much more common that it is due to the presence of an aggregate, a macromolecule or even an apolar molecule of moderate size. One aspect of such a transition region from polar to apolar

Membrane protein isolation by in situ solubilization, partitioning and affinity adsorption in aqueous two-phase systems - Purification of the human type 1 11 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase

Recently developed aqueous two-phase systems based on non-ionic detergents and polymers are suitable for the separation of membrane proteins. Moreover, within this relatively membrane protein "friendly" environment, changes in temperature can be controlled and stabilizing agents may be added to ensure integrity of the target protein during isolation. Here, we use aqueous two-phase partitioning for

Virus tropism and neutralization response in SIV infection

Popular Abstract in Swedish Sedan 1981, då de första fallen av AIDS beskrevs, har 25 miljoner människor dött på grund av att de har blivit smittade av immunbristviruset HIV . Det finns idag mer än 40 miljoner människor som lever med HIV eller AIDS. SIV är apsläktets variant på HIV och orsakar normalt ingen sjukdom hos sina värddjur som är olika afrikanska apor, men då asiatiska apor, t. ex. makakeSimian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infections in macaques are commonly used as models to study the pathogenesis of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Both SIV and HIV normally use the CD4 receptor and an additional coreceptor for cell entry. The most common coreceptors used by HIV are CCR5 and CXCR4. SIV use CCR5 and rarely CXCR4 but may use other coreceptors as alternatives. We have studied vi

High basal metabolic rates of shorebirds while in the arctic: A circumpolar view

The basal metabolic rate (BMR) of Old World long-distance-migrant shorebirds has been found to vary along their migration route. On average, BMR is highest in the Arctic at the start of fall migration, intermediate at temperate latitudes, and lowest on the tropical wintering grounds. As a test of the generality of this pattern, we measured the BMR of one adult and 44 juvenile shorebirds of 10 spec

The nuclear mass at finite angular momenta

The definition of experimental shell energies for nuclear ground states is generalized to finite angular momenta corresponding to a systematic expansion of the (N, Z)-plane to an (N, Z, I) space. Special emphasis is put on high-spin states where it is expected that odd and even nuclei should have similar properties. Different coupling schemes are compared and energetically favoured conditions to b

The subacromial space in normal shoulder radiographs

The subacromial space in standard anteroposterior radiographs of 175 normal shoulders was between 9 and 10 mm. The space was significantly greater in men, with a slight reduction with age. In middle age, a subacromial space less than 6 mm is pathological, possibly indicating supraspinatus tendon rupture.