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Our continuously changing global environment requires continuous and detailed monitoring for us to understand how ecosystems are structured and function in response to climatic changes. Understanding the arctic ecosystems is of particular importance (Oechel et al., 1997). Indeed, rather than in boreal and temperate regions, the forecasted climatic changes will be first and most pronounced in the A

Pseudomonas aeruginosa Uses Dihydrolipoamide Dehydrogenase (Lpd) to Bind to the Human Terminal Pathway Regulators Vitronectin and Clusterin to Inhibit Terminal Pathway Complement Attack.

The opportunistic human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa controls host innate immune and complement attack. Here we identify Dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase (Lpd), a 57 kDa moonlighting protein, as the first P. aeruginosa protein that binds the two human terminal pathway inhibitors vitronectin and clusterin. Both human regulators when bound to the bacterium inhibited effector function of the termina

Production of pi/K/p from intermediate to high p(T) in pp, p-Pb and Pb-Pb collisions measured by ALICE

In this work the results on the transverse momentum distributions (similar to 0.3 < p(T) < 15 GeV/c) of charged pions, kaons and (anti)protons, measured in pp and Pb-Pb collisions at root S-NN = 2.76 TeV and in p-Pb collisions at root S-NN = 5.02 TeV, presented. The evolution of the spectral shapes and particle ratios with multiplicity is shown and the similarities among the different systems are

Pushed into Unemployment, Pulled into Retirement: Facing Old Age in Gothenburg, 1923-1943

Along with rapid growth and improved standards of living, the first decades of the twentieth century saw the introduction of new technology and new ways to organize production. There are contrasting views on what impact these developments, often summarized as the Second Industrial Revolution, had on the situation of old men in the labour market. Some contemporary observers and modern-day historian

Planar Motion and Visual Odometry: Pose Estimation from Homographies

This thesis concerns ego-motion and pose estimation of a single camera under the assumptions of planar motion and constant internal camera parameters. Planar motion is common for cameras mounted onto mobile robots, particularly in indoor scenarios, as they remain at a constant height above the ground plane. In Paper A, a parametrisation of the camera motion and pose is presented, along with an ite

On Aniridia in Sweden and Norway

Introduction Aniridia (iris more or less missing), is a congenital, dominant, inherited, serious and sight-threatening disease, most often appearing as an isolated eye disorder. It is caused by mutations in the PAX6 gene, the master gene of the development of the eye. Typically, Aniridia causes severe visual impairment. In addition to glare caused by the iris defect, underdevelopment of the macula

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Abstract in Danish I den vestlige del af Limfjorden findes en række kystklinter, hvor eocæne lag er blottet. Moler er en ca. 55-56 millioner år gammel diatomit, som indeholder lag af uforvitret vulkansk aske samt et stort antal velbevarede marine og terrestriske fossiler. Stolleklint Leret og Fur Formationen har et usædvanligt fossilselskab med mange repræsentanter for insekter, fisk, fugle og ski

Drought, death and the sun in Ugarit and ancient Israel : A philological and comparative study

The sun and its heat are two of the most universal symbols known to humanity, yet their supposed meanings vary greatly. The sun can be thought of as a giver of life, but its hot and scorching rays can also be associated with drought and the powers of destruction. The present study concerns the latter view of the sun and related ideas as reflected in the Hebrew Bible and the cuneiform alphabetic te

Projektet utifrån institutionspersonalens perspektiv

Syftet med denna studie är att utifrån mitt empiriska material kartlägga och beskriva hur de anställda på de särskilda ungdomshemmen tolkar, definierar, och upplever ett behandlingsprojekt, som involverade olika myndigheter, benämnt Motverka Våld och Gäng. Dessutom uppmärksammas hur de anställda samordnarna uppfattades och kategoriserades. I institutionspersonalens framställning är samordnarens The aim of this study is to map out and describe the way employees in Swedish juvenile homes interpret, define and perceive, on the one hand, the project “Motverka Våld och Gäng” meaning “Counteract Violence and Gangs”, and on the other hand the role of the Coordinators employed in this project. The role of the Coordinator is formally clear and unproblematic. The project management directives sta

Housing Accessibility Methodology Targeting Older Poeple - Reliable Assessments and Valid Standards

Older people have more functional limitations than younger people and they form a segment of the population that is more dependent on mobility devices than other age groups. Since they spend most of their time at home, their dwelling is an important environmental arena for performing everyday activities. Barriers in the environment can limit or hinder activity performance. Therefore, older people

Shock assisted ionization injection in laser-plasma accelerators.

Ionization injection is a simple and efficient method to trap an electron beam in a laser plasma accelerator. Yet, because of a long injection length, this injection technique leads generally to the production of large energy spread electron beams. Here, we propose to use a shock front transition to localize the injection. Experimental results show that the energy spread can be reduced down to 10

A matrix-free algorithm for multiple wavelength fluorescence tomography

In the recent years, there has been an increase in applications of non-contact diffusion optical tomography. Especially when the objective is the recovery of fluorescence targets. The non-contact acquisition systems with the use of a CCD-camera produce much denser sampled boundary data sets than fibre-based systems. When model-based reconstruction methods are used, that rely on the inversion of a

Organizational Learning Capabilities: Evidence from the Iranian Agricultural Higher Education System

The aim of this research is to understand and assess the application of organizational learning capabilities in the status quo and review desirable situations in the context of the agricultural faculty environment. Data were collected from 329 faculty members in 19 public agricultural faculties using a survey questionnaire. Results indicate that organizational learning capabilities are below avera

The differential production cross section of the phi(1020) meson in root s=7 TeV pp collisions measured with the ATLAS detector

A measurement is presented of the phi x BR(phi -> K+ K-) production cross section at root s = 7 TeV using pp collision data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 383 mu b(-1), collected with the ATLAS experiment at the LHC. Selection of phi(1020) mesons is based on the identification of charged kaons by their energy loss in the pixel detector. The differential cross section is measured as a

Competitive physical activity early in life is associated with bone mineral density in elderly Swedish men

In this population-based study of 75-year-old men (n = 498), we investigated the association between physical activity (PA) early in life and present bone mineral density (BMD). We demonstrate that a high frequency of competitive sports early in life is associated with BMD at several bone sites, indicating that increases in BMD following PA are preserved longer than previously believed. Introducti