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Maktens ideologi? - En studie av Samuel Huntingtons verk "The Clash of Civilizations and the remaking of world order" utifrån Antonio Gramscis hegemoniteori

Samuel Huntingtons bok ?The clash of civilizations and the remaking of world order? har vållat en omfattande debatt alltsedan den publicerades 1996. Efter terrorattackerna mot USA den elfte september 2001 har Huntingtons tes att det förekommer ett globalt civilisationskrig fått tjäna som ett rättfärdigande av USA:s attacker och ockupationer av Afghanistan samt Irak. Följande studies syfte är att

Demokratin blir till - Ungdomars demokratiföreställningar och skolans roll

This study is about youths, democracy and school. It seeks to describe and problemize the school's role in the democratic society. Firstly, using Social Representations Theory, 44 upper secondary shool pupils? representations, or conceptions, of democracy are described and discussed. These representations are then analyzed in relation to the school's role in the democratic society, as it i

Voicing Opposition: Challenging Outlooks in the Stand-Up Comedy of Bill Hicks

In this study I examine the way stand-up comedian Bill Hicks challenges authority and conventional ideas by re-interpreting signs and offering other ways of explaining social phenomena. The use of comedy for purposes of education and protest is central in the analysis of how the meaning of signs is challenged. Theoretically based in a post-structuralist tradition, and drawing on Discourse Theory,

Co-operation ? on What Grounds? An Assessment of the Democracy Work within the African Union (AU) and the New Partnership for Africa´s Development (NEPAD)

The study field of the thesis is regional integration in Africa. The focus is set on the African Union (AU) and its main programme for promoting democracy on the continent, the New Partnership for Africa´s Development (NEPAD). By applying two theories, one on democratization through regional organizations and the other on hidden agendas within them, the thesis makes an assessment on the work for d

"Are You Gonna Go My Way?" - En empirisk studie av Västra Götalandsregionen lobbyverksamhet och nätverkan i EU

In this thesis we have examined Västra Götalandsregionens ways to lobby and network in the European Union. Our aim was to examine which kind of methods the region uses to lobby in a successful way in Brussels. We found that the region uses both formal and informal methods of lobbying to gain advantages in Brussels. We also wanted to locate various networks which the region is involved in to more e

Enslaved or Empowered? A Critique of Culture and Career in Discourses of the "Empowerment" of Bangalore Women in the IT Industry

India is booming and new sectors that have the cutting edge internationally are mushrooming in size across the country. One such sector is the Information Technologies (IT) industry, but it has attracted international attention not solely for its large scope on the international market, but also because it is a pioneer ahead of its Western peers. As a percent of the total labour force Indian women

Tala är silver, skriva är guld (?) En studie om bloggars demokratiska potential

The number of blogs, from weblogs, are increasing every day. Blogs are also becoming more visible in the public debate as well as the awareness of their existance is rising among politicians and citizens. The aim of this thesis is to answer the question what democratic potential blogs can have. This question will be answered by initially studying the research that exists today about weblogs and de

Transitional Justice - Lustration, Truth-Revealing and Reconciliation in the Political Transitions of the Czech Republic, South Africa and Northern Ireland

During the last decades there has been an ever-increasing amount of democratic transitions taking place all over the world. In connection to this phenomenon, transitional justice has developed as a subfield in post-conflict peacebuilding, dealing with the judicial aspect of transitions. In applying theoretical constituents of transitional justice, this study examines the concepts of lustration (i.

Implementeringsproblem i säkerhetsarbetet

Municipal safety work is an issue frequently discussed. The new legislation about accident prevention obeys the Swedish municipality to present an action program for accident prevention. In Borlänge municipality there has been no sanctioned proposal for a program. This report presents the problems found and gives proposals for improvements in the future safety work. The guiding words should be una

Osäkerheter vid riskanalyser i samband med transport av farligt gods

Risk analysis in connection with transportation of dangerous goods is associated with great uncertainty. In addition there are a number of specific problems that the risk analyst faces when risks associated with transportation of dangerous goods are to be analysed. In this report those problems and uncertainties are described. One of the most important conclusions in this report is that uncertain

Det blåser kallt...Det blåser högervindar överallt... En studie om radikalhögerpopulism och Sverigedemokraternas framgångar i Karlskrona

This paper aims to present a theoretical understanding of the emergence of extreme right- wing populist parties (ERP), and more specifically the electoral breakthrough of the ERP party, Sverigedemokraterna in the municipality of Karlskrona. By doing so the study is constructed as a theoretical framework, where the empirical material and the theoretical aspects are interwoven. This means that the t

Studenters attityder till arbetsmarknad och lön

This essay examines whether feminist theory can give a plausible answer to the question: does female and male students have different attitudes towards the labour market and towards wages? Further more, I examine if factors such as class and ethnicity affect student's attitudes. These questions are investigated through a quantitative study of students at four educations on two different univer

Ungdomars upplevelse av mobbning sett ur ett utvecklingsekologiskt och utvecklingspsykologiskt perspektiv

The purpose of our study was to examine 13 to 14 year olds experience of bullying from a perspective of human developmental ecological systems. The questions at issue were: How do the young people themselves define the concept of bullying? Which own experiences do the young people have of bullying? How come bullying exists according to the young people? How do the young people experience that thei

Effektivitet eller valfrihet? - varför konkurrens inte verkar ge effektivitet i skolan

Konkurrens av privata aktörer på skolområdet verkar inte leda till ökad effektivitet, snarare tvärt om. Effekten på medelbetyg verkar vara marginell, samtidigt som de elever i en kommun som redan har svaga resultat drabbas negativt, och effekten i det sambandet kan växa över tid. De elever som drabbas behöver inte vara samma som går i friskolorna. Friskolor ser ut att ha en kostnadsdrivande effekt

Privata militära företag i Irak - Säkerhet, alternativa strukturer och institutionaliseringsprocesser

Efter Koalitionens ockupation av Irak i Mars 2003 har landets säkerhetssituation varit instabil och har idag utvecklats till ett lågintensivt inbördeskrig mellan olika befolkninggrupper. Redan i början av ockupationen började man rekrytera privata militära företag (PMF) för att hjälpa till att upprätta säkerhet i en skala som inte setts tidigare. Innan Irak var helt säkrat påbörjade Koalitionen, m

Kulturmöten - problem eller möjligheter?

This work is about Cuban music and my relationship to it. My study contains two different parts. In the first one I try to give a short summary of Cuban music history. The second part is about possibilities and problems that can arise in the meeting with foreign cultures. I have focused on three themes: Music and respect, cultural encounters and travelling, and communication. I have done four inte


Asymmetric information and risk are two main problems in credit markets. These problems are even higher in developing credit markets. Formal financial sectors in developing countries are still growing and are reluctant to provide credit to poor. Micro credit is considered as an effective strategy to overcome this problem and to give poor opportunities to access financial services. Therefore the

Borrie kyrka - En byggnadsarkeologisk undersökning

Abstract The church of Borrie lies about 10 km north of Ystad in the southern of Sweden. Though the church is one of the smallest in Scania it holds a very complicated history. In this essay all relevent material concerning the church of Borrie is presented. The material does not only concist of literature, but also photographs. The purpose of this investigation was to use this material to so

A New Approach to EU-ACP Cooperation - The Shaping, Negotiation and Implications of the Cotonou Agreement

On 23 June 2000, the EU and the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) states signed the Cotonou Agreement, a trade and aid agreement which represents a new approach to EU-ACP cooperation. For instance, it provides for the non-reciprocal trade preferences previously enjoyed by the ACP states to be replaced with regional free trade agreements. The aim of this essay is, firstly, to examine the EU

EU och Migrationen -En Normativ Studie

Den här politisktfilosofiska texten syftar till att undersöka den normativa problematiken kring migration i den Europeiska Unionen. För att göra det på bästa sätt har två primära frågeställningar ställts. Den första (Vilka normativa värderingar finns det att ta hänsyn till i migrationsfrågan?) är en normativ argumentationsanalys som syftar till att gå på djupet och försöka ringa in alla de premiss