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Your search for "*" yielded 533070 hits

Effects of Art and Design on Orientation in Healthcare Architecture : A study of wayfinding and wayshowing in a Swedish hospital setting

This thesis investigates the role of interior design elements, especially artwork, in way-searchers’ wayfinding and orientation in hospital environments. The thesis considers the way-searcher’s background and the impact of cultural belonging, occupation, memories, aesthetic preferences, and language, and the influence that such factors might have on the perception of the hospital environment and i

Characterization of the Mt4 gene from Medicago truncatula

Previously we identified Mt4, a phosphate starvation inducible cDNA from Medicago truncatula which is down-regulated in roots in response to phosphate fertilization as well as colonization by arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi. Here we present further studies of Mt4. Expression was highly sensitive to exogenous applications of phosphate fertilizer; transcripts were abundant in roots fertilized with

Beyond Gröbner Bases : Basis Selection for Minimal Solvers

Many computer vision applications require robust estimation of the underlying geometry, in terms of camera motion and 3D structure of the scene. These robust methods often rely on running minimal solvers in a RANSAC framework. In this paper we show how we can make polynomial solvers based on the action matrix method faster, by careful selection of the monomial bases. These monomial bases have trad

Camera Pose Estimation with Unknown Principal Point

To estimate the 6-DoF extrinsic pose of a pinhole camera with partially unknown intrinsic parameters is a critical sub-problem in structure-from-motion and camera localization. In most of existing camera pose estimation solvers, the principal point is assumed to be in the image center. Unfortunately, this assumption is not always true, especially for asymmetrically cropped images. In this paper, w

Deep Learning of Graph Matching

The problem of graph matching under node and pairwise constraints is fundamental in areas as diverse as combinatorial optimization, machine learning or computer vision, where representing both the relations between nodes and their neighborhood structure is essential. We present an end-to-end model that makes it possible to learn all parameters of the graph matching process, including the unary and

Assessing self-association of intrinsically disordered proteins by coarse-grained simulations and SAXS

This research investigates the behavior of intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) in solution, especially the self-associating saliva protein Statherin, by a combined computational and experimental approach. For the computational part, a bead necklace model previously parameterised for Histatin 5 was used. This model was shown to be applicable to a range of monomeric intrinsically disordered pro

Benchmarking 6DOF Outdoor Visual Localization in Changing Conditions

Visual localization enables autonomous vehicles to navigate in their surroundings and augmented reality applications to link virtual to real worlds. Practical visual localization approaches need to be robust to a wide variety of viewing condition, including day-night changes, as well as weather and seasonal variations, while providing highly accurate 6 degree-of-freedom (6DOF) camera pose estimate

Chemerin is elevated in multiple myeloma patients and is expressed by stromal cells and pre-adipocytes

Chemerin is a recently discovered adipokine shown to be involved in both inflammatory and metabolic processes. Here, we demonstrate that chemerin serum levels are elevated in patients with multiple myeloma and that it increases with disease progression. We found that chemerin is expressed by stromal cells and preadipocytes, whereas its receptor CCRL2 is expressed by primary myeloma cells, suggesti

The MYC/Max/MxD network is a target of mutated FLT3 signaling in hematopoietic stem cells in FLT3-ITD-induced myeloproliferative disease

Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) has poor prognosis due to various mutations, e.g., in the FLT3 gene. Therefore, it is important to identify pathways regulated by the activated Flt3 receptor for the discovery of new therapeutic targets. The Myc network of oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes is involved in mechanisms regulating proliferation and survival of cells, including that of the hematopoietic

Use of 10 Be isotope to predict landscape development in the source area of the Yellow River (SAYR), northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau

The magnitude of soil and sediment erosion and accumulation processes can profoundly affect landscape development and hamper efficient management of natural resources. Consequently, estimating the rates and causes of these processes is essential, particularly in remote regions, for prediction of changes in landform and river evolution and protection of local ecosystem. We here present the results

Biosensing using arrays of vertical semiconductor nanowires : mechanosensing and biomarker detection

Due to their high aspect ratio and increased surface-to-foot-print area, arrays of vertical semiconductor nanowires are used in numerous biological applications, such as cell transfection and biosensing. Here we focus on two specific valuable biosensing approaches that, so far, have received relatively limited attention in terms of their potential capabilities: cellular mechanosensing and lightgui

School’s out forever? Heavy metal preferences and higher education

ObjectivesCultural behaviors are theoretically linked to future life chances but empirical literature is scant. We use heavy metal as an example of cultural identities due to its high salience. We first assess the social morphology of metal preferences in terms of socio-economic and socio-structural positions, and then asses the short term outcomes of being a heavy metal fan on education and healt