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Barnfri - En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av kvinnors berättelser om att leva utan barn

The aim of this study is to utilize a qualitative content analysis in order to examine the stories of twelve childfree women featured in the anthology "Nobody's Mother" [translated title] (2013). When designing this study we have focused on the reasons to why these women have chosen not to have any children and how they experience social expectations related to motherhood. Swedish we

American Options on Commodities Under Stochastic Convenience Yield and Stochastic Volatility

American and Bermudan options have a wide range of applications in financial markets, e.g. in commodities markets among others. The pricing literature of such contingent claims is broad and many different algorithms and frameworks have been developed. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how the Least-Squares Method (LSM), \cite{LSM}, can be extended to incorporate stochastic convenience y

Holacracy: En väg till målkongruens?

I den här studien strävade vi efter att undersöka hur Holacracy®, en organisationsstruktur, skulle fungera i en modell utformad av Anthony et al. (2014) som visar hur en organisations struktur samspelar med organisationens kultur, styrmedel och Human Resource Management. Syftet var att undersöka om tillämpningen av Holacracy kunde medföra ökade möjligheter till målkongruens. I vår analys upptäckte

Discrimination and Social Exclusion in Sweden in the Age of Globalization. The Case Study of Thai Migrants

International migration facilitated by contemporary globalization has brought about feelings of insecurity in terms of identity for both the host societies as well as incoming immigrants posing a major obstacle in host countries to integrate immigrants into society. In such context, social exclusion and discrimination can occur. The author argues that this is not a one-directional process. In orde

Constituent order in non-verbal representations: Describing events with pictures by speakers of Swedish and Kurdish

In this thesis the question concerning possible influence of language on thinking was addressed by investigating constituent orders in non-verbal representations of motion events. Forty-nine participants, 25 native speakers of Swedish with the default order SVO (or Agent-Act-Patient), and Kurdish with SOV (Agent-Patient-Act) were recruited in Sweden and 24 in Iraqi Kurdistan to take part in an exp

For the Sake of Love - A study of attitudes and values among young Swedish women in cohabiting partnerships

Sweden is often considered a global forerunner of family demographic shifts brought about by increasing individualization and globalization. While modern theories often depict a general movement away from romantic love sentiments and toward more rational, equal and casual exchanges and defamilization, feminist scholarship critiques the optimism of these claims in light of persisting structural ine

Luxury Branding - A tale without a history

Uppsatsen har som syfte att undersöka hur en ung aktör inom lyxindustrin använder sig av storytelling, historieberättande, som ett verktyg för att legitimera höga produktpriser. Eftersom lyxvarumärkets narrativ normalt sett grundar sig i traditioner och arv, kommer uppsatsen granska hur lyxklockvarumärket Hublot, en ung framgångsrik aktör utan tradition eller arv, slagit sig fram på marknaden. ResThe thesis intends to investigate how a young actor in the luxury industry practices storytelling as a tool to legitimize high product prices. Since the luxury brand narrative is normally based on heritage, the thesis will scrutinize the luxury watch brand Hublot, a young successful actor, lacking heritage. The results are based on a narrative analysis of document sources treating brand ambassador

Att arbeta med mål

Vad blir konsekvenserna när individer och avdelningar arbetar med mål? Då litteraturen nämner att målorientering är kopplat till faktorer som kommunikation, relationer och information, i vilken utsträckning, hur och varför? Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka och skapa en större förståelse för hur ett produktionsföretag med olika avdelningar arbetar målorienterat. Studien utgörs av tio intervjuer oc

Den önskvärda svenskheten. En studie om bilden av Sverige ur ett statligt perspektiv.

We have extended our knowledge about the complexity that exists in the marketing of countries. With as a case, we have investigated how nation branding is actually managed from a sender perspective. We have analysed which desirable values the Swedish public organization NSU (National Board for Promotion of Sweden Abroad) communicate through the website The results we have ar

Syskon i familjetvist - En studie om begreppet kontinuitet i vårdnads- och boendemål ur ett syskonperspektiv

Enligt svensk familjerätt är syskons rätt till varandra varken en fastslagen lag eller utvecklad i förarbeten och doktrin. Trots detta föreligger det ett starkt skydd av syskon enligt praxis, vilken har sin grund i begreppet kontinuitet. Begreppet kontinuitet är ett resultat av främst praxis, men har sin grund i förarbeten. Denna har till syfte att behålla all slags pågående kontinuitet för barnetAccording to Swedish family law, the right for siblings to each other is not a stated rule, nor well developed in preliminary works or doctrine. However, there is a higher level of protection of siblings according to case law, which is anchored in the concept of continuity. The concept of continuity is mainly a result from case law, but has its ground in preliminary work. It aims to maintain all c

Living with floods along the Karnali River

This study addresses adaptive capacity to floods. We employ a case study method with two units of analysis comprising the villages of Shankarpur and Murgahawa, located in a flood prone area by a branch of Nepal’s largest river, Karnali. Our study describes the response cycle that the residents of these communities employ; their strategies to adapt to, cope with, and recover from floods. We analyse

Developing the Kingdom of God or the Kingdom of Cambodia? The Gray Area between Ministry and Development: Evangelical Missionaries in Cambodia and the Synthesis of Social Services and Evangelism in Practice

Evangelical missionaries in Cambodia have a dual role as religious actor and development actor. This hybrid identity poses conceptual challenges for development actors, beneficiaries, and even missionaries themselves-- are they doing ministry or are they doing development? Through field observations and interviews in Phnom Penh with evangelical missionaries, this thesis examines how evangelism and

Mark-to-Model - An Explanation of the Choice and Relative Use

Title: Mark-to-Model – An Explanation of the Choice and Relative Use Seminar Date: 2012-05-31 Course: BUSN69, Degree Project – Accounting and Auditing. Master of Science in Business and Economics, 15 ECTS. Authors: Mikael Svensson and Alexander Wingren Supervisor: Torbjörn Tagesson Key Words: Financial Instruments, Mark-to-model, Fair value accounting, Level 3 and IFRS 7 Aim: The aim with th


As of 2011 the European Union’s Rules of Origin ((RoO)) no longer require textiles to be sourced in the domestic economies of Least Developed Countries ((LDCs)) if they want to export their apparel under the zero-tariff, zero-quota preference scheme. Now, apparel manufacturers are free to use imported textiles. Informed by Normative Power Europe theory, this thesis identifies two core motives of

Sikh Immigrants’ Views and Strategies of Integration into Swedish Society - A Qualitative Study of First Generation Sikhs in Skåne

The aim of this essay is to acquire enhanced knowledge about the views and the strategies that Sikh immigrants of the first generation, who reside in the province of Skåne in Sweden, are using for becoming integrated into the Swedish society. From my own participation in some of the activities that have been organized by the Sikh community in Malmö I became interested in issues regarding integrati

Normative Security

In this paper the Rawlsian contractual method–including the original position and the veil of ignorance–is used to create principles of security. The method enables transcendence from contemporary restrictions to a broadened view where general principles guide us to the most important aspects of security. The principles guide us to the core. I arrive at two and only two principles: existential sec

The Ideal and the Reality of Human Rights-as They Relate to Same-sex Marriage

In the thesis, first the author discussed whether same-sex marriage is a human right, and why it is a human right. After that, the author argued against those obstacles, such as religious or cultural objections, that denying such a human right, and the last part the author tried to analyse why there is a gap between the ideal and reality human right, especially in the same-sex marriage issue and w

A golden recipe for reality?

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate how knowledge sharing is understood and practiced at ConLog, a market leading company in the container shipping industry, as well as to advance a conceptual broader understanding of knowledge sharing and its influencing factors with regard to the existing literature. Methodology: An in-depth field study was carried out for four weeks in which 2

Socialt arbete med ensamkommande asylsökande barn - Om vilket arbete som utförs med ensamkommande asylsökande barn inom olika verksamheter i Sverige idag

Author: Moa Rasmusson & Frida Thorsell Title: Social work with unaccompanied minors Supervisor: Norma Montesino The aim of this study is to examine what kind of work is being done in relation to unaccompanied minors seeking asylum in Sweden. The study is based on six interviews with seven different representatives from organizations who all are working with unaccompanied minors. These organi

Ett okänt samband? Om mobbning och organisationsförändringar

Mobbning i arbetslivet är ett stort och komplext samhällsproblem. Bortsett från det lidande som kan uppstå för utsatta individer, kan mobbning medföra höga kostnader, dels för arbetsorganisationen men också för samhället. Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att belysa fenomenet mobbning i arbetslivet och dess samband med organisationsförändringar ur ett strukturellt perspektiv. Forskning har visat