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Att ifrågasätta det självklara : en feministisk granskning av samverkansorganet Operation Kvinnofrid
Men´s violence against women is a wide social problem with its origin in the unequal balance of power in society, where men dominate and women are oppressed because of their sex. On the basis of feminist theory, our purpose has been to analyse whether it is possible for a "feministic organization’’ (according to themselves), supported by the male dominated state, to carry out feministic polit
Flytten från behandlingshemmet : en studie av det förberedande arbetet och insatser efter utflyttningen
The purpose of this essay was to describe how it is possible for a treatment centre to create favourable conditions for a successful moving out, and what support is required after moving out to maintain a positive way of life. My central questions were: what does a person need to be able to develop/change and how can you work with this at the treatment centre? What are the required conditions for
Kompetensutveckling i socialt arbete : en komparativ studie av kompetensutveckling inom den sociala barnavården i Köpenhamn respektive Malmö
The purpose of our essay was to conduct a comparative study of development of competence within child welfare in Frederiksberg, Copenhagen and Kirseberg in the city of Malmö. The purpose was also to describe and analyse the social workers individual experiences of needs and possibilities to take part of recent knowledge within child welfare. Central questions were; is the development of competence
Det finns flyktingar i Sjöbo: vägen från ett nej till ett ja
Sjöbo - countryside in Sweden, became famous for something that isn´t flattering. They made a vote against refugees with residence permit and didn´t change their minds for more than 12 years. Since the year 2000 they have recieved refugees. This is an explorative study where we have chosen to interview four local politicians and two clerks from Sjöbo community. We looked at the change from a no to
Kommuners arbete med våldsutsatta kvinnor : en studie av hur fyra skånska kommuner har organiserat sitt stöd och hjälp utifrån SoL 5:11
The purpose of this essay was to study how four municipalities have arranged their support to women who are exposed to violence. The purpose was also to study if the legislator's intentions and the National board of health and welfare's recommendations about Socialtjänstlagen 5:11 were fulfilled. The legislator and the National board of health and welfare recommended the welfare offices to
Traumatiserade barn från krig eller flykt : i en svensk skola
Traumatic experiences, from war and persecution, lead to different natural crisis reactions. The duration and composition of these reactions determine whether the diagnosis posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can be made or not. We were interested in how foreign children with a traumatic past are getting on and taken care of in a multinational school in Sweden (age six-16). Our main questions wer
Samtalsgrupper i skolan - ett verksamt instrument att stärka barn?
The aim of this master's thesis was to study how children experience counselling groups at school. My questions were: HASH(0x12677f0) The theoretical approach was group psychology, gender theory and dynamic developmental psychology. I used qualitative interviews to gather the empirical data. The main results of the study are the following: The children that have been interviewed all experien
Att vara arbetsledare i äldreomsorgen : 13 intervjuer med arbetsledare i Halmstad
In this study, thirteen persons, eight women and five men working as supervisors, have been interviewed. All of them were managers of homecare workers or managers of residential homes for elderly in Halmstad. The aim of the study was to examine managers’ experiences of work conditions. The interviews lasted for 25 minutes to an hour and were taped and fully transcribed. The interviews were then an
Si din mening om sosialtjenesten : en enkätundersökning om brukarnas attityder till begreppen tillgänglighet, information, handläggning och bemötande
För att socialtjänsten skall kunna ge sina klienter en god service är det viktigt att veta vad klienterna tycker om servicen. Socialtjänsten vid Karmøy kommun har en tanke om att oavsett vilken service som ges till klienterna i dagsläget, finns det alltid möjligheter till förbättring. Enkätundersökningen "Si din mening om sosialtjenesten 1999" var ett sätt att skaffa en aktuell översikt
Psykiskt sjuka lagöverträdare : samhällets inställning före och efter psykiatrireformen
En epidemi av välfärds misslyckande? : diskussion över socialtjänstens; legitimitet, integritet, disciplinering, rutinisering och rättsäkerhet vid tillämpningen av LVU...
The Emperor's New Clothes- A Study of the Leadership of the European Union
This thesis examines how the leadership of the European Union has developed over the years and what has caused these changes. The Commission and the Council will be the compared objects for this analysis. The institutions are delegated unique powers in the executive politics but the leadership of the Union is formally largely unregulated, and is often described as shared between the two institutio
Avvikande globalisering - En teoriprövande studie av samarbetet mellan terroristorganisationer och organiserad brottslighet i den globaliserade tidsåldern
Crime Terror Nexus studies headed by economists, criminologists, sociologists and anthropologists have studied the growing tendency towards cooperation between networks driven by organized crime and terrorist organizations. This thesis attempts to identify the reasons for this growing cooperation by applying Saskia Sassen’s globalization theory from her book Territory, Authority, Rights: From Medi
Universitet och högskolor i bloggsfären: en undersökning av svenska universitet och högskolors användning av bloggar i externt kommunikationsarbete
Bakgrund och problemområde Utvecklingen går mot att allt mer av myndigheter och organisationers kommunikation med det omgivande samhället snarare än envägskommunikation från sändare till mottagare präglas av en tvåvägskommunikation. Bloggar är ett fenomen som ligger i linje med detta och har uppmärksammats av flera forskare som ett användbart verktyg i organisationers arbete med public relations.
Strukturellt utanförskap bland konsulter: finns det och vilka konsekvenser har det för motivationen?
I denna uppsats ligger fokus på ledaren på kundföretaget. Detta beror på att ledarskapet på kundföretaget ännu är outforskat. De undersökningar som tidigare gjorts har fokuserat enbart på konsulterna eller konsultföretaget och ledaren där. Syftet har varit att genom ledarnas åsikter få en insikt i om konsulterna är i strukturellt utanförskap på kundföretaget, samt att diskutera hur detta påverkar
Kvinnors utbrändhet utifrån ett genusperspektiv: en diskursanalys på tre självhjälpsböcker som tar upp och diskuterar kvinnors utbrändhet i arbetslivet...
In this studie I looked deep into help to-self-help books that treat the subject; women's burnout in working life. Through discourse analysis I tried to discover different discourses and patterns in the writers texts. My purpose with this study was to try to understand how writers to help-to-self help books describes women in relation to women's burnout in working life from a gender perspe