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Your search for "*" yielded 533490 hits

Atomistic modelling of scattering data in the ollaborative Computational Project for Small Angle Scattering (CCP-SAS)

The capabilities of current computer simulations provide a unique opportunity to model small-angle scattering (SAS) data at the atomistic level, and to include other structural constraints ranging from molecular and atomistic energetics to crystallography, electron microscopy and NMR. This extends the capabilities of solution scattering and provides deeper insights into the physics and chemistry o

An ecosystem perspective on developing data collaboratives for addressing societal issues : The role of conveners

With the open and big data movement in full swing, data sharing becomes more ubiquitous and more often crosses sectoral boundaries. The promise of data to help address societal issues and foster innovation requires public organizations to work together with businesses and researchers. Data collaboratives whereby actors collaborate to share and use data for public good gain increasing interest. Mos

Ligand binding and complex formation of galectin-3 is modulated by pH variations

Galectin-3-dependent clusters or lattices are formed at the surface as well as in distinct organelles of eukaryotic cells. Incorporation into membrane proximal networks can fix glycoproteins within subcellular domains or sort them into distinct transport pathways. In the present paper we analysed the effect of acidification on the sugar binding and self-oligomerization of galectin-3. Using a fluor

Bacterial adhesion of Streptococcus suis to host cells and its inhibition by carbohydrate ligands

Streptococcus suis is a Gram-positive bacterium, which causes sepsis and meningitis in pigs and humans. This review examines the role of known S. suis virulence factors in adhesion and S. suis carbohydrate-based adhesion mechanisms, as well as the inhibition of S. suis adhesion by anti-adhesion compounds in in vitro assays. Carbohydrate-binding specificities of S. suis have been identified, and th

Implementations and evaluation of machine learning algorithms on a microcontroller unit for myoelectric prosthesis control

Implementation och utvärdering av maskininlärningsalgoritmer i en mikrokontroller för kontrollsystem till myoelektrisk protes Till folk som har övre lemamputering så finns det många olika proteser. Något som håller på att utvecklas nu är proteser som kontrolleras av muskelkontraktioner, även kallad myoelektrisk protes. Myoelektrisk protes fungerar genom att ha sensorer som mäter den elektriska aUsing a microcontroller unit to implement different machine learning algorithms for myoelectric prosthesis control is currently feasible. Still there are hardware and timing constraints that need to be accounted for. This master thesis presents results from automatically generated Arduino code for some Neural Networks, Convolution Neural Networks and linear machine learning models that was impleme

Detailed anatomy at 7T

Selected high resolution axial images obtained from a 7T MRI scanner have been labeled to provide detailed information about the subtle structures found in the cerebellum and brainstem.

Sulfidation of Supported Ni, Mo and NiMo Catalysts Studied by In Situ XAFS

Active sites in Mo-based hydrotreating catalysts are produced by sulfidation. To achieve insights that may enable optimization of the catalysts, this process should be studied in situ. Herein we present a comparative XAFS study where the in situ sulfidation of Mo/δ-Al2O3 and Ni/δ-Al2O3 is compared to that of δ-Al2O3 supported NiMo catalysts with different NiMo ratios. The study also covers the com

Mean motion resonance capture in the context of type i migration

Capture into mean motion resonance (MMR) is an important dynamical mechanism because it shapes the final architecture of a planetary system. We simulate systems of two or three planets undergoing migration with varied initial parameters such as planetary mass and disk surface density and analyse the resulting resonant chains. In contrast to previous studies, our results show that the disk properti

Evaluating patient reported outcomes and experiences in a novel proton beam clinic – challenges, activities, and outcomes of the ProtonCare project

Background: The ProtonCare Study Group (PCSG) was formed with the purpose to develop and implement a framework for evaluation of proton beam therapy (PBT) and the related care at a novel clinic (Skandionkliniken), based on patient reported data. Method: A logic model framework was used to describe the process of development and implementation of a structured plan for evaluation of PBT for all diag

Planned meetings : Multiplicity, boxed-in dialogues, and deliberative bureaucracy as social form

In what ways are meetings a social form? How are meetings organized and how do organizations structure meetings to produce consensus around visions of the future? In this article, planning meetings, which gather representatives from the regional Public Transport Authority and the municipalities involved in public transport planning in Stockholm, Sweden, is probed as a social form. By structuring t

Hip Heritage and Museum Practices in Contemporary Hybrid Markets

Focusing on how museums prioritize and produce content, Hip Heritage demonstrates how economic issues play an ever-larger role in determining how cultural heritage is being framed and presented in contemporary heritage museums. Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork conducted by the authors at seven museums over the course of five years, this book offers an in-depth analysis of heritage museums in Nord

Atomistic investigation of the impact of phosphorus impurities on the tungsten grain boundary decohesion

In the present work, we have generated a new second-nearest neighbour modified embedded atom method potential (2NN-MEAM) for the W–P system to investigate the impact of P impurity segregation on the strength of symmetric ⟨110⟩ tilt coincident site lattice grain boundaries (GBs) in tungsten. By incorporating the impurity- induced reduction of the work of separation in the fitting strategy, we have

ERA : Enhanced Rational Activations

Activation functions play a central role in deep learning since they form an essential building stone of neural networks. In the last few years, the focus has been shifting towards investigating new types of activations that outperform the classical Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) in modern neural architectures. Most recently, rational activation functions (RAFs) have awakened interest because they w

Tourism spatial dynamics and causal relations : a need for holistic understanding

At a time when international tourist arrivals hit a new record year on year, the result is increased conflicts and impacts worldwide. Tourism geography has thus never played a moreimportant role in bridging the gaps between qualitative and quantitative as well as human and physical sciences. Increased tourism pressure is likely to have adverse social and environmental effects in many destinations.

Associationsrättens grunder

En betydande del av näringslivet och civilsamhället bedrivs av och i olika slags associationer. Associationsrätt handlar om de regler som möjliggör och styr verksamheten i associationerna. Associationsrättens grunder ger en systematisk överblick över rättsområdet och dess centrala problem. Fokus ligger på allmänna bolags- och föreningsformer, men boken redogör även för regleringen av stiftelser. I

Influence of an atomic resonance on the coherent control of the photoionization process

In coherent control schemes, pathways connecting an initial and a final state can be independently controlled by manipulating the complex amplitudes of their transition matrix elements. For paths characterized by the absorption of multiple photons, these quantities depend on the magnitude and phase between the intermediate steps, and are expected to be strongly affected by the presence of resonanc

Higher resistance and resilience of bacterial growth to drought in grasslands with historically lower precipitation

Climate change is expected to alter precipitation regimes, resulting in longer periods of drought and heavier precipitation events. Even though the direct effect of water availability on soil microbial processes is well documented, the influence of precipitation legacy on microbial resistance and resilience to drought remains unclear. Using soils from a natural mean annual precipitation (MAP) grad