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Short-term association between outdoor temperature and the hydration-marker copeptin : a pooled analysis in five cohorts

BACKGROUND: Whereas outdoor temperature is linked to both mortality and hydration status, the hormone vasopressin, measured through the surrogate copeptin, is a marker of cardiometabolic risk and hydration. We recently showed that copeptin has a seasonal pattern with higher plasma concentration in winter. Here, we aimed to investigate the association between outdoor temperature and copeptin.METHOD

Comparative microRNA profiling of Trypanosoma cruzi infected human cells

Introduction: Trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of Chagas disease, can infect almost any nucleated cell in the mammalian host. Although previous studies have described the transcriptomic changes that occur in host cells during parasite infection, the understanding of the role of post-transcriptional regulation in this process is limited. MicroRNAs, a class of short non-coding RNAs, are key pl

Reduce, Reuse, Reshape - Evaluating EU Policies on plastic for sustainable transition of plastic packaging system to align with the 3Rs

The global surge in plastic production, particularly single-use packaging, has triggered pressing environmental and health concerns. Addressing this crisis necessitates transformative shifts within the plastic packaging system, prioritizing the reduction, reuse, and recycling of plastic packaging. The European Union (EU) has initiated a Plastic Strategy to combat the plastic issue. This study eval

Change communication : Developing the perspective of sensemaking and the perspective of coworkers

This chapter focuses on communication-centered change research and its implications for public sector organizations. It focuses on the organizational level and the communication processes through which changes are enacted. Special attention is given to coworkers and how they make sense in times of changes. Sensemaking processes play a crucial role in organizational changes; if managers and employe

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I den här uppsatsen undersöker jag hur översättning används som en feministisk skrivandestrategi i Nicole Brossards roman "Le desert mauve". Uppsatsen använder den franskkanadensiska teoretikern Susanne de Lotbinière-Harwoods idé om "traduction au féminin" - ett slags feministisk översättarpraktik, för att analysera de inslag av översättning som finns i romanen.In this paper I examine how translation is used as a feminist writing stratey in Nicole Brossard's novel "Mauve desert" (Le désert mauve). The paper uses the French-Canadian translator Susanne de Lotbinière-Harwood's theory of "translating in the feminine" - a feminist translation practice, to analyse the occurance of translation found in the novel.

Prognostic Significance of Sentinel Lymph Node Status in Thick Primary Melanomas (> 4 mm)

BACKGROUND: The key prognostic factors for staging patients with primary cutaneous melanoma are Breslow thickness, ulceration, and sentinel lymph node (SLN) status. The multicenter selective lymphadenectomy trial (MSLT-I) verified SLN status as the most important prognostic factor for patients with intermediate-thickness melanoma (Breslow thickness, 1-4 mm). Although most international guidelines

Water and health in mining settings in sub-saharan africa : A mixed methods geospatial visualization

Industrial mining transforms local landscapes, including important health determinants like clean water and sanitation. In this paper, we combined macro-level quantitative and micro-level qualitative data to show how mining projects affect water infrastructures and ultimately the health of affected communities. Although we observed a positive trend of water infrastructure in mining settings, surro

Hinder och lojalitetsplikt i AB 04

Då särskild lagreglering saknas för entreprenadförhållanden har organisation-en Byggandets kontraktskommitté förhandlat fram för branschen anpassade standardavtal. Både beställar- och entreprenörsidan företräds vid avtalsarbetet. Avtalet AB 04 är det för branschen viktigaste och omfattar utförandeentrepre-nader. Tidsaspekten är central eftersom förseningar kan innebära väsentliga kostna-der för bDue to the lack of regulation regarding construction contract law in Sweden, the application of standard-form contracts is common. Negotiation between representatives from both parties has resulted in the contract AB 04 which is the most important contract of the industry. A delayed contract is often associated with great expenses such as penalty or the loss of rental revenue. The fourth chapter

Skin, soap, and spaghetti : Investigations of co-existing solid and liquid phases in organic materials using solid-state NMR with dynamics-based spectral editing

Solid-state NMR methods incorporating dynamics-based spectral editing have a remarkable versatility for resolving and separately characterizing co-existing solid and liquid phases or domains in biologically and technically relevant organic materials. While 13C spectra acquired under magic-angle spinning and 1H decoupling provide atomic resolution, the signal intensities obtained with the CP and IN

Sundvik Kollektivhus

Under de senaste fem åren har olika ekonomiska faktorer som påverkar bostadssituationen i Sverige ökat avsevärt, med skyhöga elpriser, bostadräntor och en hög inflation bl.a. Läget har gjort det omöjligt för främst unga, äldre eller människor i utanförskap att införskaffa en egen bostad. Samtidigt är landet ett av de länder som har flest ensamboenden i sina städer, vilket är en stor orsak till psyOver the past five years, various economic factors affecting the housing situation in Sweden have significantly increased, including skyrocketing electricity prices, housing interest rates, and high inflation, among others. This situation has made it impossible for primarily young people, the elderly, or individuals facing social exclusion to acquire their own homes. At the same time, the country

Into the Metaverse: Technological Advances Shaping the Future of Consumer and Retail Marketing

This chapter explores how technological advances can shape our future consumption, marketing, and society. Using a McLuhanian theoretical lens, and the metaverse as an illustrative example of emerging technological development, the chapter unpacks the marketing and socio-political implications of technological advances. It delves into how brands have been using the current rendition of the metaver