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Carbon Emissions Trading in China : Law, Policy and Mechanisms

Emissions Trading Systems (ETS) have been hailed as a game changer for the evolving climate crisis. This book provides an in-depth analysis of China’s carbon ETS, including its legal and policy frameworks, carbon market mechanisms, and international and comparative implications.With nine cutting-edge topics divided into three thematic parts, this comprehensive book probes the essential concepts, c

Developing the Angantyr model and extending colour reconnection for heavy-ion collisions in Pythia

This thesis is composed of four papers, the first two show the attempts made to extend the Pythia event generator to simulate heavy-ion collision events. The other two papers show methods to improve the hadronization mechanism in the Pythia model for a bettter agreement with the experimental data of pp and heavy-ion collisions.Paper I introduces a new model named Angantyr for heavy-ion collision e

Inget nytt om Sverige under andra världskriget : Landet utanför – Sverige och kriget 1940–1942 - Henrik Berggren

Myriader av forskare har befattat sig med andra världskriget och dess verkningar i Sverige och Henrik Berggren har inget nytt att komma med i den andra delen av en planerad trilogi. Även betraktad som en popularisering tillför den inte mycket. Berggrens ambition har varit att inte tadla och inte frikänna, men det är kanske inte möjligt att skriva om andra världskriget utan att ha de stora moralfrå

The Impact of Internet and Gaming Addiction on Women and Gender Minorities in Sweden and Europe

Equality between men and women has also affected women in non-expected ways. Today, the prevalence of female substance abuse is slowly approaching the male level. A similar trend has been seen in gambling with increased numbers of women gambling and developing problems but also seeking help for problems related to gambling. There is reason to believe the same is applicable for gaming. Several stud

Disfluencies in spontaneous speech in persons with low-grade glioma before and after surgery

Impaired lexical retrieval is common in persons with low-grade glioma (LGG). Several studies have reported a discrepancy between subjective word-finding difficulties and results on formal tests. Analysis of spontaneous speech might be more sensitive to signs of word-finding difficulties, hence we aimed to explore disfluencies in a spontaneous-speech task performed by participants with presumed LGG

På jakt efter legitimitet

Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att analysera biltillverkares hållbarhetsredovisning med hjälp av legitimitetsteorin för att bidra till förståelse av hur legitimitet skapas i hållbarhetsrapporter. Frågeställningar: Hur uppstår legitimitet i hållbarhetsredovisning genom transparens och mål? Hur uppstår legitimitet i hållbarhetsredovisning genom koder och principer? Hur uppstår legitimitet genom s

The secondary bile acid isoursodeoxycholate correlates with post-prandial lipemia, inflammation, and appetite and changes post-bariatric surgery

Primary and secondary bile acids (BAs) influence metabolism and inflammation, and the gut microbiome modulates levels of BAs. We systematically explore the host genetic, gut microbial, and habitual dietary contribution to a panel of 19 serum and 15 stool BAs in two population-based cohorts (TwinsUK, n = 2,382; ZOE PREDICT-1, n = 327) and assess changes post-bariatric surgery and after nutritional

Reinforcement Learning for the Optimization of Explicit Runge-Kutta Method Parameters

Reinforcement learning is one of the three main paradigms in machine learning, which is increasingly used as a method to approach scientific problems. In this thesis, we introduce and use reinforcement learning to find the optimal parameters of a numerical solver. We first motivate that solving the linear systems can be done by solving initial value problems. These initial values problems can the

Triplet Formation in a 9,10-Bis(phenylethynyl)anthracene Dimer and Trimer Occurs by Charge Recombination Rather than Singlet Fission

We present an experimental study investigating the solvent-dependent dynamics of a 9,10-bis(phenylethynyl)anthracene monomer, dimer, and trimer. Using transient absorption spectroscopy, we have discovered that triplet excited state formation in the dimer and trimer molecules in polar solvents is a consequence of charge recombination subsequent to symmetry-breaking charge separation rather than sin

Student's t-Filters for Noise Scale Estimation

In this letter, we analyze certain student's t-filters for linear Gaussian systems with misspecified noise covariances. It is shown that under appropriate conditions, the filter both estimates the state and re-scales the noise covariance matrices in a Kullback-Leibler optimal fashion. If the noise covariances are misscaled by a common scalar, then the re-scaling is asymptotically exact. We also co

Midlife Intakes of the Isoflavone Genistein and Soy and the Risk of Late-life Cognitive Impairment : The JPHC Saku Mental Health Study

Background: The number of people with cognitive impairment, including dementia, in the world is steadily increasing. Although the consumption of isoflavones and soy is associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, it might also be associated with cognitive impairment. The low number of studies investigating the association between soy/isoflavone intake and cognitive function warrant ad

Jag bor i en annan värld men du bor ju i samma : drömmare söder om Hallandåsen

Katalogtext med resonerande text samt presentationer av de ingående konstnärerna i utställning med samma namn. Konstnärer: Daniel Fleur,Carl Fredrik Hill, Olav Christopher Jenssen, Gabriel Karlsson, Bruno Knutman,Marcus Matt,Max Ockborn,Nicklas Randau, Viktor Rosdahl, Emelie Sandström, Danilo Stankovic,Thale Vangen, Elisabeth Östin

Kommunikatörers professionalisering – en balansakt mellan olika roller

Kommunikatörsyrket inom offentlig sektor har på senare år varit på stark framväxt, men också i kraftig omvandling. Digitalisering, ökade förväntningar på organisationers kommunikation, en tilltagande medvetenhet i ledningen om kommunikationens strategiska betydelse, och alltmer komplexa verksamheter är några bakomliggande faktorer till den här utvecklingen. Det är också alltmer uppenbart att det s

Regn i Båstad

On 18 August 2022, an extremely very local 45 minutes storm fell over Båstad. There are several observations close to or more than mm. In the summer 1937 there was a famous long-lasting rain, for which the daily value was 150 mm. During the summer 2007, there were many large rainstorms of around 75 mm. I compare the short-term 2022 storm with other large storms observed in Sweden, and I do the sam