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Arbetstidens symbolvärde

Avhandlingen tar sin utgångspunkt i frågan om vad som händer med arbetstiden i de delar av arbetsmarknaden där innehållet i produktionen blir mer kunskapsintensivt? Kunskapsproduktion som i mycket utgår från kreativitet, kunskapsutveckling och kommunikation, processer som är svåra att kontrollera och tidfästa. Tillsammans med framväxten av informations- och kommunikationsteknologin (IKT) har utvec

Aspects of retransfusion of shed blood in cardiac surgery

Popular Abstract in Swedish De flesta större operationer på hjärtat idag kräver att hjärtat under en del av operationen står stilla utan att blod cirkulerar igenom det. För att kunna bibehålla ett blodflöde av syresatt blod genom kroppen kopplas en hjärt-lungmaskin till patienten. Blodet förs via slangar från höger förmak först ner till ett uppsamlingskärl, varifrån blodet pumpas vidare genom en oThe use of cardiotomy suction during open heart surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) has a long tradition and often regarded as mandatory. Recently, studies have described potentially negative effects of cardiotomy suction with activation of the complement system, enhanced inflammatory response, hemolysis and coagulopathy. Emboli of various matters has also been studied. Whether they affect t

Multimodal hard X-ray imaging of a mammography phantom at a compact synchrotron light source

The Compact Light Source is a miniature synchrotron producing X-rays at the interaction point of a counter-propagating laser pulse and electron bunch through the process of inverse Compton scattering. The small transverse size of the luminous region yields a highly coherent beam with an angular divergence of a few milliradians. The intrinsic monochromaticity and coherence of the produced X-rays ca

Thymidine Kinase 2 Deficiency-Induced mtDNA Depletion in Mouse Liver Leads to Defect beta-Oxidation

Thymidine kinase 2 (TK2) deficiency in humans causes mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) depletion syndrome. To study the molecular mechanisms underlying the disease and search for treatment options, we previously generated and described a TK2 deficient mouse strain (TK2(-/-)) that progressively loses its mtDNA. The TK2(-/-) mouse model displays symptoms similar to humans harboring TK2 deficient infantile f

HLA DPA1, DPB1 Alleles and Haplotypes Contribute to the Risk Associated With Type 1 Diabetes Analysis of the Type 1 Diabetes Genetics Consortium Families

OBJECTIVE-To determine the relative risk associated with DPA1 and DPB1 alleles and haplotypes in type I diabetes. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS-The frequency of DPA1 and DPB1 alleles and haplotypes in type I diabetic patients was compared to the family based control frequency in 1,771 families directly and conditional on FILA (B)-DRB1-DQA1-DQB1 linkage disequilibrium. A relative predispositional ana

Are there scale economies in scientific production? On the topic of locally increasing returns to scale

In this paper the question of returns to scale in scientific production is analysed using non-parametric techniques of multidimensional efficiency measurement. Based on survey data for German research groups from three scientific fields, it is shown that the multidimensional production possibility sets are weakly non-convex and locally strictly non-convex. This suggests that the production functio

The diversity and identification of eulophid parasitic wasps (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Eulophidae) on Phyllocnistis labyrinthella (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) from Västerbotten, Sweden.

Caterpillars of the mining micro-moth Phyllocnistis labyrinthella feed on leaves of aspen (Populus tremula) and are often parasitized by eulophid wasps. The parasitoids are a potential important cause of death for the miners. During 2009-2011 we collected mined leaves from an experimental stand of aspen trees in Västerbotten. Adults emerged from 17-35 percent of the mines and of these every second

The incidence and clinical symptomatology of Clostridium difficile infections in a community setting in a cohort of Danish patients attending general practice

Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) is gradually being recognised as a cause of morbidity in the community. We investigated the incidence and clinical characteristics of CDI in a community setting and characterised the C. difficile strains by toxin gene profiling and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) ribotyping. Patients included in the study had attended general practice, primarily because of dia

Effect of earthworms and incorporation of grass on Plasmodiophora brassicae

The resting spores of Plasmodiophora brassicae, causal agent of clubroot disease of crucifers, are tolerant structures with the abitity to survive for at least 15 years in soil waiting for a host. The influence of incorporation of cut grass (Lolium perenne) and presence of the earthworm Aporrectodea caliginosa on R brassicae resting spores was investigated in a microcosm experiment, and measured a

Sill och potatis till den ena och entrecote till den andra? Individanpassning och likvärdighet på särskilda boenden för äldre.

Enligt socialtjänstlagen ska äldreomsorgen vara individanpassad och ges utifrån den enskildes behov. Samma lag innehåller ett mål om att socialtjänsten ska främja medborgarnas jämlikhet i levnadsvillkor och kommunallagen anger att kommunen ska behandla sina invånare lika. I denna artikel problematiseras idéer om individanpassning och likvärdig behandling. Dessa olika målsättningar skapar spänninga

Anomalous Zero-Bias Conductance Peak in a Nb-InSb Nanowire-Nb Hybrid Device.

Semiconductor InSb nanowires are expected to provide an excellent material platform for the study of Majorana fermions in solid state systems. Here, we report on the realization of a Nb-InSb nanowire-Nb hybrid quantum device and the observation of a zero-bias conductance peak structure in the device. An InSb nanowire quantum dot is formed in the device between the two Nb contacts. Due to the proxi

Experimentally determined oscillator strengths in Rh II

This paper presents new experimentally determined branching fractions and oscillator strengths (log gf) for lines originating from 17 levels belonging to 5 terms of the first excited odd configuration 4d(7)(D-4) 5p in Rh II. The intensity calibrated spectra of Rh II have been recorded with a Fourier transform spectrometer between 25000 and 45000 cm(-1) (2200-4000 angstrom). In this region, 49 line

Muscle strength and physical education: epidemiological studies of factors in adolescence and their association with later morbidity

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen består av fyra delstudier och är tematiskt uppdelad i två delar. I den första delen undersöker jag vilken betydelse betyget i Gymnastik (nuvarande Idrott & Hälsa) har för framtida sjukdom med fokus på rörelseorganen. I den andra delen undersöker jag vilken betydelse isometrisk muskelstyrka (d.v.s. kraft alstrad utan nämnvärd förkortning av muskeln) har Although Physical Education (PE) is a part of the school curriculum in many countries, the association between the performance in PE and later morbidity is largely unknown. An important marker of health, cardiorespiratory fitness is inversely associated with future cardiovascular disease (CVD) and mortality. It has been suggested that muscle strength is associated in a similar way. However, whethe

Jet production in ep collisions at high Q(2) and determination of alpha(s)

The production of jets is studied in deep-inelastic e(+/-) p scattering at large negative four momentum transfer squared 150 < Q(2) < 15000 GeV2 using HERA data taken in 1999-2007, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 395 pb(-1). Inclusive jet, 2-jet and 3-jet cross sections, normalised to the neutral current deep-inelastic scattering cross sections, are measured as functions of Q(2), jet