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Nanotechnology and actomyosin motility in vitro on different surface chemistries
Load Control using Power Peak Constraints in Energy Intensive Manufacturing
Collocational processing in an L2: The role of L1 knowledge and frequency of input
Environmental barriers in housing, functional limitations, housing accessibility and ADL dependence among elderly people - A longitudinal perspective.
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Fotoninducerad fission i tunga kärnor
[abstract missing]
Can Method Save You?
Dominic Erdozain. The problem of pleasure : sport, recreation and the crisis of Victorian religion (2010)
Jeopardizing the Welfare, Security, and Rights of Women and Children: Violence in India
Do we speak of the same witch? How minds can meet on intentional identity.
New Internationalisation and E-Learning
Chapter 1, Introduction
This book provides a number of studies of different aspects of Swedish child language. Some of the thematic chapters present original, unpublished data: on the acquisition of tense, on the range and frequency of different word order patterns in early child Swedish, related to the input, meaning the language of adults talking to the children or in the presence of the children. The remaining chapter
Electron Transport in Semiconductor Nanowires
Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling behandlar tillväxt av och elektriska mätningar på halvledande nanotrådar av indiumarsenid (InAs) och kombinationer av InAs och indiumfosfid (InP). En nanotråd är som namnet antyder en tunn solid tråd, som påminner om ett hårstrå fast med en diameter på typiskt 50 nm (en nanometer är en miljarddels meter, 10^-9 m) och längden kan vara allt från 100 nm upIn this thesis, semiconductor nanowires are studied from the point of view of growth and electrical properties. The growth of nanowires is done by chemical beam epitaxy (CBE), an ultra-high vacuum technique allowing a precise control of precursor deposition and low growth rates. In conventional epitaxy, growth is usually two or three- dimensional, depending on growth conditions and material combin
Wetlands and major infrastructural programmes: prehistoric wetland sites in excavation projects in Scania, southernmost Sweden
Understanding ERP Implementation Methods: The Case of ASAP
Micromechanical based model for ductile void growth
On uniquely human abilities in great apes
Contributions to the Construction of Extensible Semantic Editors
This dissertation addresses the need for easier construction and extension of language tools. Specifically, the construction and extension of so-called semantic editors is considered, that is, editors providing semantic services for code comprehension and manipulation. Editors like these are typically found in state-of-the-art development environments, where they have been developed by hand. The