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SURVEILLE Deliverable D5.7 Proposal of a training course for law enforcement

In recent decades, information technology has enjoyed an ever-increasing degree of influence upon society. The use of technology has proliferated, bleeding into all human activities, and now extends into the most private activities of individuals. Unfortunately the perpetrators of serious crimes have not missed the revolution. Technology has marked off many working terrains including that of serio

A Frozen Colophon in Ps 72?

The colophon in Ps 72:20 has long been puzzling psalm scholars. It reads כלו תפלות דוד בן־ישי—the prayers of David, son of Jesse, are ended—and as such it raises a number of questions. The first observation to be made is that the word תפלה is used, not תהלה. That this is a potential problem is clear already in the LXX, where תפלה is corrected to ὕμνοι. Secondly, the claim that the prayers of David

A 24-GHz 90-nm CMOS beamforming receiver front-end with analog baseband phase rotation

A 24 GHz 2-path beamforming receiver front-end in 90 nm CMOS is presented. It consists of two direct conversion front-ends followed by a baseband block performing phase rotation and signal combination. The baseband phase rotation is performed by combining the quadrature phases using digitally controlled weights, achieving a phase resolution of 11 degrees. From each of the two inputs the front-end

From Khotan and Kashghar

In 1982 the Swedish diplomat and philologist Gunnar Jarring (1907-2002) donated his unique collection of manuscripts from Eastern Turkestan to the University Library in Lund. It is an extremely rich collection of Eastern Turkestan manuscripts, the third largest in the world. The manuscripts come from the periphery of the Islamic world in Central Asia, nowadays the Chinese province of Xinjiang, fro

Dose-effect relationship of apoptosis induced by fission-neutron in murine thymocytes

Objective To investigate the effectiveness of high LET fission-neutron to induce apoptosis in murine thymocytes and to compare it with that of low LET 60Co γ-ray. Methods Apoptosis induction was studied qualitatively by light and transmission electron microscopy and DNA gel electrophoresis,also quantitatively by flow cytometry(FCM) and diphenylamine (DPA)methods. Results DNA ladders of murine thym

A methodology for parabolic synthesis of unary functions for hardware implementation

This paper introduces a parabolic synthesis methodology for developing approximations of unary functions like trigonometric functions and logarithms which are specialized for efficient hardware mapped VLSI design. The advantages with the methodology are, short critical path, fast computation and high throughput enabled by a high degree of architectural parallelism. The feasibility of the methodolo