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The Threat to the Baltic Salmon - a Combination of Persistent Pollutants, Parasite and Oxidative Stress
Popular Abstract in Swedish Organiska miljögifter finns idag i hela världen och har spridits dels genom lokala utsläpp och dels genom atmosfärisk transport. Trots att flera miljögifter (som insektsmedlet DDT och industrikemikalien PCB) har varit förbjudna sedan början av 1970-talet ser vi fortfarande höga halter av miljögifter i vår natur. Dels beror detta på att organiska miljögifter är svårnedbrAtlantic salmon (Salmo salar) from the Baltic Sea suffer from a reproduction disease known as the M74-syndrome. Newly hatched fry develop nerve disorders and die between 3-5 days after the first symptoms are seen. This is a maternally transmitted disease that is casued by a thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency. The factor(s) that casue(s) this thiamine deficiency are largely unknown. However, several
Engineering xylose and arabinose metabolism in recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Utilization of all sugars in lignocellulose hydrolysates is a prerequisite for economically feasible bioethanol production. The yeast commonly used for industrial ethanol production, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is naturally unable to utilize pentose sugars xylose and arabinose, which constitute a large fraction of many lignocellulosic materials. Xylose utilization by S. cerevisiae can be achieved by
Det framtida småföretaget, del III
The functional anatomy of kappa promoters
Immunoglobulin kappa promoters were collected from mice and man. It was shown that they had homology within but not between subgroups, and the promoters were also conserved between species. The octamer element was found in all promoters, but other sequence elements were conserved within the distinct subgroups. E-boxes were found in most promoters and were usually of the E2A type. A mouse kappa pro
Applying industrial waste management in practice
The Effect of Fuel Volatility on Hcci Using Simultaneous Formaldehyde and Oh Plif
Simultaneous formaldehyde and OH PLIF have been applied in a direct-injected HCCI engine. The engine is a 0.5 l single-cylinder optical engine equipped with EGR system. PLIF measurements were performed with the engine run with two different fuels of low and high volatility, respectively. Different ratios of EGR were also examined. The aim of the study was to investigate how fuels with different vo
The Long Second World War: The Case of Sweden
Historiographical analysis of the Second World War in a Baltic context.
An Introduction to Ancient Greece. The Aegean and its Neighbors c. 7000-700 B.C.
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Design as Reflection
Popular Abstract in Swedish För unga personer med funktionsnedsättningar är det viktigt att vara som alla andra och därmed inte avvika från mängden på ett för personen oönskat sätt. Hjälpmedel är produkter som en person med en eller flera funktionsnedsättningar kan använda för att kunna vara delaktig i vårt samhälle. Dessa produkter möjliggör för personen att delta i de sociala aktiviteter han ellFor young persons with disabilities it is important to be as everyone else and not deviating from the normative in an unwanted way. Assistive devices are products that persons with disabilities can use to get accessibility to our society. Such products enable the person to participate in activities he or she wishes to take part in. However assistive devices are also a sign for disability, indicati
A 24 GHz SOP VCO with 20 % tuning range
Om det oppositionella och aktivistiska skrattet
This book chapter discusses the oppositonal and activist laughter. The example used is the art activist group Guerrilla Girls.
Power optimization of a reconfigurable FIR-filter
This paper describes power optimization techniques applied to a reconfigurable digital finite impulse response (FIR) filter used in a Universal Mobile Telephone Service (UMTS) mobile terminal. Various methods of optimization for implementation were combined to achieve low cost in terms of power consumption. Each optimization method is described in detail and is applied to the reconfigurable filter
Physical Properties of Rennet-Induced Skim Milk Gels
The aim of this work was to predict the effect of technological parameters on the physical processes of cheesemaking. To this end we developed and modified techniques with which to measure the physical properties of the curd, such as its permeability and its rheological properties. The effects of different factors, such as pH, temperature, the concentration of casein, the geometry of the curd, app
Medicinsk pedagogik - En handbok för lärare i läkarutbildningar
Here comes the semiotic species : reflections on the semiotic turn in the cognitive sciences.
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The 4+1 View Model of Industri–Academia Collaboration
Industry–academia projects exist in complex contexts of var- ious stakeholders, time perspectives, and goals. In order to analyze projects and communicate about them, we have de- fined an “architectural” model for industry–academia collab- oration, inspired by Kruchten’s software architecture model. The model has four views of i) time, ii) space, iii) activ- ity and iv) domain, corresponding to th