Protective effects of breast milk
Int J Mol Med. 2001;8 Suppl 1:S5-107.
Int J Mol Med. 2001;8 Suppl 1:S5-107.
The decay of bound core-excited states in molecular oxygen were investigated under Auger resonant Raman conditions. The lifetime-vibrational interference and bond-length dependence of the Auger transition rates were used to analyse the decay spectra. The final statess belonged to the molecular electronic structure and were observed to follow the Raman-Stokes dispersion law.
The photoelectron spectra of argon was demonstrated during resonant photoemissions. The interference effects of the photoelectron spectra of argon was monitored by following the intensity of final states through resonant and direct channels. The need for a unified one-description of the ionization through a direct and core-excitation mediated channel was described.
We perform theoretical calculations to reproduce the site-selective X-ray emission spectroscopy (XES) spectrum for carbonate and bicarbonate ions in aqueous solution at the oxygen K-edge. We perform structure sampling, and using an ab initio molecular dynamics simulation, we reproduce the solute-solvent model. Relative XES peak intensities with core-hole excited state molecular dynamics simulation
High diagnostic efficiency as well as the optimization of patient and staff doses in positron emission tomography (PET) can be achieved by implementing quality assurance program. This study was focused on the requirements and basic aspects of quality assurance (QA) in PET combined with computed tomography (CT), that include equipment quality control (QC). QA systems include methods of image QC, ex
This paper presents a solution to the saturation problem in cascade control schemes. When cascade control approaches work in linear mode without saturation influence, important improvements can be achieved in industrial control loops. The effect of disturbances and/or nonlinear actuator behaviours on the main process variables can be considerably reduced. However, when saturation arises in the inn
The prevalence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the business landscape is indisputable. However, there are considerable gaps between the visionary ideas businesses communicate and their operational use of AI. The goal of this market survey is to identify companies currently working with AI in the Øresund Region - referred to as AI companies. The survey, conducted between June and September 2020,
Titeln på rapporten är ett svar av en socionom på frågan om hon har haft något stöd från arbetsgivaren under studietiden. Jag har under min tid som studierektor för masterprogrammet vid Socialhögskolan, Lunds universitet under perioden 2007 till 2014 ofta fått frågor kring nyttan av en magister eller masterexamen när det gäller yrkeslivet. Frågor som har varit besvärliga att direkt besvara och som
This monograph discusses the question of what it is to be a reason – mainly in practical ethics – and proposes an original contribution to metaethics.It critically examines theories of metaethical realism, constructivism and error theory and identifies several misunderstandings or unclarities in contemporary debates. Based on this examination, the book suggests a distinction between a conceptual q
The β-catenin/Wnt signaling pathway plays an important role in all stages of T cell development. Nemo-like kinase (NLK) is an evolutionary conserved serine/threonine kinase and a negative regulator of the Wnt signaling pathway. NLK can directly phosphorylate histone deacetylase 1 (HDAC1), as well as T cell factor/lymphoid enhancer-binding factor (TCF/LEF), causing subsequent repression of target g
Determining how electrode structure governs the performance of an electrocatalyst requires techniques capable of probing structure at the atomic scale, often in situ and operando. In recent years, there have been numerous advances in the main experimental techniques for determining the structure of the electrochemical interface. In situ/operando synchrotron surface x-ray diffraction measurements a