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Physical limitations of antennas in a lossy medium
The dissipated power and the directivity of antennas in a homogeneous, lossy medium are systematically analyzed in this paper. The antennas are ideal and located inside a lossless sphere. In the lossy space outside the sphere, the electromagnetic fields are expanded in a complete set of vector wave functions. The optimal values of the radiation efficiency, the directivity, as well as the power gain a
Impact of Fuel Properties on Partially Premixed Combustion
Compression ignited engines generally have higher efficiency than spark ignition engines. However, the most common combustion concept in compression ignited engines, conventional diesel combustion, struggles with high levels of particulate matter and NOx emissions. Therefore, new combustion strategies are used in compression ignited engines to reduce engine-out particulate matter and NOx emissions
Hall, harg eller hof. Ett kulthus i Uppåkra
The Wealth Tax and Entreprenuerial Activity
Historiekulturella manifestationer : historia i ord, bilder och musik
Artikeln behandlar hur historia kommer till uttryck i olika medier och hur dessa i många fall står i relation till varandra. Förutom historiekulturellt centrala begrepp behandlas begrepp som representation, intermedialitet, fiktion, faktion, formel och genre.
Statsvetenskapliga perspektiv på offentlig-privat samverkan. En forskningsöversikt.
Review of Delbert Burkett, Rethinking the Gospel Sources, Volume 2: The Unity and Plurality of Q
Effects of breath holding at low and high lung volumes on amount of exhaled particles
The Syntax of the Swedish Present Participle
Abstract The Syntax of the Swedish Present Participle offers a generative analysis of the Swedish present participle with the central goal of accounting for its distribution and function. The analysis offered rests on three hypotheses: (i) Present participles are verbs, (ii) Present participles can appear in complex predicates, and (iii) Adjunct present participial clauses may be interpreted throu
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SURVEILLE Deliverable D5.7 Proposal of a training course for law enforcement
In recent decades, information technology has enjoyed an ever-increasing degree of influence upon society. The use of technology has proliferated, bleeding into all human activities, and now extends into the most private activities of individuals. Unfortunately the perpetrators of serious crimes have not missed the revolution. Technology has marked off many working terrains including that of serio
Development theories and Third World practices: an inquiry on the influences of western development thinking.
Farmers’ Agitation. Civil Society and the State
A Frozen Colophon in Ps 72?
The colophon in Ps 72:20 has long been puzzling psalm scholars. It reads כלו תפלות דוד בן־ישי—the prayers of David, son of Jesse, are ended—and as such it raises a number of questions. The first observation to be made is that the word תפלה is used, not תהלה. That this is a potential problem is clear already in the LXX, where תפלה is corrected to ὕμνοι. Secondly, the claim that the prayers of David
SoC-Level Fault Management based on P1687 IJTAG
Formation of double compact objects
How does the meaning of social welfare change if we take requirements for environmental sustainability in account? Directions for Work Package 1
A 24-GHz 90-nm CMOS beamforming receiver front-end with analog baseband phase rotation
A 24 GHz 2-path beamforming receiver front-end in 90 nm CMOS is presented. It consists of two direct conversion front-ends followed by a baseband block performing phase rotation and signal combination. The baseband phase rotation is performed by combining the quadrature phases using digitally controlled weights, achieving a phase resolution of 11 degrees. From each of the two inputs the front-end