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Impact of mining projects on water and sanitation infrastructures and associated child health outcomes : a multi-country analysis of Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) in sub-Saharan Africa

Background: Access to improved water and sanitation infrastructures are key determinants of health. The sub-Saharan African region in particular is lagging behind the ambitious goal of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to ensure universal access to improved and reliable water and sanitation for all (Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6). Large mining projects can promote economic growth

Bombkriget 1939-45

Under andra världskriget fälldes tusentals ton bomber mot både militära och civila mål på marken. Förlusterna var stora såväl vad gäller antal nedskjuta bombplan och omkomna besättningsmän på dessa plan som de som blev offer för bombraiderna. Historien om bombkriget sträcker sig längre tillbaka än andra världskriget, men under åren 1939–45 förändrades förutsättningarna. Bombplanen kunde medföra al

Calm Surveillance in the Leaky Home : Living with a Robot Vacuum Cleaner

Understanding the attachment owners can feel to their robot vacuums, which also map and collect data about their homes, is key to understanding the ambivalences involved in the integration of automated visualities in the home. Drawing on qualitative video interviews and observations of people interacting with their robot vacuums, this article identifies three key factors in understanding how cohab

Atmospheres of Surveillance

This dissertation is a contribution to the ‘cultural turn’ in the multidisciplinary field of surveillance studies. Its objective is to advance knowledge about how surveillance is perceived as bodily, emotional, and multisensory experiences - explored and conceptualized here as ‘atmospheres of surveillance’. The overarching argument is that surveillance contains and co-produces atmospheres. The stu

The Effect of Precipitation pH on Protein Recovery Yield and Emulsifying Properties in the Extraction of Protein from Cold-Pressed Rapeseed Press Cake

Rapeseed is the second most cultivated oilseed after soybean and is mainly used to produce vegetable oil. The by-product rapeseed press cake is rich in high-quality proteins, thus having the possibility of becoming a new plant protein food source. This study aimed to investigate how the precipitation pH affects the protein yield, protein content, and emulsifying properties when industrially cold-p

Health impact studies of climate change adaptation and mitigation measures – A scoping review

Climate change affects both mental and physical health. Besides limiting the extent and consequences of climate change, mitigation and adaptation measures can have additional and potentially unintended health impacts. This scoping review outlines how health effects of climate mitigation and adaptation measures have been studied in the scientific literature. We conducted a systematic literature sea

Health impact assessment and health equity in sub-Saharan Africa : A scoping review

Background: Natural resource extraction projects can have positive but also negative effects on the health of affected communities, governed by demographic, economic, environmental, physical and social changes. Negative effects often prevail and these might widen existing health inequities. Health impact assessment (HIA) is a decision-support tool that aims at maximizing benefits and minimizing ne

Waning protection after vaccination and prior infection against COVID-19-related mortality over 18 months

OBJECTIVES: Evidence on waning patterns in protection from vaccine-induced, infection-induced, and hybrid immunity against death is scarce. The aim of this study is to assess the temporal trends in protection against mortality.METHODS: Population-based case-control study nested in the total population of Scania Region, Sweden using individual-level registry data of COVID-19-related deaths (

Social Media Digital Architectures : A Platform-First Approach to Political Communication and Participation

This chapter outlines the architectural approach to researching digital politics. An architectural approach focuses on platform structures and how they mediate, and can actively affect, users’ political agency online and offline. I first chart the lineage of architectural approaches in the social sciences, from discourse architectures to digital architectures. Then, I describe the process of ‘mapp

Begriplig hållbarhetskommunikation inom klädindustrin

Konsumtion har länge varit ett stort omtalat ämne och något som idag har tagit över en betydande del av människans liv. Samtidigt är klädindustrin en snabbt växande marknad som nu står inför stora omställningar i takt med den ökade efterfrågan på hållbara produkter, tjänster och andra åtgärder. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur modeföretag kommunicerar ut sitt hållbarhetsarbete och hur

Test-Retest Reliability of Local Tissue Water and Circumference Measurements in the Head and Neck Area of Healthy Women and Men

Background: Measurements of local tissue water and circumferences are methods to evaluate lymphedema. Knowledge about reference values and reproducibility needs, however, to be determined for the head and neck (HN) area of healthy persons before it can be used in persons with HN lymphedema. The objective of this study was to evaluate the test-retest reliability including measurement errors of loca

Long-term Safety of Revascularization Deferral Based on Instantaneous Wave-Free Ratio or Fractional Flow Reserve

Background: Deferral of coronary revascularization is safe whether guided by instantaneous wave-free ratio (iFR) or by fractional flow reserve (FFR). We aimed to assess long-term outcomes in patients deferred from revascularization based on iFR or FFR in a large real-world population. Methods: From 2013 through 2017, 201,933 coronary angiographies were registered in the Swedish Web-System for Enha

Maximum likelihood estimation and uncertainty quantification for Gaussian process approximation of deterministic functions

Despite the ubiquity of the Gaussian process regression model, few theoretical results are available that account for the fact that parameters of the covariance kernel typically need to be estimated from the data set. This article provides one of the first theoretical analyses in the context of Gaussian process regression with a noiseless data set. Specifically, we consider the scenario where the