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Impact of pemafibrate in patients with metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease complicated by dyslipidemia : A single-arm prospective study

BACKGROUND AND AIM: This study aimed to clarify the efficacy and safety of 48-week pemafibrate treatment in patients with metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD) complicated by dyslipidemia.METHODS: A total of 110 patients diagnosed with MASLD complicated by dyslipidemia received pemafibrate at a dose of 0.1 mg twice daily for 48 weeks.RESULTS: The participants were 54 mal

Surgical resection of a retroperitoneal liposarcoma producing insulin-like growth factor II : a case report

BACKGROUND: Tumor-produced high molecular weight insulin-like growth factor-II (big insulin-like growth factor-II) is considered to cause non-islet cell tumor hypoglycemia. This paper presents a case of surgically resected retroperitoneal liposarcoma that produced big insulin-like growth factor-II.CASE PRESENTATION: Here, we report the case of a 62-year-old woman who presented with an abdominal ma

Tertiary lymphoid structures in high-grade serous tubo-ovarian carcinoma : anatomical site matters

Tertiary lymphoid structures (TLS) in the tumor microenvironment are prognostically beneficial in many solid cancer types. Reports on TLS in high-grade serous tubo-ovarian carcinoma (HGSC) are few, and the prognostic impact is unclear. We investigated mature TLS (mTLS), immature TLS (iTLS) and lymphoid aggregates (LA) in primary adnexal tumors (PTs) and synchronous omental/peritoneal metastases (p

GBA1 T369M and Parkinson's disease - Further evidence of a lack of association in the Swedish population

Variants in GBA1 are important genetic risk factors in Parkinson's disease (PD). GBA1 T369M has been linked to an ∼80 % increased PD risk but the reports are conflicting and the relevance of GBA1 variants in different populations varies. A lack of association between T369M and PD in the Swedish population was recently reported but needs further validation. We therefore investigated T369M in 1,808

Överförda betydelser, semantiska utvidgningar och andra oegentligheter : En undersökning av fem definitionsformler för semantisk förändring i SAOB:s definitionstext

In my Ph. D. project, I study semantic change as it is described in the Swedish Acad-emy dictionary (SAOB). The starting point is five semantic labels that are established and highly frequent in the dictionary definitions, namely: bildlig (‘figurative’), oegent-lig (‘un-actual/non-factual’), överförd (‘transferred’), utvidgad (‘extended’) and all-männare användning (‘more general use’). These labe

Förändrade stödnivåer i jordbrukspolitiken – hur påverkas produktion, konkurrenskraft och miljö?

Den gemensamma jordbrukspolitiken (CAP) reformeras regelbundet och arbetet pågår nu inför nästa programperiod som börjar 2028. En betydande del av jordbruksstöden utgörs av gårdsstöd, nötkreatursstöd, kompensationsstöd, omfördelningsstöd och ersättning till naturbetesmarker. Vi analyserar hur förändringar av nivåerna på dessa stöd skulle påverka jordbrukets produktion, konkurrenskraft och miljöpåv

The Construction of Chinese Ethnic Yao's Identities in the Age of Digital Media

This thesis examines the intersection of media engagement and the construction of national identity among the Yao people, an ethnic minority in China. This inquiry emerges against the backdrop of China's state-driven media narratives aimed at fostering national unity amidst its diverse ethnic landscape. The study investigates how the Yao people, with their rich cultural heritage and history of

Putting costs and benefits of ordeals together

This paper addresses how to think about the permissibility of introducing deadweight costs (so-called 'ordeals') on candidate recipients of goods in order to attain better outcomes. The paper introduces some distinctions between different kinds of value dimensions that should be taken into account when such judgements are made and draws from the literature on comparisons across different value dim

Stable and unstable choices

This paper introduces a condition for rational choice that states that accepting decision methods and normative theories that sometimes entail that the act of choosing a maximal alternative renders this alternative non-maximal is irrational. The paper illustrates how certain distributive theories that ascribe importance to what the status quo is violate this condition and argues that they thereby

Eye tracker calibration : How well can humans refixate a target?

Irrespective of the precision, the inaccuracy of a pupil-based eye tracker is about 0.5 ∘ . This paper delves into two factors that potentially increase the inaccuracy of the gaze signal, namely, 1) Pupil-size changes and the pupil-size artefact (PSA) and 2) the putative inability of experienced individuals to precisely refixate a visual target. Experiment 1 utilizes a traditional pupil-CR eye tra

A sensor complements the steric gate when DNA polymerase ϵ discriminates ribonucleotides

The cellular imbalance between high concentrations of ribonucleotides (NTPs) and low concentrations of deoxyribonucleotides (dNTPs), is challenging for DNA polymerases when building DNA from dNTPs. It is currently believed that DNA polymerases discriminate against NTPs through a steric gate model involving a clash between a tyrosine and the 2'-hydroxyl of the ribonucleotide in the polymerase activ

Ojämlikhetsregimer i aktivering : Görande av klass, etnicitet och kön genom subventionerade anställningar

Ojämlikhet, i termer av hur resurser fördelas mellan olika kategorier av människor, är ett genomgripande samhällsfenomen. Den svenska arbetsmarknaden är inget undantag och uppvisar en betydande grad av klassad, etnifierad och könad ojämlikhet när det gäller tillgång till kontroll och makt över produktionsförhållanden. Denna avhandling syftar till att bidra med kunskap om hur och varför ojämlikhetsInequality, in terms of how resources are distributed between different categories of people is a pervasive phenomenon in society. The Swedish labour market is no exception, exhibiting a significant degree of classed, ethnified and gendered inequality in terms of access to control and power over production conditions. This thesis aims to contribute knowledge about how and why inequality regimes ar

SHP-1 Variants Broaden the Understanding of pH-Dependent Activities in Protein Tyrosine Phosphatases

The protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) SHP-1 plays an important role in both immune regulation and oncogenesis. This enzyme is part of a broader family of PTPs that all play important regulatory roles in vivo. Common to these enzymes is a highly conserved aspartic acid (D421 in SHP-1) that acts as an acid/base catalyst during the PTP-catalyzed reaction. This residue is located on a mobile loop, th

Sequence - dynamics - function relationships in protein tyrosine phosphatases

Protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) are crucial regulators of cellular signaling. Their activity is regulated by the motion of a conserved loop, the WPD-loop, from a catalytically inactive open to a catalytically active closed conformation. WPD-loop motion optimally positions a catalytically critical residue into the active site, and is directly linked to the turnover number of these enzymes. Cry

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Mild traumatic brain injury, such as concussion, was once considered self-resolving. However, over the past decade, increased understanding of the short- and long-term impact has led to new guidelines for active management. In this review, we summarise recent findings, covering diagnostic criteria, and management for early and persistent symptoms. Many of the postconcussive symptoms can be treated