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Hög tillgänglighet och god kvalitet? En intervjustudie om produktionsbaserad styrning inom offentlig vård

During the last decades, market-oriented policies have entailed significant changes within the Swedish public sector. In Västra Götalandsregionen, primary care clinics for physiotherapy since 2014 get funding based on collected contact points. The points are generated by patients visiting the clinics. Furthermore, the physiotherapists working at the clinics are assigned a daily target number. The

Recovery in mental illness: Focus on subjective perceptions of occupations in Clubhouses

The primary study aim was to explore which factors could predict recovery at baseline and follow- up, with occupational value, occupational balance, satisfaction with daily occupations, occupational engagement, and sociodemographic and clinical factors as predictors. A secondary aim was to investigate stability over time in personal recovery from baseline to a 9- month follow- up among people with

From Customer-, to Actor-, to Stakeholder Engagement : Taking Stock, Conceptualization, and Future Directions

Despite the significant strides made in the customer engagement literature, the need to understand any marketing actor’s engagement (vs. merely the customer’s) is increasingly recognized. Therefore, the budding actor engagement (AE) concept, which is commonly grounded in S-D logic, describes any marketing actor’s engagement, including that of customers, firms, employees, suppliers, and so on. Howe

Virtual diplomatic summitry

This chapter discusses the rise of virtual diplomatic summitry and its place in the digitalisation of diplomacy. Virtual diplomatic summitry refers to the diplomatic summit meetings that take place through technologies for virtual interaction such as videoconferencing tools, and that take place partly or completely in virtual venues. Virtualisation has been embraced as a solution to sustain instit

Organising Everyday Resistance : An Ethnographic Study of Rickshaw Drivers in Bogotá.

Workers in the informal transport sector are often exposed to multiple forms of workplace violence, for instance by the police and their colleagues. Through a collection of rich ethnographic stories and using the concept of popular resistance, this article investigates how and under what conditions rickshaw drivers in Bogotá resist violence in their workplace. The results reveal that rickshaw asso

Improved representation of phosphorus exchange on soil mineral surfaces reduces estimates of phosphorus limitation in temperate forest ecosystems

Phosphorus (P) availability affects the response of terrestrial ecosystems to environmental and climate change (e.g., elevated CO2), yet the magnitude of this effect remains uncertain. This uncertainty arises mainly from a lack of quantitative understanding of the soil biological and geochemical P cycling processes, particularly the P exchange with soil mineral surfaces, which is often described b

Beyond Neoliberalized Research : From Auditing to reflexive Governance

For many years, universities represented the ultimate outpost for professional autonomy in Western democracies. Despite little insight into the professional practices of scholars or administrators, governments provided the academic profession with extensive discretion, including the freedom to regulate qualifications for positions, terms for promotion, quality standards, goals, performance indicat

Alteration in Cerebral Metabolism in a Rodent Model of Acute Sub-lethal Cyanide Poisoning

Introduction: Cyanide exposure can occur in various settings such as industry and metallurgy. The primary mechanism of injury is cellular hypoxia from Complex IV (CIV) inhibition. This leads to decreased ATP production and increased reactive oxygen species production. The brain and the heart are the organs most affected due to their high metabolic demand. While the cardiac effects of cyanide are w

Diagnosis and Management of Posterior Cortical Atrophy

Purpose of review: The study aims to provide a summary of recent developments for diagnosing and managing posterior cortical atrophy (PCA). We present current efforts to improve PCA characterisation and recommendations regarding use of clinical, neuropsychological and biomarker methods in PCA diagnosis and management and highlight current knowledge gaps. Recent findings: Recent multi-centre consen

Beyond the Big Five : The effect of machiavellian, narcissistic, and psychopathic personality traits on stakeholder engagement

Prior research has established the key impact of customers' Big Five personality traits (e.g., agreeableness/conscientiousness) on their brand engagement, suggesting that individuals exhibiting differing personality traits engage differently with brands. In parallel, extending influential customer engagement research, stakeholder engagement, which covers any stakeholder's (e.g., a customer's, supp

Terrorist Threats in Scandinavia: A comparative study of the most significant terrorist threats in Denmark, Sweden, and Norway between 2001-2022

The Scandinavian countries have neither been a focus area in terrorism nor intelligence studies, even though the Scandinavian intelligence agencies perceive the terrorist threats as rather present in their countries. This thesis aims to examine the similarities and differences within the assessment of the most significant terrorist threats in Denmark, Sweden, and Norway between 2001-2022 based on

Agonistisk fred i Bosnien och Hercegovina, en möjlighet?

When the Bosnian civil war ended in 1995 by signing the Dayton-peace agreement, the international community imposed so-called liberal peacebuilding, known as the top-down approach. Since this proceeding had brought unsuccessful results, the number of nongovernmental organizations began to increase in order to build a sustainable and more inclusive peace in post-Dayton BiH. This thesis examines th

Methods for anti-factor VIII antibody levels in haemophilia A patients-validation of a multiplec immunoassay and comparability with assays measuring non-neutralising and neutralising antibodies (inhibitors)

IntroductionThe development of neutralising (inhibitors) and non-neutralising antibodies (NNAs) is a complication to factor replacement therapy in haemophilia. The diagnostic methods available lack standardisation, have high inter-laboratory variation, and false-negative as well as false-positive results may affect treatment. Both functional inhibitors and NNAs may be detected with higher reproduc

Economic impacts, carbon footprint and rebound effects of car sharing : Scenario analysis assessing business-to-consumer and peer-to-peer car sharing

Car sharing is promoted as one alternative to decrease emissions from personal transport in cities. Most emission assessments have focused on the production and use phase of car sharing, but few have focused on the impacts of changes in consumption. In this article I assess changes in the total output from various sectors and in the carbon footprint of car sharing users from a consumption perspect

Design, synthesis, And applications of galectin modulators in human health

Over the last decade, the family of galectin proteins has been identified as key regulators of important biological processes. They bind β-D-galactopyranoside residues in glycoconjugates, and by presenting multiple binding sites, within one galectin or by forming dimers or multimers, they can cross-link glycoproteins and form galectin-glycoprotein lattices. Such lattices formed on the cell surface