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Best Practice of Peritoneal Dialysis-Associated Gram-Negative Peritonitis in Children : Insights From the International Pediatric Peritoneal Dialysis Network Registry

Introduction: Gram-negative peritonitis (GNP) is associated with significant morbidity in children receiving long-term peritoneal dialysis (PD) and current treatment recommendations are based on limited data. Methods: Analysis of 379 GNP episodes in 308 children (median age 6.9 years, interquartile range [IQR]: 3.0–13.6) from 45 centers in 28 countries reported to the International Pediatric Perit

PhD students’ acceptance of the university teaching community’s cultural norms and by the teaching community : a phenomenographic study

One of the aims of PhD students’ socialisation is for them to accept the norms of the teaching culture and to be fully engaged with and accepted by the university teaching community. However, when PhD students enter universities, they do not necessarily accept all of the university teaching community’s cultural norms, nor do they all experience acceptance by the community. This phenomenographic st

Klarspråk i Högsta domstolen – En analys av den språkliga utformningen av Högsta domstolens domar under perioden 1971–2024

Sedan 1970-talet har det förts en aktiv diskussion om modernisering av språket som används av myndigheter och andra offentliga organ. För domstolarnas del var det den så kallade Förtroendeutredningen, vars betänkande presenterades år 2008, som blev startskottet för arbetet med att se över den språkliga utformningen av domar och beslut. Detta klarspråksarbete är numera ett naturligt inslag i domstoSince the 1970s there has been an ongoing public discussion in Sweden centered around efforts to modernize the language of the public sector. In 2008 an official report about communication between courts of law and citizens highlighted the necessity of improving the language of judgements and decisions, sparking further discussions and action. Since then, the courts have been actively working to p

Expansion of MHC-IIB Has Constrained the Evolution of MHC-IIA in Passerines

The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is central in adaptive immunity, with the highly polymorphic MHC genes encoding antigen-presenting molecules. Two MHC class II (MHC-II) loci, DA1 and DA2, predate the radiation of extant birds and persist throughout much of the avian phylogeny. Within each locus, the MHC-II molecules are encoded by A-genes (DAA) and B-genes (DAB), which are arranged in A–

Visualization of soil aggregate structures provides insights into their formation mechanisms induced by litter inputs

Soil aggregation is a dynamic process influenced by physical, chemical and biological factors; however, their individual and combined effect on the formation and turnover of aggregates is not well understood. The aim of this study was to examine incorporation of fresh litter inputs of different physicochemical properties including their carbon-to-nitrogen (C/N) ratio – maize (C/N = 12) and straw (

Abandonment or biomass production? Phytodiversity responses to land-use changes of semi-natural grasslands in northern Europe

European semi-natural grasslands are hotspots for biodiversity and important for the provisioning of multiple ecosystem services, but their extent has declined considerably during the past century. Increasing demands for agricultural and forest biomass risk causing further loss of grasslands, raising concern about a goal conflict between climate mitigation and biodiversity conservation. This study

The Gaia -ESO Survey : The DR5 analysis of the medium-resolution GIRAFFE and high-resolution UVES spectra of FGK-type stars

The Gaia-ESO Survey is an European Southern Observatory (ESO) public spectroscopic survey that targeted 105 stars in the Milky Way covering the major populations of the disk, bulge and halo. The observations were made using FLAMES on the VLT obtaining both UVES high (R ~ 47 000) and GIRAFFE medium (R ~ 20 000) resolution spectra. The analysis of the Gaia-ESO spectra was the work of multiple analys

Mandatory national language requirements in higher education

Some countries try to curb internationalisation in academia or require that foreign scientists take language courses. While this is done for the wrong reasons, learning the language of the host country has great benefits for academic staff. [Image: see text]

Friends and relatives : insight into conformational regulation from orthologues and evolutionary lineages using KIF and KIN

Noncovalent interaction networks provide a powerful means to represent and analyze protein structure. Such networks can represent both static structures and dynamic conformational ensembles. We have recently developed two tools for analyzing such interaction networks and generating hypotheses for protein engineering. Here, we apply these tools to the conformational regulation of substrate specific

A Capture-Recapture-based Ascertainment Probability Weighting Method for Effect Estimation with Under-ascertained Outcomes

Outcome under-ascertainment, characterized by the incomplete identification or reporting of cases, poses a substantial challenge in epidemiologic research. While capture-recapture methods can estimate unknown case numbers, their role in estimating exposure effects in observational studies is not well established. This paper presents an ascertainment probability weighting framework that integrates

Getting a glimpse into the sensory worlds of animals : the Editors’ and Readers’ Choice Awards 2024

The Editors’ and Readers’ Choice Awards were established in 2022 to celebrate some of the outstanding articles published every year in the Journal of Comparative Physiology A. The recipients of the 2024 Editors’ Choice Awards were selected based on votes cast by the Editorial Board on articles published in 2023. In the category Original Paper, this distinction goes to ‘Views from ‘crabworld’: the

Sakliga skäl och bristande arbetsprestationer: En analys av rättsläget efter förändringarna i LAS 2022

Uppsatsen analyserar hur de lagändringar som trädde i kraft 2022 påverkar rättsläget för uppsägningar på grund av bristande arbetsprestation. En central del av reformen är förändringen från "saklig grund" till "sakliga skäl" i 7 § LAS. Vidare analyseras den nya dispositiviteten som öppnade upp 7§ LAS genom kollektivavtal enligt 2 c § LAS. Syftet från lagstiftarens sida var bl.aThe thesis analyzes how the legislative changes implemented in 2022 impact the legal framework for dismissals due to insufficient work performance. A central aspect of the reform is the shift from "saklig grund" (objective grounds) to "sakliga skäl" (objective reasons) in Section 7 of LAS (the Swedish Employment Protection Act). Furthermore, the thesis examines the new disposit