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In-situ Study of the Growth, Composition and Morphology of III-V Semiconductor Nanowires
It is widely known that nanoparticle seeded growth of III-V semiconductor nanowires often occurs via the vapor-liquid-solid mechanism. However, conventional growth of nanowires is carried out in closed systems, where mostof the details and dynamics of the growth are impossible to follow. Since all analysis is typically carried out after growth completion and transfer, only the trends in the produc
Single-vesicle intensity and colocalization fluorescence microscopy to study lipid vesicle fusion, fission, and lipid exchange
Interactions of lipid vesicles play important roles in a large variety of functions and dysfunctions in the human body. Vital for several biochemical functions is the interaction between monomeric proteins and lipid membranes, and the induced phenomena such as fusion between vesicles and cell membranes, lipid exchange between the membranes, or vesicle fission. Identification of single events and t
Processing Predicate NPs: An EEG study
Theories on discourse accessibility and givenness suggest that nominal discourse entities vary with regard to how likely they are to act as antecedents to anaphoric expressions. Many factors are thought to affect the accessibility of a nominal entity in the mental model, including its morphosyntactic form and grammatical role. Moreover, previous research has shown that reflexive pronouns can be il
Influence of oxygen coordination number on the electronic structure of single-layer La-based cuprates
We present an angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy study of the single-layer T∗-type structured cuprate SmLa1-xSrxCuO4 with unique fivefold pyramidal oxygen coordination. Upon varying oxygen content, T∗-SmLa1-xSrxCuO4 evolved from a Mott-insulating to a metallic state where the Luttinger sum rule breaks down under the assumption of a large holelike Fermi surface. This is in contrast with the
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Being family and friends to abused women–a qualitative study of digital media in intimate partner violence.
In research on intimate partner violence, most studies focus on those who are abused. In this chapter, we focus on how families, friends, relatives, and employers of abuse victims interact through the use of smartphones, social media platforms, apps, and other internet-connected devices. We discuss how digital technology is integrated into the lives of domestic abuse victims and their social netwo
Lingering landscapes: an examination of the heterogeneous remains of welfare planning
This paper explores how landscape can be used as a lens to understand lingering as a geographical concept. Following the European Landscape Convention, landscape is defined as “an area, as perceived by people, whose character is the result of the action and interaction of natural and/or human factors”. Thus, landscape assembles practices, perceptions and natural processes in an a-modern manner; th
Perceptions of everyday life during lenient COVID-19 restrictions in Sweden- an interview study
BACKGROUND: Both COVID-19 and its associated societal restrictions have affected individuals' health and everyday life. In Sweden, more lenient public health restrictions were implemented, with individuals asked to act responsibly in terms of reducing spread of disease. The majority of studies reporting on experiences of Covid-19 restrictions have been in the context of more substantial mandatory
Modelling the chemical recycling of plastic waste via pyrolysis and analysing integration with existing refinery infrastructure
Current plastic management is unsustainable as large amounts of plastic end up landfilled or in the ocean, necessitating an expansion of waste management infrastructure. Pyrolysis is a viable chemical recycling option, and in this report a pyrolysis model is constructed in Aspen Plus. The model is a stoichiometric pre-sorted polyethylene feed and is based on experimental pyrolysis results. Product
Jakob Evertsson. Bishops, Politics and anti-Clericalism in Nineteenth-Century England and Sweden. : An analysis of the debate on the political role of the anglican bishops during the 1830s parliamentary reform debate in comparison to Sweden
Balancing the intracellular redox status in engineered autotrophic E. coli
Establishing artificial carbon fixation in Escherichia coli as a model organism can open the door to utilization of carbon dioxide as a sustainable feedstock in industrial bioprocesses. Gleizer et al. (2019) developed an autotrophic E. coli strain which combines native and non-native enzymes to create an artificial Calvin Cycle. One of the native enzymes used is the NADH-dependent glyceraldehyde 3
Response to “Comment on ‘Maternal Exposure to Per-and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) and Male Reproductive Function in Young Adulthood : Combined Exposure to Seven PFAS’”
The geography of environmental innovation : a critical review and agenda for future research
This article provides a critical literature review on the regional determinants of environmental innovation. The analysis of the relevant literature on supply-side factors, demand-side factors, and institutional factors reveals the importance of regional determinants in green technology development. Specifically, regional R&D collaborations, university-industry collaborations, and technologica
Defining Responsible and Equitable Authorship by a Principle-based Approach
Authorship is important for career progression but it also implies responsibility for the integrity of work undertaken. There are variousguidelines for authorship, but with no clear definition and with tacitly agreed standards which vary between disciplines, it can be amatter of interpretation and negotiation who will be listed as an author. It is often not clear what contribution each person has
Next steps in the energy transition - a high-impact forum
Evaluation of single-fraction high dose FLASH radiotherapy in a cohort of canine oral cancer patients
Background: FLASH radiotherapy (RT) is a novel method for delivering ionizingradiation, which has been shown in preclinical studies to have a normal tissuesparing effect and to maintain anticancer efficacy as compared to conventionalRT. Treatment of head and neck tumors with conventional RT is commonlyassociated with severe toxicity, hence the normal tissue sparing effect of FLASHRT potentially ma
Inverse association of anti-inflammatory prescription fills and suicide-related mortality in young adults : Evidence from a nationwide study of Swedish regions, 2006–2021
Background: This cross-sectional study examined nationwide real-world associations between anti-inflammatory agent fills and suicide-related death rates in 20–24-year-olds across the 21 Swedish regions during 2006–2021. Methods: Nationwide Swedish registers were used to compare regional year-wise suicide-related mortality (SRM) and dispensations for anti-inflammatory agents (ATC-code: M01) in 20–2
Besöksräknarteknologi: Mot datadrivet beslutsfattande inom fysisk handel
Denna studie undersöker möjligheterna att öka användningen av data inom fysisk handel och syftar till att förstå hur beslutsfattare kan generera värde från besöksräknarteknologi. Genom en kvantitativ forskningsansats undersöker studien potentialen hos moderna teknologier inom handelssektorn och introducerar Data Acceptance Model (DAM) som en teoretisk modell för att förstå acceptansen av data. Res
Toward a Hybrid Theory of How to Allocate Health-related Resources
How should scarce health-related resources be allocated? This paper argues that values that apply to these decisions fail to always fully determine what we should do. Health maximization and allocation-according-to-need are suggested as two values that should be part of a general theory of how to allocate health-related resources. The "small improvement argument"is used to argue that it is implaus