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Your search for "*" yielded 534649 hits

The influence of temporal distance on justice and care morality.

The primary goal of this study was to examine whether changes in the temporal distance of a moral dilemma affect how it is perceived and subsequently resolved. Based on Construal Level Theory (Trope & Liberman, 2003), it was predicted that the relative weight of abstract justice features should increase and the relative weight of concrete care features should decrease with temporal distance. T

Incidence of and risk factors for neonatal morbidity after active perinatal care: extremely preterm infants study in Sweden (EXPRESS)

Aims: The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of neonatal morbidity in extremely preterm infants and to identify associated risk factors. Methods: Population based study of infants born before 27 gestational weeks and admitted for neonatal intensive care in Sweden during 2004-2007. Results: Of 638 admitted infants, 141 died. Among these, life support was withdrawn in 55 infants becaus

Controlling graphene corrugation on lattice-mismatched substrates

By means of synchrotron-radiation-based core-level spectroscopies we demonstrate that the degree of corrugation in graphene nanomesh on lattice-mismatched transition-metal substrates critically depends on the strength of chemical bonding at the interface. The degree of interfacial orbital hybridization between graphene and metal states is rising in the series Pt(111)-Ir(111)-Rh(111)-Ru(0001). This

Medkänslans makt och gränser. Nya linjer i känslornas historia

Den här artikeln belyser hur långa linjer kan bedrivas också kring känslor som omsorg och medkänsla. Därigenom önskar vi nyansera en traditionell berättelse om västerlandets historia, som i hög grad förklarat historien som en förnuftslig och handgriplig triumf över tidigare dominerande känslor som ångest och rädsla. En sådan förklaringsmodell baseras på teorier om känslor som inte längre har stöd

New Insights into the Origins of Sb-Induced Effects on Self-Catalyzed GaAsSb Nanowire Arrays.

Ternary semiconductor nanowire arrays enable scalable fabrication of nano-optoelectronic devices with tunable bandgap. However, the lack of insight into the effects of the incorporation of Vy element results in lack of control on the growth of ternary III-V1-yVy nanowires and hinders the development of high-performance nanowire devices based on such ternaries. Here, we report on the origins of Sb-

Blueberry husks, rye bran and multi-strain probiotics affect the severity of colitis induced by dextran sulphate sodium

Objective. The enteric microbiota is a pivotal factor in the development of intestinal inflammation in humans but probiotics, dietary fibres and phytochemicals can have anti-inflammatory effects. The aim of this study was to evaluate the therapeutic effect of multi-strain probiotics and two conceivable prebiotics in an experimental colitis model. Material and methods. Sprague-Dawley rats were fed

Improving inventory accuracy using RFID technology: a case study

Purpose of this paper - The paper explores and describes the impact of radio frequency identification (RFID) technology on inventory accuracy within a production and assembly plant, and proposes a model for assessing the impact of the technology on inventory accuracy. Design/methodology/approach - The empirical investigation, based on case study research, focuses on an RFID implementation at a sup

Positive effect of protein-supplemented hospital food on protein intake in patients at nutritional risk: a randomised controlled trial

BackgroundNew evidence indicates that increased dietary protein ingestion promotes health and recovery from illness, and also maintains functionality in older adults. The present study aimed to investigate whether a novel food service concept with protein-supplementation would increase protein and energy intake in hospitalised patients at nutritional risk. MethodsA single-blinded randomised contro

Rib stress fractures in elite rowers

The aim was to investigate potential risk factors and suggested injury mechanisms involved in the development of exercise-induced rib stress fractures (RSF) in elite rowers as well as investigate biomechanical and neuromuscular differences of ergometer rowing in stationary and slide-based ergometers. BMD and muscle strength was assessed as well as EMG of thoracic muscles and rowing technique duri

Nematic Ordering of Polymers in Confined Geometry Applied to DNA Packaging in Viral Capsids.

A density functional theory of the spatial distribution and biaxial nematic order of polymers of arbitrary length and rigidity inside a spherical cavity is proposed. The local order of different chain segments is considered as an alignment to a spatially varying director field of cylindrical symmetry. The steric interactions are taken into account in the second virial approximation. Polymer densit

Design, Verification and Application of IEEE 1687

IEEE 1687 (IJTAG) has been developed to enable flexible and automated access to the increasing number of embedded instruments in today's integrated circuits. These instruments enable efficient post-silicon validation, debugging, wafer sort, package test, burn-in, bring-up and manufacturing test of printed circuit board assemblies, power-on self-test, and in-field test. Current paper presents an ov

Numerical Simulation of Unsteady Flows of Physiological Relevance

Pulsatile flows in geometries of physiological relevance have been investigated. Atherosclerotic plaques are (initiated) near junctions and bifurcations in larger arteries. The flow in these regions is characterized by flow separation and unsteadiness, which indicates that local flow conditions contribute to atherogenesis. Flows in curved and bifurcating pipes have been investigated over many y

Plasmon hybridization in pyramidal metamaterials: a route towards ultra-broadband absorption

Pyramidal metamaterials are currently developed for ultra-broadband absorbers. They consist of periodic arrays of alternating metal/dielectric layers forming truncated square-based pyramids. The metallic layers of increasing lengths play the role of vertically and, to a less extent, laterally coupled plasmonic resonators. Based on detailed numerical simulations, we demonstrate that plasmon hybridi