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Your search for "*" yielded 531675 hits

Multiple scattering by a collection of randomly located obstacles distributed in a dielectric slab

Scattering of electromagnetic waves by discrete, randomly distributed objects inside a (finite or semi-infinite) slab is addressed. In general, the non-intersecting scattering objects can be of arbitrary form, material and shape with number density n0 (number of scatterers per volume). The main aim of this paper is to calculate the coherent reflection and transmission characteristics for this conf

Assessing the stability of free-energy perturbation calculations by performing variations in the method

We have calculated relative binding affinities for eight tetrafluorophenyl-triazole-thiogalactoside inhibitors of galectin-3 with the alchemical free-energy perturbation approach. We obtain a mean absolute deviation from experimental estimates of only 2–3 kJ/mol and a correlation coefficient (R2) of 0.5–0.8 for seven relative affinities spanning a range of up to 11 kJ/mol. We also studied the effe

Cross laminated timber at in-plane beam loading - Prediction of shear stresses in crossing areas

Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) at in-plane beam loading conditions present a very complex stress state and many failure modes need to be considered in design. The work presented here aims at finding improvements of a specific analytical model for stress analysis and strength verification that has been suggested in literature and which is also suggested as a basis for design equations for the next ve

Diversity of cnidarians and cycloneuralians in the Fortunian (early Cambrian) Kuanchuanpu Formation at Zhangjiagou, South China

The latest discovery of microfossils from the lower Cambrian (Fortunian Stage) Zhangjiagou Lagerstätte in South China are presented. This lagerstätte is rich in exceptionally preserved microfossils, including embryos of Olivooides multisulcatus, Olivooides mirabilis, and Pseudooides prima; hatched stages of O. multisulcatus, O. mirabilis, Hexaconularia sichuanensis, and Quadrapyrgites quadratacris

A Simple System Dynamics Model for the Global Production Rate of Sand, Gravel, Crushed Rock and Stone, Market Prices and Long-Term Supply Embedded into the WORLD6 Model

A model for global supply of sand, gravel and cut stone for construction based on a system dynamics model was developed for inclusion in the WORLD6 model. The Sand-Gravel-Stone model simulates production and market supply, demand and price for natural sand and gravel, sand and gravel from crushed rock and cut stone. The model uses market mechanisms where the demand is depending on population size,

Greenhouse gas emissions of methanol from co-gasification of black liquor with by-product biomass

En hållbar omställning av transportsystemet kan komma att kräva olika typer av bränslen, tekniker och infrastrukturförändringar, och som ett möjligt alternativ finns biodrivmedel. En potentiell resurs för biodrivmedelsproduktion i Sverige är svartlut, en ligninrik biprodukt från pappers- och massaindustrin, som kan förgasas och omvandlas till metanol. Mängden svartlut som finns tillgänglig begräns

Advances in SAR-ISAR blending

Radar signature measurements of targets with or without camouflage in different backgrounds using airborne SAR are complex and expensive. Measurements at many orientations as well as illumination angles have to be performed for each target for completeness. A more efficient solution is to use ground based ISAR measurements of the desired targets and then blend these images into measured SAR scenes

Multicenter study of retrograde open mesenteric artery stenting through laparotomy for treatment of acute and chronic mesenteric ischemia

Objective: Retrograde open mesenteric stenting (ROMS) through laparotomy was introduced as an alternative to surgical bypass in patients with acute mesenteric ischemia (AMI). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the indications and outcomes of ROMS for treatment of AMI and chronic mesenteric ischemia. Methods: We reviewed the clinical data and outcomes of all consecutive patients treated by R

Energy scaling of gas nonlinear optics

Nonlinear light-matter interactions, such as filamentation or high-order harmonic generation, are at the heart of nonlinear optics. Scaling of such effects is crucial to benefit optimally from novel laser developments. We introduce and discuss a general scaling model for nonlinear light-matter interactions in gases.

Evaluation of a school-based cognitive–behavioral depression prevention program

Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the feasibility and cost-utility of a school-based cognitive–behavioral (CB) depression prevention program. Methods: A quasi-experimental trial with an intervention group and a control group, with follow-up measurements obtained at three and 12 months after baseline, was conducted. The setting was six Swedish municipalities. The participants were stude

The bodies of others in Swedish feminism

The body – or, more specifically, women’s bodies – has long been one of feminism’s central topics. This discussion has ranged from explorations of the cultural meaning of biology to the challenging of classification systems regulating bodies not only culturally coded as female or male but also understood through race regimes. This article seeks to explore the location of bodies within Swedish femi

The ‘European Turks’ : identities of high-skilled Turkish migrants in Europe

Using exceptionally rich qualitative data coming from the FP7 EUCROSS project on the ‘Europeanization of the Everyday Life’, this paper focuses on high-skilled and highly transnational Turkish migrants who reside in the UK, Romania and Italy. The article analyses participants’ discursive constructions of Europe and Europeanness and shows how specific images and symbols of Europe and Turkey influen

Aeolian dunes of central Sweden

I Sveriges centrala inland finns det allt från enstaka sanddyner till stora dynfält som täcker mer än 10 km2. Dessa dynfält passerar dock oftast obemärkt i landskapet på grund av det oftast markanta vegetationstäcke som fixerar dessa dyner. De är dock värdefulla för att kunna återskapa forna tiders klimat och vindmönster, men tyvärr har förhållandevis lite forskning angående dessa dyner bedrivits In the Swedish inland there are aeolian deposits present, ranging from scattered single dunes to dune fields of more than 10 km2. These dune fields often pass unnoticed since they presently are covered by vegetation. However, they contain a rich palaeoenvironmental archive. Only a few research papers have been published regarding these aeolian deposits during the last 90 years. The primary scope o

Labor Migration from Third Countries to Swedish Low-wage jobs

Since December 2008, Sweden has more liberal rules for labor immigration from ‘third countries’ – countries outside the European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA) – than any other country in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The introduction of employer-driven labor immigration, motivated by the need to address labor shortages, resulted in large inflows o

Ungdomars politiska diskussion i sociala medier: hellre offline?

I valrörelsen 2018 väntas sociala medier spela en stor roll, särskilt för ungdomar, eftersom sociala medier utgör deras främsta plattform för nyhetskonsumtion och kommunikation. Denna kvalitativa intervju- och fokusgruppstudie undersöker 110 svenska ungdomars inställning till politiskt deltagande i sociala medier. Med hjälp av ett explorativt anslag som inkluderar politiskt mycket aktiva såväl som

Fish and resilience among Early Holocene foragers of southern Scandinavia : A fusion of stable isotopes and zooarchaeology through Bayesian mixing modelling

This study highlights the importance of different protein sources in the diet of Early and Middle Mesolithic humans in southern Scandinavia, and illustrates variation and change in protein consumption patterns during the Early Holocene. By combining previously published stable isotope data with new analyses of human and animal bone remains, a Bayesian mixing model was used to reveal that fishing w