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Your search for "*" yielded 525743 hits
Heavy metals in aquatic plants and their relationship to concentrations in surface water, groundwater and sediments – a case study of Poopó Basin, Bolivia
Market orientation of retail brands in the grocery chain: The role of supplier relationships
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SVARNE, an expert system to be used in the care of the mentally retarded
Successful expert systems have usually been built on fairly well established technological or medical knowledge [1],[2]. In the present article we report results from a project where interest instead is directed at knowledge connected with human behaviour
Noise-proof equilibria in two-action signaling games
Time domain analysis of open loop distortion in class D amplifier output stages
During the long history of Class AB amplifiers, many topology improvements have been developed with the aim of reducing open-loop THD. As Class D amplifiers become widely used, a new learning of such improvements is needed, since the basic distortion mechanisms are very different from those of Class AB amplifiers. This is even more important with Class D designs because the very high feedback loop
Samtal om språkbruk och språkriktighet som en effekt av olika övningsuppgifter
Det här föredraget argumenterar att noggrant utformade översättningsövningar kan ha en speciell (men dock begränsad) plats i språkundervisningen, i alla fall på de högre nivåerna på gymnasiet och på universitetsnivå. Förutsättningen är att studenter och lärare delar samma modersmål eller att åtminstone alla i klassrummet har god kunskap i det som är de flesta studenters modersmål. Föredraget baser
Pollen-inferred quantitative reconstructions of Holocene land-cover in NW Europe for the evaluation of past climate-vegetation feedbacks – The Swedish LANDCLIM project and the NordForsk LANDCLIM network.
Pioneffekter i nägra kärnfotoreaktioner
[abstract missing]
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Produktionssäkerhetsanalys av produktion i en avancerad sammansatt linje.
Multitasking Real-Time Control Systems in Easy Java Simulations
The paper presents the development of interactive real-time control labs using Easy Java Simulations (Ejs). Ejs is a free software tool that allows rapid creation of interactive simulations in Java. A new TrueTime-based kernel has been designed in Ejs in order to create multitasking real-time system simulations as well as soft real-time applications. The main features of these new capabilities are
Organ improvisation as activity and action
Film museum exhibitions. Local, regional and national stories about film and culture
Film archives as an institution has for a long time been a prominent object in film studies and archives research. Film museums have since also been studied, but mainly as a place for the archives and less as a locality for exhibitions about film. This presentation discusses different types of film museums and their exhibitions, ranging from the smallest local to the national-level, and asks quest
3D metal-semiconductor devices and other nanoelectronic devices
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Critique of the Danish 911 "truth" movement, based on observations at a public meeting where Niels Harrit, a Danish chemistry professor, promotes the theory of "controlled demolition" of the World Trade Center building 7, WTC7. A critique of a prominent conspiracy theory, published in a Danish weekly news magazine.
IR in Software Traceability: From a Bird's Eye View
Several researchers have proposed creating after-the-fact structure among software artifacts using trace recovery based on Information Retrieval (IR). Due to significant variation points in previous studies, results are not easily aggregated. Aim. We aim at an overview picture of the outcome of previous evaluations. Method. Based on a systematic mapping study, we perform a synthesis of published r