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How general is the effect of the bulkiness of organic ligands on the basicity of metal-organic catalysts? H2-evolving Mo oxides/sulphides as case studies

Tailoring the activity of an organometallic catalyst usually requires a targeted ligand design. Tuning the ligand bulkiness and tuning the electronic properties are popular approaches, which are somehow interdependent because substituents of different sizes within ligands can determine inter alia the occurrence of different degrees of inductive effects. Ligand basicity, in particular, turned o

Brain responses to negated and affirmative meanings in the auditory modality

Negation is frequently used in natural language, yet relatively little is known about its processing. More importantly, what is known regarding the neurophysiological processing of negation is mostly based on results of studies using written stimuli (the word-by-word paradigm). While the results of these studies have suggested processing costs in connection to negation (increased negativities in b

Brottsrubricering och straffvärde vid olaga innehav av skjutvapen

I Sverige har det dödliga skjutvapenvåldet ökat under 2010- och 2020-talen. De flesta av brotten är kopplade till pågående konflikter i de kriminella mil-jöerna i utsatta områden i de svenska storstadsregionerna. Hur denna vålds-brottslighet ska förhindras har blivit en viktig politisk fråga. En av de strategier som har använts för att minska förekomsten av dödligt skjutvapenvåld har varit att skDuring the last decade there has been an increase in lethal gun violence in Sweden. Many of the crimes are connected to ongoing conflicts within or-ganized crime in the segregated suburbs in metropolitan areas. How to de-crease the number of shootings has become a major political issue. One of the strategies used to combat gun violence has been to increase the severity of punishments for crimes a

Utvärdering av bärighetskrav i totalentreprenader

För att uppnå maximal nytta med skattebetalarnas pengar eftersträvar Trafikverket att vägar ska byggas med lång livslängd. För att uppnå detta vill Trafikverket i framtiden ha möjlighet att ställa krav på vägars bärighet i totalentreprenader, utöver de funktionskrav (exempelvis spårbildning och jämnhet) som redan ställs på vägens yta idag. Vid slutbesiktning skall fallviktsmätningar utföras som viTo achieve maximum benefit with both resources and money, the Swedish Transport Administration want to set requirements regarding the bearing capacity in design and construct contracts to ensure a long lifetime of roads. A falling weight deflectometer test is to be carried out for the final inspection of the road and the results will tell the Swedish Transport Administration whether the contractor

Refractory azo dye wastewater treatment by combined process of microbial electrolytic reactor and plant-microbial fuel cell

An innovative design of microbial electrolytic reactor (MER) coupled with Ipomoea aquatica Forsk. plant microbial fuel cell (IAF-PMFC) was developed for azo dye wastewater treatment and electricity generation. This study aims to assess the sequential degradation of azo dye and the feasibility of energy self-sufficiency in the MER/IAF-PMFC system. The decomposition of azo dye into aromatic amines a

Youth Activism and Global Awareness : The Emergence of the Operation Dagsverke Campaign in 1960s Sweden

In recent years, school strikes and street protests for climate justice have drawn international attention to young people's mobilisation and activism on global issues. This article addresses the need to map the history of global awareness among young people by exploring the origins of the Operation Dagsverke (Operation Day's Work) campaign in Sweden during the early 1960s. Drawing primarily on ma

Interaction-Aware Moving Target Model Predictive Control for Autonomous Vehicles Motion Planning

This paper investigates an integrated traffic environment modeling and model predictive control (MPC) system to realize interaction-aware dynamic motion planning of an autonomous vehicle with multiple surrounding vehicles. The interaction-aware interacting multiple model Kalman filter (IAIMM-KF) from the literature is used to hierarchically predict maneuvers and trajectories of surrounding vehicle

Influences of bus traffic loading on asphalt concrete rutting

Permanent deformation is the primary failure mode for the asphalt concrete (AC) pavement in urban environment. It is mainly caused by a combination of heavy traffic load, low vehicle speed and channelised traffic. A rut prediction model would therefore be a valuable tool for planning maintenance scheduling and selecting an appropriate asphalt material. This study uses the PEDRO (Permanent deformat

Nanofluidic analytical system integrated with nanochannel open/close valves for enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay

There have been significant advances in the field of nanofluidics, and novel technologies such as single-cell analysis have been demonstrated. Despite the evident advantages of nanofluidics, fluid control in nanochannels for complicated analyses is extremely difficult because the fluids are currently manipulated by maintaining the balance of driving pressure. To address this issue, the use of valv

The Book Pippi Longstocking in the GDR 1975 and 1988 : Possibilities and Limitations of Materiality

The aim of this presentation is to examine the complex reception history of Astrid Lindgren's classic children's book “Pippi Longstocking” in the GDR based on the appearance and paper quality of the various editions. “Pippi Longstockning” was published in two different editions in 1975 and 1988 by the East Berlin Children's Book Publishing House (Kinderbuchverlag Berlin). The differences between t

No title

The object of this paper is to describe the stylistic resources in literary texts and find out how textual density in narrative texts is created. Therefore, to a great extent the lyrical features are sought in the narrative. What is explicitly expressed within the text is investigated but what is not in the text, the empty spaces, is also commented on. It is reflected upon the concretizations or t

Influencer marketing ur ett marknadsförings- och avtalsrättsligt perspektiv – Särskilt om PR-utskick

Influencer marketing, som är en av de starkast växande marknadsföringsme-toderna idag, har varit föremål för tre fällande domar i Patent- och marknads-domstolen och Patent- och marknadsöverdomstolen. Influencer marketing innebär att en näringsidkare tar hjälp av en influencer för att marknadsföra sina produkter. Marknadsföringsmetoden är relativt sett ny och har gett upp-hov till frågor om under vInfluencer marketing has been subject to three convictions from the Patent and Market Court and Patent and Market Court of Appeal. Influencer marketing has rapidly become a popular marketing method where influencers promote companies’ products and services. Despite three convictions there are still legal uncertainties in the matter of influencer marketing, especially from a marketing law perspecti

Att upprätta en insats för hela människan, inte enbart för en kategori - En vinjettstudie om missbrukshandläggares resonemang kring ansvarsfördelning och samverkan mellan socialtjänst och psykiatri

For many years, the management and treatment of people who suffer from comorbidity between substance abuse and mental illness have been a great challenge for both social services and psychiatry. As early as the second half of the 20th century there have been ongoing discussions concerning problematic aspects of the division of responsibilities and collaboration between the central authorities. The

Life of one's own: negotiating homosexuality with the family and party-state in China

The current study explores the process of how tongzhi, namely the homosexual men in China, who works for the party-state negotiates homosexuality with the family and the party-state in China. Under the background of the individualization of Chinese society, tongzhi has been pursuing to liberate homosexuality while encountering oppression from the family and the party-state. By analyzing the interv

Why Firms Grow : The Roles of Institutions, Trade, and Technology during Swedish Industrialization

Industrialization and the emergence of a manufacturing sector are generally perceived as key drivers for countries to see economic growth and increases in living standards. Only 200 years ago, most countries were relatively poor and had similarly low living standards. With industrialization and the growth of manufacturing, primarily Western countries pulled ahead and noticed sustained increases in

Hållbara byggmaterial - fallstudie på byggskivor av återvunnet avfall

The construction sector is a large contributor to carbon dioxide emissions each year, and if the Swedish target for carbon dioxide emissions is to be reached by 2045, something must be done. This case study investigates if there are any sustainable building materials on the market which is made from recycled materials. If that is the case, do these materials reach a satisfactory level of fire safe

Quaternary rainfall variability is governed by insolation in northern China and ice-sheet forcing in the South

Quaternary Asian low-latitude hydroclimate cyclicity has long been attributed to insolation forcing, in contrast to the dominant ice-sheet and CO2 controls identified in mid-high-latitude regions. However, debates exist regarding these rainfall variations and forcings due to inconsistent reconstructions and simulations. Here, by combining rainfall proxy records with multi-model simulations, domina