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Reliability of using vegetation optical depth for estimating decadal and interannual carbon dynamics

Vegetation optical depth (VOD) from satellite passive microwave sensors has enabled monitoring of aboveground biomass carbon dynamics by building a relationship with static carbon maps over space and then applying this relationship to VOD time series. However, uncertainty in this relationship arises from changes in water stress, as VOD is mainly determined by vegetation water content, which varies

Flicker : a technological overview

Flicker can be annoying, but above all it can have a negative effect on human health; causing irritation, headaches, eye strain and migraines. With the introduction of LED lamps, flicker has once again become a problem. In addition to the unnecessary suffering caused to individuals, the negative consequences create an obstacle to the wide and rapid adoption of new LED technology and thus also an oFlicker can be annoying, but above all it can have a negative effect on human health; causing irritation, headaches, eye strain and migraines. With the introduction of LED lamps, flicker has once again become a problem. In addition to the unnecessary suffering caused to individuals, the negative consequences create an obstacle to the wide and rapid adoption of new LED technology and thus also an o

The diagnostic value of dopamine transporter imaging and olfactory testing in patients with parkinsonian syndromes

The aim of the study was to compare the efficacy of olfactory testing and presynaptic dopamine imaging in diagnosing Parkinson's disease (PD) and atypical parkinsonian syndromes (APS); to evaluate if the combination of these two diagnostic tools can improve their diagnostic value. A prospective investigation of 24 PD patients, 16 APS patients and 15 patients with non-parkinsonian syndromes was per

Globala utsläppen ökar, men måste minska

Den observerade globala uppvärmningen sedan industrialismens början uppgår nu till nästan en grad, havsnivån har stigit och Arktis havsis och glaciärer smälter. Hur stor klimatförändringen och dess effekter till slut blir beror främst på utvecklingen av de klimatpåverkande utsläppen, speciellt koldioxid. De globala utsläppen behöver över tid begränsas till 3700 miljarder ton koldioxidekvivalenter,

The pillar saint seen as a totally devoted emperor : the in-group around Symeon Stylites the elder

Most modern studies have treated Christian pillar saints as constituting one among many types of Christian sainthood that appeared in the first centuries of Christianity. In general, these studies have emphasized the similarities that connected pillar sainthood to other forms of Christian ascetic practice and performance, However, the ascetic practice of the stylites can also be seen as a form of

Ägd – en ideologikritik: Upplevelser av autonomi och styrning på marknaden för svensk lokalpress

Denna uppsats, med rötterna i traditionen av politisk ekonomi, applicerar ideologikritisk metod för att analysera det upplevda förhållandet mellan lokaltidningar och deras ägare. Fokus ligger på hur ägarna utövar kontroll över tidningarna och hur detta, i motsats till autonomi, upplevs av nyhetschefer på den svenska marknaden för lokalpress. Med hjälp av den analytiska uppdelningen av styrning i aIn this essay, rooted in the tradition of political economy, an ideology critique has been carried out in order to analyze the relationship between local newspapers and their owners. Of particular interest has been the ways in which owners exercise control over the newspapers, and how this, as opposed to autonomy, is experienced by news directors on the Swedish market for local press. The analysis

Hybridpark med vätgasproduktion - En förstudie av en hybridpark bestående av vind- och solkraft med vätgasproduktion

En hybridpark bestående av vind- och solkraft förbättrar vätgasproduktionens prestanda jämfört med ifall kraftslagen agerar separat och kan dela på samma infrastruktur. Detta examensarbete är en förstudie som granskar möjligheten för två vindkraftverk med en effekt på vardera 2 MW att kompletteras med en solcellspark för att bilda en hybridpark med vätgasproduktion. Förstudien undersöker dess teknA hybrid power plant (HPP) existing of wind- and solar power improves the performance of the hydrogen production compared to the stand-alone alternative and can share infrastructure. This thesis views the possibility for two wind turbines with 2 MW power each to be combined with solar power to form a HPP with hydrogen production. The thesis investigates the plant’s technical, economic and permits

Extended PGA for Spotlight SAR-Filtered Backprojection Imagery

The phase gradient autofocus (PGA) is a robust autofocusing approach that can efficiently refocus defocused synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery produced by frequency-domain algorithms. However, from a conventional viewpoint, PGA cannot be extended to refocus SAR imagery produced by time-domain algorithms, such as the filtered backprojection (FBP), as the spectrum of the FBP imagery is range amb

Systemic rifampicin shows accretion to locally implanted hydroxyapatite particles in a rat abdominal muscle pouch model

Introduction: biomaterials combined with antibiotics are routinely used for the management of bone infections. After eluting high concentrations of antibiotics during the first week, sub-inhibitory concentrations of antibiotics may lead to late repopulation of recalcitrant bacteria. Recent studies have shown that systemically given antibiotics like tetracycline and rifampicin (RIF) could seek and

Benign descriptors and ADNEX in two-step strategy to estimate risk of malignancy in ovarian tumors : retrospective validation on IOTA 5 multicenter cohort

Objective: Previous work suggested that the ultrasound-based benign Simple Descriptors can reliably exclude malignancy in a large proportion of women presenting with an adnexal mass. We aim to validate a modified version of the Benign Simple Descriptors (BD), and we introduce a two-step strategy to estimate the risk of malignancy: if the BDs do not apply, the ADNEX model is used to estimate the ri

Reasons for action : making a difference to the security of outcomes

In this paper, we present a new account of teleological reasons, i.e. reasons to perform a particular action because of the outcomes it promotes. Our account gives the desired verdict in a number of difficult cases, including cases of overdetermination and non-threshold cases like Parfit’s famous Drops of water. The key to our account is to look more closely at the metaphysics of causation. Accord

Extended duration rivaroxaban versus short-term enoxaparin for the prevention of venous thromboembolism after total hip arthroplasty : a double-blind, randomised controlled trial

BACKGROUND: The risk of venous thromboembolism is high after total hip arthroplasty and could persist after hospital discharge. Our aim was to compare the use of rivaroxaban for extended thromboprophylaxis with short-term thromboprophylaxis with enoxaparin.METHODS: 2509 patients scheduled to undergo elective total hip arthroplasty were randomly assigned, stratified according to centre, with a comp

Meritokrati och populism - Status som en länk i kedjan?

Under de senaste åren har allt fler forskare intresserat sig för förklaringar och orsaker till högerpopulismens framväxt. Olika förklaringar har ofta grundat sig på en dikotomi mellan kulturella värderingar och ekonomisk marginalisering. Nyligen har även teorier som argumenterar för en förmodad koppling mellan meritokrati och populism växt fram, där status varit en sammanbindande länk. Denna uppsa

Green-Emitting Powders of Zero-Dimensional Cs4PbBr6 : Delineating the Intricacies of the Synthesis and the Origin of Photoluminescence

A detailed investigation into the synthesis of green-emitting powders of Cs4PbBr6 and CsPbBr3 materials by antisolvent precipitation from CsBr-PbBr2 precursor solutions in dimethylformamide (DMF) and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is reported. Various solvated lead bromide and polybromide species (PbBr2, [PbBr3]-, [PbBr4]2-, and possibly [PbBr5]3- or [PbBr6]4-) are detected in the precursor solutions b