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Att riva och resa barriärer: En analys av tillgänglighetsanpassningar i spel

To tear barriers down, and erect new - an analysis of accessibility features in games. The purpose of this study is to gain understanding of the informants experiences of working with, and playing, accessible games. By basing this essay in the informants' experiences, the aim is to gain insight into what features can be applied in games and how they affect the player. This is done by recountin

Bisysslor inom den offentliga sektorn - En rättsvetenskaplig analys av regleringen av otillåtna bisysslor inom den offentliga sektorn utifrån ett förtroendeskadligt, arbetshindrande och konkurrerande perspektiv

Arbete inom den offentliga sektorn ställer särskilda krav på arbetstagare för att upprätthålla allmänhetens förtroende för staten. Därmed får inte arbetstagare inom den offentliga sektorn inneha bisysslor som kan anses förtroendeskadliga, konkurrerande, arbetshindrande. De förtroendeskadliga bisysslorna regleras främst i lagen (1994:260) om offentlig anställning (LOA), och de konkurrerande och arbWorkers in the public domain have to live up to certain demands in order to maintain institutional trust of the state. Because of this, public employees can not pose secondary employment which risks damage public trust, compete, or obstructing work. The secondary employments that undermine public trust are primarily regulated in the law of public employment, competing and obstructing secondary emp

Highly Emitting Perovskite Nanocrystals with 2-Year Stability in Water through an Automated Polymer Encapsulation for Bioimaging

Lead-based halide perovskite nanocrystals are highly luminescent materials, but their sensitivity to humid environments and their biotoxicity are still important challenges to solve. Here, we develop a stepwise approach to encapsulate representative CsPbBr3nanocrystals into water-soluble polymer capsules. We show that our protocol can be extended to nanocrystals coated with different ligands, enab

Prediction of COVID-19 positive cases, a nation-wide SARS-CoV-2 wastewater-based epidemiology study

Taking advantage of Estonia's small size and population, we have employed wastewater-based epidemiology approach to monitor the spread of SARS-CoV-2, releasing weekly nation-wide updates. In this study we report results obtained between August 2020 and December 2021. Weekly 24 h composite samples were collected from wastewater treatment plants of larger towns already covered 65% of the total popul

Religion och politik i hybrida mediemiljöer : En analys av kommentarer till nyheter om Miljöpartiet, Kristdemokraterna och Sverigedemokraterna på Facebook

This dissertation analyses the relationship between religion and politics, situated in hybrid mediaspaces in Sweden. This phenomenon is actualized by contestations over the visibility of religionin public spheres, in combination with changes in the Swedish political debate where conflictsrelated to the left/right scale increasingly come to focus more on value-based issues. Moreover,the effect of d

Lyckligt vetandes eller olyckligt ovetandes: en undersökning om unga svenskar mental health literacy om depression, ångest, schizofreni och bipolär sjukdom

Mental health literacy (MHL) är ett forskningsområde inom psykologi som mäter allmänhetens kunskap om mental ohälsa och utgör ett väsentligt steg i förebyggandet av mental ohälsa, avstigmatisering och främjandet av hjälpsökande beteenden. Denna studie mätte MHL för fyra vanliga diagnoser – depression, ångest, schizofreni och bipolär sjukdom – bland unga vuxna i Sverige (N=46) och jämförde resultatMental health literacy (MHL) is a research area in psychology that assesses the public's knowledge about mental illnesses and represents an essential step in mental health prevention, destigmatisation and help-seeking promotion. This study measured the MHL of four common mental health disorders – depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder – among young adults in Sweden (N=46) and

Arbetsprestation eller kapitalavkastning? - En studie av Högsta förvaltningsdomstolens möjligheter att omklassificera utdelning till tjänsteinkomst med hänvisning till den skatteskyldiges arbetsinsats

Differentierad utdelning innebär att utdelning inte utgår lika till alla aktieägare av samma aktieslag, utan i stället differentieras och utgår i olika utsträckning till olika aktieägare. Carried interest är en annan slags differentiering av utdelning som särskilt förekommer i strukturer för riskkapitalfonder. Det kan beskrivas så att en särskild vinstandel av en riskkapitalfond utgår till nyckelpDifferentiated dividend implicates that dividend is not paid out to all shareholders, of the same class of shares, to the same extent, but is instead differentiated and paid out to different extent to different shareholders. Carried interest is another kind of differentiation of dividend that particularly occurs in private equity fund structures. It can be described as a specific profit share of a

Köpa samtycke? - Köp av sexuell tjänst och våldtäkt ur ett gemensamt perspektiv

Debatten kring sexuella kränkningar och rätten till sexuell integritet och själv-bestämmanderätt är ett ämne som engagerar både forskare och samhället i stort. Vid sidan av denna debatt pågår en utbredd kommersiell marknad som tillhandahåller sexuella tjänster, där lagstiftaren och rättstillämparen länge har varit passiva. Passiviteten föreligger främst i förhållande till brottets straff-värde ochThe debate regarding sexual violations and the right to sexual integrity and self-determination is a topic that engages both researchers and the public. Alongside this debate, there is a widespread commercial market that provides sexual services where the legislator and the judicature have been passive. This reluctance to change primarily refers to the crime's penal value, but also to the prot

UROSCAN and UROSCANSEQ : a large-scale multicenter effort towards translation of molecular bladder cancer subtypes into clinical practice–from biobank to RNA-sequencing in real time

Background: Bladder cancer is molecularly one of the most heterogenous malignancies characterized by equally heterogenous clinical outcomes. Standard morphological assessment with pathology and added immunohistochemical analyses is unable to fully address the heterogeneity, but up to now treatment decisions have been made based on such information only. Bladder cancer molecular subtypes will likel

High tech or high touch? Heritage encounters and the power of presence

In this article, I challenge the increasing emphasis on digital technologies to enhance encounters with the past in heritage landscapes. Beginning with a memory from my childhood, I conceptualise presence as being there and review recent approaches in heritage studies that highlight the wide range of benefits derived from embodied experiences in heritage places including reinforcing feelings of we

Synthesis of controlled-size starch nanoparticles and superparamagnetic starch nanocomposites by microemulsion method

In this study, a synthesis process based on the microemulsion method (ME) was developed with the aim to produce controlled-size starch nanoparticles (SNPs). Several formulations were tested for the preparation of the W/O microemulsions varying the organic/aqueous phase ratios and co-stabilizers concentrations. SNPs were characterized in terms of size, morphology, monodispersity and crystallinity.

Acquired Haemophilia A in four north European countries : survey of 181 patients

Acquired haemophilia A (AHA) is a rare bleeding disorder caused by acquired antibodies against coagulation factor VIII. In the Nordic countries, treatment and outcomes have not been studied in recent times. To collect retrospective data on patients diagnosed with AHA in the Nordic countries between 2006 and 2018 and compare demographic data and clinical outcomes with previously published reports,

A Study of Sustainable Social Progress in the Kingdom of Tonga

This chapter describes a preliminary study of sustainable social progress in the Kingdom of Tonga conducted following the 2009 report and recommendations of the Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress (CMEPSP). Tonga appears to be making reasonable social progress according to GDP, the Human Development Index and Millennium Development Goals metrics. However, clos

Psykologisk trygghet, arbetstillfredsställelse och intention att stanna på arbetsplatsen: en undersökning av undersköterskor och sjuksköterskor

Enligt Världshälsoorganisationen finns ett globalt underskott på utbildade sjuksköterskor. Även i Sverige är vårdpersonal som undersköterskor och sjuksköterskor ett bristyrke med en begränsad löneutveckling. Denna studie undersökte undersköterskor och sjuksköterskor inom den offentliga sektorn i Sverige (N = 139). Via en digital enkät undersöktes deltagarnas intentioner att stanna eller lämna sin According to the World Health Organization, educated nurses need to increase all around the world. Assistant nurses and nurses are a deficit profession in Sweden with a limited salary trend. The aim of the study was to see how inclined participants were to stay or leave the current workplace, to explore psychological safety, job satisfaction and to what extent these factors are associated with int

A Checklist with Three New Species and Two New Country Records of Begonia from Dibang Valley, Arunachal Pradesh, India

A synoptical treatment of the Begonia flora of the Dibang Valley in eastern Arunachal Pradesh, India is provided, along with the descriptions of three new species. In total, eight species of Begonia are recognized as occurring in the area, of which B. atrofusca, B. lorentzonii and B. rushforthii are new to science, while B. acetosella var. hirtifolia and and B. pseudoheydei are new records for Ind

Compensation management

Titel: Compensation management - en studie av det eventuella sambandet mellan rörlig VD-ersättning som andel av total VD-ersättning och earnings management för bolag i Sverige Seminariedatum: 2023-01-11 Kurs: FEKH89, Examensarbete i finansiering på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Edvin Melz, Gustaf Bülow, Peter Handrup Handledare: Maria Gårdängen Nyckelord: Earnings management, disTitle: Compensation management - a study of the potential relationship between variable CEO compensation as a part of total CEO compensation and earnings management for companies in Sweden Seminar date: 2023-01-11 Course: FEKH89, Business Administration: Bachelor Degree Project in Financial Management, Undergraduate Level, 15 credits (ECTS) Authors: Edvin Melz, Gustaf Bülow, Peter Handrup Advi