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Staten och horan - En rättshistorisk studie om vilka drivkrafter som föregick prostitutionslagstiftningens utveckling och statens förändrade inställning mellan åren 1850 och 1999

Förevarande uppsats syftar till att utreda vilka drivkrafter som föregick och motiverade rättsutvecklingen inom prostitutionslagstiftningen mellan åren 1850 och 1999. Därtill redogör uppsatsen för hur statsmaktens inställning gentemot prostitution och prostituerade kvinnor tog sig uttryck i den legisla-tiva utvecklingsprocessen. Arbetet har genomförts med hjälp av en rättshisto-risk metod för att This paper aims to investigate the driving forces that preceded and motivated the developments of the law in legislation concerning prostitution between the years of 1850 and 1999 in Sweden. Further more, the paper describes how the state's attitude towards prostitution and prostituted women was expressed in the legislative development process. The work has been undertaken using a legal-histor

"The poor men seem to be all in confusion" – Sojourner Truth, negativ lust och det sublimas paradox

Syftet med uppsatsen är att med hjälp av begreppet sublimitet utveckla förståelsen för hur Sojourner Truths tal vid ett kvinnorättskonvent i Ohio 1851 fungerade argumentativt i sin kontext. För att nå en sådan förståelse gör vi en neo-aristotelisk analys och kompletterar den med en syn på talet utifrån begreppet "det sublima". Vi ser på sublimitet som ett sätt att förstå talets effekt på

Big data - en oumbärlig resurs? Den konkurrensrättsliga principen om nödvändiga nyttigheter och Digital Markets Act i relation till big data i den digitala sektorn

Den digitala sektorn av EU:s inre marknad har en allt mer betydande roll i ekonomin, och en ny typ av resurs som spelar en allt större roll i det är big data. Ett fåtal företag som tillhandahåller centrala plattformstjänster befinner sig ofta i kontroll av big data, som i sin tur kan utgöra en oumbärlig ingångsresurs för andra företag verksamma inom den digitala sektorn. Ett företags vägran att tiThe digital sector of the EU's single market is playing an increasingly significant role in the economy, and a new type of resource that is becoming more important within it is known as big data. Companies providing core platform services are often in control of big data, which in turn can be an indispensable input resource for other companies operating in the digital sector. A company's r

The cordless kitchen

I first got introduced to wireless power during another school pro- ject that resulted in a wireless charging case. In that project I con- ducted a lot of market and technology research about wireless charging and wireless power in general. During that project I got in contact with a Malmö based company called Nok9. They develope and produce test equipment for developers of wireless power de- v

Microplastics affect activity and spatial distribution of C, N, and P hydrolases in rice rhizosphere

Microplastics provide a new ecological niche for microorganisms, and the accumulation levels of microplastics (MPs) in terrestrial ecosystems are higher than those in marine ecosystems. Here, we applied the zymography to investigate how MPs — polyethylene [PE], and polyvinyl chloride [PVC]) at two levels (0.01% and 1% soil weight) impacted the spatial distribution of soil hydrolases, nutrient avai

Modular Sneaker

Shoes today regularly use glue to hold the parts together, this makes it hard to restore the shoe when needed. So, instead of repairing the used shoe we buy new ones once it gets a little worn or tattered, even though the majority of the shoe is in good condition. My product has been developed by the principle of design for disassembly, to easily take it apart and recycle it. The modularit

Positiv särbehandling i svensk rätt - Granskad i ljuset av EU-rätten

Ett aktivt jämställdhetsarbete i Sverige är någonting som är ytterst aktuellt i samhället i stort idag, som har varit aktuellt tidigare och som är aktuellt fram till dess att jämställdhet är uppnått. I det samhälleliga jämställdhetsfrämjande arbetet innehar arbetsmarknaden en betydande roll för hur normstrukturen vad gäller exempelvis könsfördelning och därmed även hur maktbalansen könen emellan sSweden's work towards gender equality is current on a social level and will continue to be current until the genders are as it says; equal. The promotion of gender equality work is important to the “standard structure” (normstruktur) which is an underlying source to the distribution in the terms of gender (könsfördelning) which also affects the balance of power between the genders on the labou

Road to Total Knee Replacement: Utilization of Knee Surgeries Up to Ten Years Before Total Knee Replacement in England and Sweden

OBJECTIVE: To compare the prevalence and timing of knee surgery (including meniscal, ligamentous, synovial, and osteotomy) in the 10 years prior to primary total knee replacement (TKR) between England and Sweden.METHODS: This was a population-based, case-control study within England and southern Sweden using electronic health care databases. Patients underwent primary TKR between 2015 and 2019. Ri

Fast Intrinsic Emission Quenching in Cs4PbBr6 Nanocrystals

Cs4PbBr6 (0D) nanocrystals at room temperature have both been reported as nonemissive and green-emissive systems in conflicting reports, with no consensus regarding both the origin of the green emission and the emission quenching mechanism. Here, via ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) simulations and temperature-dependent photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy, we show that the PL in these 0D m

Affects, emotions and interaction : the methodological promise of video data analysis in peace research

Methodologically, Peace Research has long been dominated by words, numbers, and sometimes images. This article suggests also integrating Video Data Analysis (VDA) into the analytical toolbox of Peace Research so as to explore the potential of the millions of videos of relevance for the study of peace and conflict that can be found online and beyond. The article introduces VDA and shows how the met

Technoeconomic analysis of T7 RNA polymerase manufacturing in E.coli for South Africa

The enzyme, T7 RNA polymerase (T7 RNAP), is one of the most expensive raw materials required for mRNA vaccine production. As part of establishing South African manufacturing of mRNA vaccine, it is of interest to investigate the feasibility and profitability of South African manufacturing of T7 RNAP. This project scaled up present lab-scale knowledge on T7 RNAP production and used SuperPro design

Tree species traits and mycorrhizal association shape soil microbial communities via litter quality and species mediated soil properties

Soils harbor a vast diversity of soil microbiota, which play a crucial role in key ecosystem processes such as litter transformation and mineralization, but how complex plant-soil interactions shape the diversity and composition of soil microbiota remains elusive. We performed amplicon sequencing of DNA isolated from mineral topsoil of six common European trees planted in multi-site common garden

Bildbaserade sexuella övergrepp - En analys av det svenska straffrättsliga skyddet avseende olovlig spridning av någon annans privata, sexuella bilder

Den digitala utvecklingen som ständigt sker i samhället ställer krav på lagstiftaren att följa med i utvecklingen. Som en följd av den frekventa användningen av internet har också brott som kränker den sexuella integriteten på nätet ökat. Forskarna Clare McGlynn och Erika Rackley har funnit en form av kränkningar som särskilt riktar sig mot kvinnor, så kallade bildbaserade sexuella övergrepp. ÖverThe digital development that is constantly taking place in society places demands on the legislator to keep up with the continuous progression. As a consequence of the frequent use of the Internet, crimes that violate sexual privacy online have increased. Researchers Clare McGlynn and Erika Rackley have examined the form of violations that specifically target women, Image-Based Sexual Abuse. The a

Om jag bara kan plantera någonting litet positivt hos ett barn eller en familj

For many years, high staff turnover and difficulties in recruiting social workers have been reported in social services in general but particularly in child welfare. Previous studies have shown that giving social workers adequate social support is important in getting them to maintain their job commitment and remain at the workplace. The purpose of our study has been to investigate in what way int

Det blir inte ett brott förrän ett riktigt barn utsätts

Dumpen is an organization whose purpose is to stop potential child sex offenders by having adults behind the activity pretend to be a child in order to expose these people who are seeking contact with these fictional children on their website. Dumper's methods have been noticed and criticized in media forums, which has generated a debate publicly. Therefore, the study aims to examine how Dumpe

Sökande efter samband - Gemensamma faktorer och rättviseteman i fällande domar om sexuellt ofredande

Under de senaste årtiondena har det skett en ökning av antalet anmälda sexualbrott, inte minst sexuella ofredanden. Därtill synliggjorde #metoo- rörelsen omfattningen av mäns sexuella våld mot kvinnor och gav nytt bränsle åt diskussionen om rättvisa för brottsoffer. Arbetet skrivs i ljuset av denna utveckling och syftar till att undersöka hur många anmälningar om sexuella ofredanden som leder tiIn recent decades, there has been an increase in the number of reported sexual offences in Sweden, including sexual molestation. Additionally, the #metoo movement highlighted the extent of men's sexual violence against women and created momentum for the debate on justice for victims. Considering these developments, this study aims to examine how many reports of sexual molestation result in a

Characterization of micro pore optics for full-field X-ray fluorescence imaging

Elemental mapping images can be achieved through step scanning imaging using pinhole optics or micro pore optics (MPO), or alternatively by full-field X-ray fluorescence imaging (FF-XRF). X-ray optics for FF-XRF can be manufactured with different micro-channel geometries such as square, hexagonal or circular channels. Each optic geometry creates different imaging artefacts. Square-channel MPOs gen