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What’s the deal with digitalization? A critique of technosolutionism in higher education policy.
In the face of contemporary challenges such as globalization, climate crisis and a shifting labour market, digital technology is often presented as a solution and enabler for innovation. This is the case also within the area of higher education (HE), as universities are expected to adjust to societal trends framed as the knowledge-intensive economy, increased individualization, life-long learning In the face of contemporary challenges such as globalization, climate crisis and a shifting labour market, digital technology is often presented as a solution and enabler for innovation. This is the case also within the area of higher education (HE), as universities are expected to adjust to societal trends framed as the knowledge-intensive economy, increased individualization, life-long learning
Public, secret, and symbolic? The evaluation practices of examination committees in doctoral education.
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Ojämlikhetsregimer i aktivering : Görande av klass, etnicitet och kön genom subventionerade anställningar
Ojämlikhet, i termer av hur resurser fördelas mellan olika kategorier av människor, är ett genomgripande samhällsfenomen. Den svenska arbetsmarknaden är inget undantag och uppvisar en betydande grad av klassad, etnifierad och könad ojämlikhet när det gäller tillgång till kontroll och makt över produktionsförhållanden. Denna avhandling syftar till att bidra med kunskap om hur och varför ojämlikhetsInequality, in terms of how resources are distributed between different categories of people is a pervasive phenomenon in society. The Swedish labour market is no exception, exhibiting a significant degree of classed, ethnified and gendered inequality in terms of access to control and power over production conditions. This thesis aims to contribute knowledge about how and why inequality regimes ar
Photo-dynamical characterisation of the TOI-178 resonant chain: Exploring the robustness of transit-timing variations and radial velocity mass characterisations
Context. The TOI-178 system consists of a nearby, late-K-dwarf with six transiting planets in the super-Earth to mini-Neptune regime, with radii ranging from ∼1.1 to 2.9 R⊕ and orbital periods between 1.9 and 20.7 days. All the planets, but the innermost one, form a chain of Laplace resonances. The fine-tuning and fragility of such orbital configurations ensure that no significant scattering or co
The discrete charm of the digital entrepreneur in popular fiction
SHP-1 Variants Broaden the Understanding of pH-Dependent Activities in Protein Tyrosine Phosphatases
The protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) SHP-1 plays an important role in both immune regulation and oncogenesis. This enzyme is part of a broader family of PTPs that all play important regulatory roles in vivo. Common to these enzymes is a highly conserved aspartic acid (D421 in SHP-1) that acts as an acid/base catalyst during the PTP-catalyzed reaction. This residue is located on a mobile loop, th
Att bygga på åkermark – ett hot mot framtida livsmedelsförsörjning?
Kommuner har bestämmanderätt över planprocesser och det finns idag en diskussion om huruvida det byggs för mycket på värdefull åkermark. Överexploatering av jordbruksmark kan bero på att kommuner saknar tillräckliga incitament att beakta markens värde för en tryggad nationell livsmedelsförsörjning i sina beslutsprocesser. För att införliva detta värde i beslutsprocessen kan dagens skydd i miljöbal
Getting a glimpse into the sensory worlds of animals : the Editors’ and Readers’ Choice Awards 2024
The Editors’ and Readers’ Choice Awards were established in 2022 to celebrate some of the outstanding articles published every year in the Journal of Comparative Physiology A. The recipients of the 2024 Editors’ Choice Awards were selected based on votes cast by the Editorial Board on articles published in 2023. In the category Original Paper, this distinction goes to ‘Views from ‘crabworld’: the
Autoimmune hematological disorders
Autoimmune diseases are disorders where the immune system reacts against self-antigens to cause disease. Autoimmune disorders occur in about 5-7% of the population, although many individuals have no symptoms. In all, there are more than 70 different disorders, most of which are uncommon, apart from rheumatoid disease and autoimmune thyroiditis. Autoimmune diseases are clinical syndromes mediated b
Sakliga skäl och bristande arbetsprestationer: En analys av rättsläget efter förändringarna i LAS 2022
Uppsatsen analyserar hur de lagändringar som trädde i kraft 2022 påverkar rättsläget för uppsägningar på grund av bristande arbetsprestation. En central del av reformen är förändringen från "saklig grund" till "sakliga skäl" i 7 § LAS. Vidare analyseras den nya dispositiviteten som öppnade upp 7§ LAS genom kollektivavtal enligt 2 c § LAS. Syftet från lagstiftarens sida var bl.aThe thesis analyzes how the legislative changes implemented in 2022 impact the legal framework for dismissals due to insufficient work performance. A central aspect of the reform is the shift from "saklig grund" (objective grounds) to "sakliga skäl" (objective reasons) in Section 7 of LAS (the Swedish Employment Protection Act). Furthermore, the thesis examines the new disposit
Lojalitet i avtal om arbete - En analys av lojalitetsplikten hos arbetstagare, konsulter och inhyrd personal
Uppsatsen syftar till att återge rättsläget kring lojalitetsplikten, som är en allmän rättsprincip, i avtal om arbete. Med utgångspunkt i det traditionella arbetsrättsliga förhållandet mellan arbetsgivare och arbetstagare har vi undersökt hur lojalitetsplikten kan ges uttryck. Detta har sedan satts i relation till den lojalitetsplikt som omfattar konsulter och inhyrd personal. Lojalitetsplikten f
Sequence - dynamics - function relationships in protein tyrosine phosphatases
Protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) are crucial regulators of cellular signaling. Their activity is regulated by the motion of a conserved loop, the WPD-loop, from a catalytically inactive open to a catalytically active closed conformation. WPD-loop motion optimally positions a catalytically critical residue into the active site, and is directly linked to the turnover number of these enzymes. Cry
Key interaction networks : Identifying evolutionarily conserved non-covalent interaction networks across protein families
Protein structure (and thus function) is dictated by non-covalent interaction networks. These can be highly evolutionarily conserved across protein families, the members of which can diverge in sequence and evolutionary history. Here we present KIN, a tool to identify and analyze conserved non-covalent interaction networks across evolutionarily related groups of proteins. KIN is available for down
The ineligibility barrier for international researchers in US academia
Many grants from US funding agencies are restricted to US citizens or permanent residents which negatively impacts the career options for foreign scientists working in the USA. [Image: see text]
How to write a successful graduate school application
Practical advice for prospective graduate students on how to apply for a PhD position in the USA and Europe. [Image: see text]
Characteristic Modes and Nonreciprocity
Properties of characteristic modes of lossless scatterers breaking time-reversal symmetry are presented utilizing the scattering formulation of characteristic decomposition. Antennas connected to nonreciprocal circuits and moving material bodies are used as numerical examples.
Population-based Organised Prostate Cancer Testing : Results from the First Invitation of 50-year-old Men
Background: The European Union recently recommended evaluation of the feasibility of organised prostate cancer screening. In Sweden, regional population-based organised prostate cancer testing (OPT) programmes were introduced in 2020. Objective: To describe initial participation rates and diagnostic outcomes. Design, setting, and participants: The three most populated Swedish regions invited all m
Talking body : the effect of body and voice anthropomorphism on perception of social agents
Introduction: In human-agent interaction, trust is often measured using human-trust constructs such as competence, benevolence, and integrity, however, it is unclear whether technology-trust constructs such as functionality, helpfulness, and reliability are more suitable. There is also evidence that perception of “humanness” measured through anthropomorphism varies based on the characteristics of