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Bioengineered nerve conduits and wraps for peripheral nerve repair of the upper limb

Background: Traumatic peripheral nerve injury is common and incurs significant cost to individuals and society. Healing following direct nerve repair or repair with autograft is slow and can be incomplete. Several bioengineered nerve wraps or devices have become available as an alternative to direct repair or autologous nerve graft. Nerve wraps attempt to reduce axonal escape across a direct repai

Property owners' attitudes to connecting to the low temperature district heating network at Brunnshög

Fjärrvärme från förnybara energikällor är ett hållbart uppvärmningsval som möjliggör att elektricitet används där den gör större nytta. Det lågtempererade fjärrvärmenätet på Brunnshög håller på att anläggas, och det är inte obligatoriskt att ansluta sig. Det finns inget naturligt diskussionsforum för fastighetsägare för att ta del av deras upplevelser av att vara anslutna till det lågtempererade fDistrict heating from renewable energy sources is a sustainable heating solution that allows electricity to be used for other purposes. The low temperature district heating (LTDH) network at Brunnshög is currently under construction, and connection is not mandatory. Ensuring that the LTDH alternative is attractive would increase the willingness to connect. There is no natural forum for discussion

Ändrade förhållanden i en avtalsrelation - Särskilt om tillämpningen av 36 § avtalslagen jämfört med förutsättningsläran

Principen om pacta sunt servanda som innebär att avtal ska hållas är en huvudregel inom avtalsrätten. Det finns undantag från denna huvudregel som kan tillämpas vid ändrade förhållanden. När parterna ingått i ett avtal kan det inträffa ändrade förhållanden. Frågan som uppkommer vid ändrade förhållanden är vilka tillvägagångssätt som parterna kan tillämpa för att uppfylla sina avtalade förpliktelseThe main rule in contract law is the principle of pacta sunt servanda which means that agreements must be kept. There are exceptions that could be applied in case of changed circumstances. When the parties have entered into an agreement, in advance it is difficult to predict changes that may affect the parties. The question that arises in the event of changed circumstances is which approach the pa

The Evolution of EMI Research in European Higher Education

This book presents state-of-the-art research into English-medium instruction (EMI) in European higher education over the last 20 years, offering a comprehensive comparative analysis toward identifying gaps in our understanding of relevant theories, research, and practice. Molino, Dimova, Kling, and Larsen argue for the need to take stock of the progression of EMI research in European higher educat

Får jag vägra alkohol- och drogtester med hänsyn till min personliga integritet? - Arbetsrättsliga problem vid alkohol- och drogtestning på arbetsplatsen

En individs rätt till personlig integritet är grundlagsskyddad i ”Regeringsformen” (RF) 2:6 och konventionsskyddad i artikel 8 i Europakonventionen. Svensk lag reglerar däremot inte alkohol- och drogtestning. Denna uppsats syftar till att fastställa huruvida arbetsgivarens rätt att kravställa alkohol- och drogtester och den anställdes rätt till personlig integritet samverkar juridiskt. Vidare diskAn individual's right to personal integrity is constitutionally protected in chapter 2 section 6 ‘’The instrument of government’’ (RF) and by convention in article 8 of the ECHR. The law in Sweden does not, however, control drug and alcohol testing. This essay aims to determine how the employer's right to administer alcohol and drug testing and the employee's right to personal integrit

Naturbaserade lösningar i klimatanpassningsarbetet - En studie om förekomsten och beskrivningen av lösningarna i svenska kommuners styrdokument

Climate change increases the need for climate-adapted cities. In order to sustainably manage climate risks such as increased precipitation and temperatures, alternative solutions are required. Including nature-based solutions into urban planning can help mitigate these risks. Nature-based solutions are supported or inspired by nature and aim to solve problems related to climate change. The purpose

Clinical performance and robustness evaluation of plasma amyloid-β42/40 prescreening

Introduction: Further evidence is needed to support the use of plasma amyloid β (Aβ) biomarkers as Alzheimer's disease prescreening tools. This study evaluated the clinical performance and robustness of plasma Aβ42/Aβ40 for amyloid positivity prescreening. Methods: Data were collected from 333 BioFINDER and 121 Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative study participants. Risk and predictive val

Can frailty in conjunction with FRAX identify additional women at risk of fracture - a longitudinal cohort study of community dwelling older women

Background: Fracture risk assessment is still far from perfect within the geriatric population. The overall aim of this study is to better identify older women at risk for fractures, using a quantitative measure of frailty in conjunction with the web-based Fracture Risk Assessment Tool (FRAX®). Methods: This study was performed in the Osteoporosis Risk Assessment (OPRA) cohort of n = 1023, 75-year

Zr4+ solution structures from pair distribution function analysis

The structures of metal ions in solution constitute essential information for obtaining chemical insight spanning from catalytic reaction mechanisms to formation of functional nanomaterials. Here, we explore Zr4+ solution structures using X-ray pair distribution function (PDF) analysis across pH (0-14), concentrations (0.1-1.5 M), solvents (water, methanol, ethanol, acetonitrile) and metal sources

The Impact of Social Class and Surname Status. Intergenerational Persistence in Sweden 1865-2015

This paper contributes to the literature on long-term changes in intergenerational persistence of equality of opportunity. Social origin is measured comprehensively both as social class background, and estate-based surname status origin – both from mothers and fathers. The paper aims to link an expanding literature on surname mobility to the conventional field of intergenerational mobility researc

Unified method for measuring entropy differences between coexisting surface phases using low energy electron microscopy

We demonstrate the ability of low energy electron microscopy (LEEM) to extract fundamental information in surface phase transitions during in situ observations of complex semiconductor surfaces. We utilize established LEEM techniques and develop a methodology that enables us to calculate the surface entropy difference using only LEEM measurements without the need for external characterization. We