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De-tabooing dying control - a grounded theory study.

Dying is inescapable yet remains a neglected issue in modern health care. The research question in this study was "what is going on in the field of dying today?" What emerged was to eventually present a grounded theory of control of dying focusing specifically on how people react in relation to issues about euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide (PAS).

The Czechoslovak Iron and Steel Industry: Productive efficiency under state socialism in a comparative perspective

Czechoslovak productive efficiency of the iron and steel sector fluctuated below the energy efficiency frontier. Until early 1970s, the country's iron sector was one of the least efficient ones in our sample. It was, however, during the decades of 1970s and 1980s that efficiency measures were adopted and the energy efficiency of the Czechoslovak iron and steel sector increased significantly to, de

Rapid turns in European renewable energy policy: advocacy and framing of the proposed trading of guarantees of origin

The EU has assumed ambitious targets and strategies for the promotion of renewable sources of energy (RES) binding to all its member states. This report examines the proposed EU-wide policy instrument designed to help achieve the targets on renewable electricity and heat - the trading of Guarantees of Origin (GO). It analyses the rise and fall of the GO trading proposal in the European policy-maki

The stimulating effect of apatite on ectomycorrhizal growth diminishes after PK fertilization

The objective of this study was to test if apatite amendment stimulates growth of ectomycorrhizal (EM) fungi and if this is influenced by the phosphorus status of the forest. The production of EM mycelia was estimated in four Norway spruce forests in south-western Sweden by incubating sand-filled mesh bags (with or without apatite amendment) in the soil for 8 or 20 months. Fungal biomass in the me

Apolipoprotein D is elevated in oligodendrocytes in the peri-infarct region after experimental stroke: influence of enriched environment.

Injury to the brain (e.g., stroke) results in a disruption of neuronal connectivity and loss of fundamental sensori-motor functions. The subsequent recovery of certain functions involves structural rearrangements in areas adjacent to the infarct. This remodeling of the injured brain requires trafficking of macromolecular components including cholesterol and phospholipids, a transport carried out b

A global rain of micrometeorites following breakup of the L-chondrite parent body-Evidence from solar wind-implanted Ne in fossil extraterrestrial chromite grains from China

Previous studies of limestone beds of mid-Ordovician age from both Sweden and China show that the Earth saw an at least two orders of magnitude increase in the influx of extraterrestrial material approximately 470 Ma, following the disruption of an L-chondrite parent body in the asteroid belt. Recovered extraterrestrial material consists of fossil meteorites and sediment-dispersed extraterrestrial

Reevaluation of the Critical Concentration for Drug Susceptibility Testing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis against Pyrazinamide Using Wild-Type MIC Distributions and pncA Gene Sequencing

Pyrazinamide (PZA) is a potent first-line agent for the treatment of tuberculosis (TB) with activity also against a significant part of drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains. Since PZA is active only at acid pH, testing for susceptibility to PZA is difficult and insufficiently reproducible. The recommended critical concentration for PZA susceptibility (MIC, 100 mg/liter) used in the Ba


The three Mn I lines at 17325, 17339, and 17349 angstrom are among the 25 strongest lines (log(gf) > 0.5) in the H band. They are all heavily broadened due to hyperfine structure, and the profiles of these lines have so far not been understood. Earlier studies of these lines even suggested that they were blended. In this work, the profiles of these three infrared (IR) lines have been studied theor

Formation process and superparamagnetic properties of (Mn,Ga)As nanocrystals in GaAs fabricated by annealing of (Ga,Mn)As layers with low Mn content

X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, and magnetization measurements are employed to study the structural and magnetic properties of Mn-rich (Mn,Ga)As nanocrystals embedded in GaAs. These nanocomposites are obtained by moderate (400 C) and high temperature (560 and 630 C) annealing of (Ga,Mn)As layers with Mn concentrations between 0.1 and 2%, grown by molecular beam epitaxy at 270o

A 2.45GHz, 50uW wake-up receiver front-end with -88dBm sensitivity and 250kbps data rate

This paper presents a 2.45 GHz wake-up receiver front-end intended for use in sensor networks, and is designed to receive data modulated with on-off-keying. Manufactured in 65 nm CMOS it employs an uncertain IF structure with three phase passive mixer and high gain amplifier chain. With the modulation frequency response tailored to the detector behaviour, it achieves a sensitivity of -88 dBm at BE

Temperature degradation of the gain transition in terahertz quantum cascade lasers - the role of acoustic phonon scattering

The temperature degradation in terahertz quantum cascade lasers is investigated with the focus on the role acoustic phonon scattering. A self-energy describing the electron-acoustic phonon interaction is derived and used to study the importance in transport and optical properties. We observe a strong degradation of the gain peak with temperature. Despite the very small coupling to electrons, the e

Correlated development of a (2 x 2) reconstruction and a charge accumulation layer on the InAs(111)-Bi surface

We have studied the formation of a Bi-induced (2 x 2) reconstruction on the InAs(111)B surface. In connection to the development of the (2 x 2) reconstruction, a two dimensional charge accumulation layer located at the bottom of the InAs conduction band appears as seen through a photoemission structure at the Fermi level. Not well ordered Bi layers do not induce a charge accumulation. The Bi-induc

Indirect land use changes of biofuel production - a review of modelling efforts and policy developments in the European Union.

The issue of indirect land use changes (ILUC) caused by the promotion of transport biofuels has attracted considerable attention in recent years. In this paper, we reviewed the current literature on modelling work to estimate emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) caused by ILUC of biofuels. We also reviewed the development of ILUC policies in the EU. Our review of past modelling work revealed that m

Providing better education services to the poor: Accountability and context in the case of Guatemalan decentralization

We explore how two community-based reform models align with the World Bank's World Development Report 2004 accountability framework. Using a qualitative case study of rural Guatemalan primary schools, we examine local governance through interviews with a range of stakeholders. While both reforms appear appropriate according to the World Bank's accountability framework, especially the model giving

Generation of human walking paths

This work investigates the way humans plan their paths in a goal-directed motion, assuming that a person acts as an optimal controller that plans the path minimizing a certain (unknown) cost function. Taking this viewpoint, the problem can be formulated as an inverse optimal control one, i.e., starting from control and state trajectories one wants to figure out the cost function used by a person w