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Your search for "*" yielded 531675 hits

Vadose zone oxygen (O2) dynamics during drying and wetting cycles : An artificial recharge laboratory experiment

Vadose zone oxygen dynamics control all subsurface redox reactions and play a decisive role in maintaining groundwater quality. Although drying and wetting events are common in artificial recharge, their effects on subsurface oxygen distribution are poorly documented. We monitored oxygen concentration in the unsaturated zone in a mid-scale (1 m high) laboratory soil lysimeter, which was subjected

Bleeding-related hospitalization in patients with von Willebrand disease and the impact of prophylaxis : Results from national registers in Sweden compared with normal controls and participants in the von Willebrand Disease Prophylaxis Network

Introduction: Patients suffering from von Willebrand disease (VWD) have a variety of bleeding symptoms and require both outpatient care for treatment and, in more severe cases, hospitalization. Aim: To investigate the impact of having VWD on frequency of hospitalization compared to a control group and to evaluate whether regular replacement therapy (prophylaxis) is associated with reduction in the

Phosphoproteomic insights into processes influenced by the kinase-like protein DIA1/C3orf58

Many kinases are still 'orphans,' which means knowledge about their substrates, and often also about the processes they regulate, is lacking. Here, DIA1/C3orf58, a member of a novel predicted kinase-like family, is shown to be present in the endoplasmic reticulum and to influence trafficking via the secretory pathway. Subsequently, DIA1 is subjected to phosphoproteomics analysis to cast light on i

Disturbed left and right ventricular kinetic energy in patients with repaired tetralogy of Fallot : pathophysiological insights using 4D-flow MRI

Objectives: Indications for pulmonary valve replacement (PVR) in patients with pulmonary regurgitation (PR) after repaired tetralogy of Fallot (rToF) are debated. We aimed to compare right (RV) and left ventricular (LV) kinetic energy (KE) measured by 4D-flow magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in patients to controls, to further understand the pathophysiological effects of PR. Methods: Fifteen patie

Essays on Matching

This thesis makes a contribution to matching theory and mechanism design. It consists of four self-contained papers focusing on kidney exchange, object allocation and partnership formation. The first paper, Pairwise Kidney Exchange over the Blood Group Barrier, investigates how the use of immunosuppressive drugs can be implemented within kidney exchange programs. Thanks to advances in medicine, im

Religion och coping - om religionens roll i hanterandet av kriser

I den psykologiska forskningen om coping har religionens betydelse för människans hanterande av stressfyllda situationer alltmer uppmärksammats under de senaste decennierna. I den religionspsykologiska copingforskningen ses religionen som mångdimensionell; religionen ses som känsla, tanke, handling och som ett socialt fenomen. I sökandet efter signifikans kan religionen en process som relaterar ti

No title

The book took as its starting point the distinction practised by Roland Barthes between texts of pleasure and texts of jouissance. All the chapters in the book are a commentarius perpetuus at the century-long querelle des anciens et des modernes, the purpose being the aesthetic criteria in establishing the chronotope of masterpiece.

Designing optimal sampling schemes for multi-dimensional data

In this work, we propose a method for determining an optimal, non-uniform, sampling scheme for multi-dimensional signals by solving a convex optimization problem reminiscent of the sensor selection problem. The optimal sampling scheme is determined given a suitable estimation bound on the parameters of interest, as well as incorporating any imprecise a priori knowledge of the locations of the para

Effects of calcium antagonists on myogenic and neurogenic control of resistance and capacitance vessels in cat skeletal muscle

The effects of five different calcium antagonists (diltiazem, felodipine, nifedipine, nimodipine, and verapamil) on cat skeletal muscle resistance and capacitance vessels were studied in a whole organ preparation. These calcium antagonists seemed to have the similar qualitative effects on these vascular functions. Calcium antagonists were found to be potent inhibitors of myogenic vascular reactivi

A literature and practice review to develop sustainable business model archetypes

Eco-innovations, eco-efficiency and corporate social responsibility practices define much of the current industrial sustainability agenda. While important, they are insufficient in themselves to deliver the holistic changes necessary to achieve long-term social and environmental sustainability. How can we encourage corporate innovation that significantly changes the way companies operate to ensure

Ballistic one-dimensional transport in InAs nanowires monolithically integrated on silicon

We present the monolithic integration and electrical characterization of InAs nanowires (NWs) with the well-defined geometries and positions on Si as a platform for quantum transport studies. Hereby, one-dimensional (1D) ballistic transport with step-like 1D conductance quantization in units of 2e2/h is demonstrated for NWs with the widths between 28 nm and 58 nm and a height of 40 nm. The electri

Jupiter Analogs Orbit Stars with an Average Metallicity Close to That of the Sun

Jupiter played an important role in determining the structure and configuration of the Solar System. Whereas hot-Jupiter type exoplanets preferentially form around metal-rich stars, the conditions required for the formation of planets with masses, orbits, and eccentricities comparable to Jupiter (Jupiter analogs) are unknown. Using spectroscopic metallicities, we show that stars hosting Jupiter an

Bigeminal sandwiches galore

A long run of PVCs “sandwiched” in between the sinus beats resulting in an almost doubling of the heart rate—interpolated PVCs in bigeminy—is described. This case illustrates three interesting aspects of interpolated PVCs. Although they are not uncommon, long runs of interpolated PVCs in bigeminy are rare findings. In this case, the arrhythmia had a duration of 3 minutes. Second, it illustrates th

Effect of food intake on biomarkers for cardiovascular disease and inflammation analyzed with the proseek multiplex CVD II kit

Objectives: The present study evaluates the effect of food intake on 90 biomarkers for cardiovascular disease (CVD) and inflammation with the Proseek Multiplex CVD II kit. Methods: Twenty-two healthy subjects (11 male and 11 females aged 25.9 ± 4.2 years) were investigated. A total of 90 biomarkers were measured before a standardized meal, 30 and 120 minutes thereafter with the Proseek Multiplex C

mGlu receptors in the treatment of Parkinson's disease and L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia

Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by typical motor features that result from dopamine (DA) depletion in the striatum. DA replacement therapy with L-DOPA is the most efficacious symptomatic treatment, but causes complications that limit its utility, in particular, L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia (LID). LID is primarily caused by pre-synaptic and post-synaptic changes