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Humboldt and the Modern German University : An Intellectual History
This book is about the idea of the university in modern Germany. Its primary focus is how the transformation of the Humboldtian tradition gave direction to debates around higher education. By combining approaches from intellectual history, conceptual history and the history of knowledge, the study investigates the ways in which Humboldt’s ideas have been appropriated for various purposes in differThis book is about the idea of the university in modern Germany. Its primary focus is how the transformation of the Humboldtian tradition gave direction to debates around higher education. By combining approaches from intellectual history, conceptual history and the history of knowledge, the study investigates the ways in which Humboldt’s ideas have been appropriated for various purposes in differ
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Orglet er et af de musikinstrumenter, som stadig anvendes i dag, der er at finde længst tilbage i den vesteuropæiske musiktradition. Allerede i det 3. århundrede f.Kr. findes versioner af instrumentet hos grækerne, som med tiden blev så populære, at de blev et fast element under de romerske gladiatorkampe. I middelalderen flyttede orglet ind i kristne kirkerum, først som flytbare orgler og siden 1
Vilken forskning behöver vi? Ett samtal mellan språklärare, språkdidaktikforskare och elever
How Afghans Became Second-class Asylum Seekers
A Personalized location-based and serendipity-oriented point of interest recommender assistant based on behavioral patterns
The technological evolutions have promoted mobile devices from rudimentary communication facilities to advanced personal assistants. According to the huge amount of accessible data, developing a time-saving and cost-effective method for location-based recommendations in mobile devices has been considered a challenging issue. This paper contributes a state-of-the-art solution for a personalized rec
Comparison of experimental and calculated shielding factors for modular buildings in a radioactive fallout scenario
Experimentally and theoretically determined shielding factors for a common light construction dwelling type were obtained and compared. Sources of the gamma-emitting radionuclides 60Co and 137Cs were positioned around and on top of a modular building to represent homogeneous fallout. The modular building used was a standard prefabricated structure obtained from a commercial manufacturer. Four refe
Angiotensin II type 1 receptor autoantibodies in postural tachycardia syndrome
Background--Both the adrenergic and renin-angiotensin systems contribute to orthostatic circulatory homeostasis, which is impaired in postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS). Activating autoantibodies to the α1-adrenergic and β1/2-adrenergic receptors have previously been found in sera from patients with POTS. We hypothesized that patients with POTS might also harbor activating autoantibo
Integration with other data and systems
As the new generation of Information Technology is progressing at a rapid pace, with big data establishing a trend in organisations, integration between systems becomes substantial. In this chapter, we particularly look at information security as a system that has become an essential part of Business Intelligence (BI). BI systems represent one type of decision support system (DSS) with a focus on
Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) as a multimodality imaging probe for sentinel nodes : Design and Preclinical Evaluation
Bröst- och hudcancerceller sprider sig via lymfatiska systemet och fastnar i en eller två regionala sentinel lymfnoder (SLN) där de med stor sannolikhet växer till metastaser. Därför är SLN-biopsier och relaterade histopatologiska undersökningar viktiga vid cancerdiagnostiken för att bestämma sjukdomsstatus och att från denna kunna bestämma rätt behandling. Patienter vars lymfnoder innehåller spriBreast cancer and malignant melanoma disseminate through the lymphatic system and the first metastases arise in one or two regional, sentinel lymph nodes (SLNs) draining the primary tumour site. Therefore, identification and characterization of the SLNs is of major importance for cancer staging and for choice of therapy in patients. The standard clinical procedure relies on lymphoscintigraphy afte
Apolipoprotein E genotypes and longevity across dementia disorders
Introduction: The ε4 allele of the apolipoprotein E (APOE) gene is a prominent risk factor for Alzheimer's disease (AD), but its implication in other dementias is less well studied. Methods: We used a data set on 2858 subjects (1098 AD, 260 vascular dementia [VaD], 145 mixed AD and VaD, 90 other dementia diagnoses, and 1265 controls) to examine the association of APOE polymorphisms with clinical d
University extension and tourism entrepreneurship : A rare Australian case
This paper reports on a rare case study of Australian university extension in rural tourism enterprise development. The case primarily draws on a review of 89 participant evaluation surveys, supplemented by document review and program manager interview. Findings highlight the importance of program adaptation to client needs, noting particular benefits of personal delivery methods, especially works
Sibiriska expeditioner
Beredd till bådadera : Lunds universitet och omvärlden
Swedenborg, Emanuel
Follicular and Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma - Studies of Primary Treatment and Prognostic Factors
Workplace Incivility – ett virus på arbetsplatsen
Effects of thiopental on resistance vessels in cat skeletal muscle
Barbiturates are used clinically as anaesthetics and to reduce raised intracranial pressure. One side effect is hypotension, usually ascribed to a depression of cardiac contractility, while their effects on the resistance vessels are more controversial: both vasodilation and vasoconstriction have been described. This study analyzes the effects of thiopental on basal vascular tone in the cat skelet