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Social infrastructuring in public libraries : librarians’ continuous care in everyday library practice

Purpose: As social infrastructures, public libraries are increasingly recognised as providing more than access to books and information; librarians’ work is importantly centred around practices of care. However, the ways in which they provide care is poorly researched, let alone conceptualised. This paper explores how this important part of librarians’ daily work is practiced through the lens of i

Familjecentral i tiden? En programteoretisk analys

Family centers have undergone a strong expansion for families with children in Sweden and represent a large part of the health promotion and prevention work. At the same time, difficulties are described in reaching target groups such as foreign-born parents, parents with a lack of trust in social services, parents with mental illness, or disabilities, and co-parents. The purpose of this study was

Temporal RX-algorithm performance on Sentinel-2 images

The increasing availability of satellite images with seemingly ever increasing spatial, spectral, and temporal resolution is a treasure when searching for information about activity on the surface of the earth. However, the large amount of data is challenging for humans to search through. Anomaly detection in time series of satellite images could potentially help humans to search specific areas fo

The Relation Between Covid-19 Vaccination and Voting Trends in Lithuania: A Spatial Analysis

In the face of global challenges such as regional conflicts, climate change and economic recession, the emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic added a unique dimension to the complex landscape that governments had to navigate. Unlike other challenges, the pandemic's solution was theoretically straightforward – the only way to stop it was mass vaccination. However, the issue of vaccine hesitancy by

Better off by risk adjustment? Socioeconomic disparities in care utilization in Sweden following a payment reform

Reducing socioeconomic health inequalities is a key goal of most health systems. A challenge in this regard is that healthcare providers may have incentives to avoid or undertreat patients who are relatively costly to treat. Due to the socioeconomic gradient in health, individuals with low socioeconomic status (SES) are especially likely to be negatively affected by such attempts. To counter these

We went through with the uppgift

I Sverige idag så är engelska ett språk som nästan hela befolkningen kan och har ett stort inflytande på det svenska språket. Inflytandet från engelska och blandningen av språken, code-switching, har skapat debatter om hur nyttigt detta är för det svenska språket. Syftet med denna uppsats är att ta reda på hur ungdomar i Sverige förhåller sig till engelska och vad de tycker om, och hur de använder

Trygghetsfrågor i trafiken utifrån barn och vårdnadshavares perspektiv - En fallstudie av Sallerupskolan i Eslöv

Abstract: This master's thesis has a focus on children’s and guardians perceived safety in regard to children traveling to and from school. By gaining an understanding of peoples perceived safety one can make improvements to infrastructure and take other measures to make people feel more secure on their travel routes, an increased perceived safety would in turn encourage active traveling to a

Momskaruseller - Vad borde näringsidkaren ha känt till?

Denna uppsats undersöker om och i så fall hur det nya lagförslaget till 49 kap 5§ SFL, som är avsett att stoppa momskaruseller, kommer att påverka näringsidkare gällande avdragsrätten för ingående moms. SEFI-direktivet är ett juridiskt verktyg för att stoppa momskaruseller. Direktivet kriminaliserar att företag lämnar korrekta uppgifter i ett bedrägligt syfte, och kommer snart att implementeras i This essay investigates whether and, if so, how the new law in 49 § 5 SFL, which is intended to stop VAT carousels, will affect traders regarding the right to deduct VAT. The SEFI Directive is a legal tool to stop VAT carousels. The directive criminalizes companies providing correct information for a fraudulent purpose, and will soon be implemented in Sweden. The Swedish bill contains a text stati

Reconstructing early human symbolic evolution using transmission experiments

Engraved ochres and ostrich eggshells from the South African Blombos Cave and Diepkloof Rock Shelter are among the earliest expressions of human symbolic behavior. Furthermore, they appear to document a continuous practice of abstract mark-making across ~40.000 years. During this time, the engraved patterns change from simpler unstructured patterns to complex, ordered and symmetric cross-hatchings

Att mäta beteendemässiga, sociala och emotionella färdigheter hos barn och unga: en utvärdering av svenska BESSI

Mätinstrumentet Behavioural, Emotional and Social Skills Inventory (BESSI) togs fram för att mäta de färdigheter som är viktiga att ha för att hantera vardagslivet. Instrumentet utvecklades ursprungligen för vuxna, men forskning indikerar att barn- och ungdomsåren är en kritisk period för utveckling av dessa färdigheter och att färdigheterna kan påverka förmågan att hantera tillvaron och må bra. IThe Behavioral, Emotional and Social Skills Inventory (BESSI) is a measure designed to comprehensively assess behavioral, emotional and social skills necessary to manage daily life. The measure was originally developed for adults, but evidence suggests adolescence is a key period for the development of the BESSI skills and that these skills affect young peoples’ chances at managing life and experi

Proteomic Characterisation of Placenta Tissue for Biomarker Discovery – Workflow Development and Application

Preeclampsia (PE) occurs in up to 5% of worldwide pregnancies. It is a complex disease characterised by sudden onset hypertension, and it is harmful to the mother as well as the growing baby, accounting for 40% of fetal deaths worldwide. The disease can be divided into early and late-onset PE, defined as diagnosis earlier or later than 34 weeks of gestation. Despite decades of research, the cause

Bländad av grönt - Grönmålning och ett strängare beviskrav mot miljöpåståenden inom marknadsföring

Genom en ökad medvetenhet hos konsumenter om deras klimatavtryck har det blivit viktigt för företag att positionera sig som hållbara. I samband med detta har begreppet ”grönmålning” etablerats inom sammanhang som exempelvis vilseledande marknadsföring, där företag försöker framställa sig som miljövänliga utan en vederhäftig grund. För att adressera innebörden av grönmålning och finna ett tillvägagWith consumers becoming more aware of their environmental footprint, it has become important for companies to position themselves as sustainable. In this context, the term "greenwashing" has been established to describe misleading marketing practices where companies try to portray themselves as environmentally friendly without a valid basis. To address the meaning of greenwashing and fin

Validation of low-cost sensors in field tests at Hyltemossa research station

DGEM (Devlabs, Copenhagen) is a small IoT product for air quality management and can be equipped with various integrated low-cost small sensors and hardware interfaces and provides comprehensive data collection capabilities. A one-month field observation test was conducted with reference instruments at Hyltemossa research station from 6th Dec. 2023 to 10th Jan. 2024 to validate this sensor bef

Erfarna psykoterapeuters kännedom om compassion fatigue och deras upplevelser av att ta hand om sig själva i sin yrkesroll

Psykoterapeutyrket är stimulerande, meningsfullt och spännande men kan även ge psykoterapeuten negativa fysiska och emotionella symtom av utbrändhet och reducerad förmåga att känna empati för sina patienter. Detta kallas compassion fatigue och kan drabba psykoterapeuter som möter patienter med trauman. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vilken kunskap psykodynamiska psykoterapeuter hade gälThe psychotherapist profession is stimulating, meaningful and exciting, but can also give the psychotherapist negative physical and emotional symptoms of burnout and reduced ability to empathize with their patients. This is called compassion fatigue and can affect psychotherapists who meet patients with trauma. The purpose of this study was to investigate what knowledge psychodynamic psychotherapi

Privatinförsel eller detaljhandel? – Juridisk analys av förutsättningarna för privatinförsel av alkohol till Sverige efter Winefinder-målet

Sverige har under lång tid haft en restriktiv alkoholpolitik. Sverige är också medlem i Europeiska unionen, där huvudregeln är fri rörlighet av varor. Denna skiljelinje har inneburit att Sverige visserligen fått behålla ett detaljhandelsmonopol (Systembolaget), men också att en möjlighet för svenskar att privat importera alkoholhaltiga drycker för eget bruk införts. År 2023 lämnade Högsta domstoleSweden has long pursued a restrictive alcohol policy. Sweden is also a member of the European Union, where the the free movement of goods is a general principle. This dividing line has resulted in Sweden getting to retain a retail monopoly (Systembolaget), however the possibility for Swedes to privately import alcoholic beverages for their private consumption was introduced. In 2023, the Swedish S

Planera och anpassa : en kvalitativ studie av arkivpedagogers tankar kring planering och anpassning av skolprogram för gymnasieelever

By examining how pedagogues in the Archives think and work with the availability of archive material, the purpose of this master thesis is to analyze how teaching is planned and adapted to different students and student groups at upper secondary school. The study was conducted using a qualitative method with semi-structured questions. Eleven pedagogues in the Archives were interviewed and the resu

Addressing Forced Labour in Global Supply Chains - Assessing the Legal Changes arising through the Implementation of the new EU Regulation on Prohibiting Products made with Forced Labour on the Union Market

The upcoming EU Regulation on prohibiting products made with forced labour on the Union market is forming the occasion for this Master’s Thesis. In particular, the topic of forced labour is analysed to provide a brief insight into the necessity of the Regulation. Furthermore, a variety of international and European legal instruments are compared to the new Regulation in order to identify the actua

Analysing Self-Preferencing in EU Competition Law - Understanding the Similarities and Differences Between Article 102 TFEU and the Digital Markets Act

Article 102 TFEU has long been the legal framework for addressing dominant undertakings abusing their position. In the new digital era, these undertakings have been found to favour themselves through self-preferencing. Therefore, the European Commission proposed the Digital Markets Act to address the structural problems that Article 102 TFEU could not. The DMA targets gatekeepers, who often hold d