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Female urinary incontinence. A study on heredity, urodynamic and hormonal factors and the evaluation of a novel surgical technique

Popular Abstract in Swedish Ofrivilligt urinläckage, urininkontinens, omfattar mer än 50 miljoner människor i världen, varav cirka 500 000 i Sverige. Av dessa beräknas 2/3 vara kvinnor. Ofrivilligt urinläckage är ett medicinskt och socialt handikapp för den drabbade, operation och hjälpmedel förorsakar samhället stora kostnader. Risken för urininkontinens ökar med stigande ålder. I svenska studierAbstract Pelvic floor disorders (PFD) represent a major public health issue worldwide. Aims of this work Study I: to investigate associations between preoperative resting urethral parameters (MUCP, FL and CA) and objective outcome of laparoscopic colposuspension and, if possible, to identify cutoff values useful in clinical practice. Study II: to investigate a group of perimenopausal women reporti

Temporal dynamics of bird community composition: an analysis of baseline conditions from long-term data

Numerous anthropogenic activities threaten the biodiversity found on earth. Because all ecological communities constantly experience temporal turnover due to natural processes, it is important to distinguish between change due to anthropogenic impact and the underlying natural rate of change. In this study, we used data sets on breeding bird communities that covered at least 20 consecutive years,

Novel risk factors for atrial fibrillation in an urban population

Popular Abstract in Swedish Förmaksflimmer är den vanligaste rytmrubbningen i hjärtat. Man beräknar att 1-2% av befolkningen har förmaksflimmer. Förmaksflimmer blir vanligare med stigande ålder. Bland personer äldre än 75 år har 5-10% förmaksflimmer. Var fjärde person över 40 år riskerar att drabbas av förmaksflimmer någon gång i livet. Förmaksflimmer ger bl.a. en ökad risk för blodproppar och strAtrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common sustained cardiac arrhythmia in the general population, and a major cause of morbidity and mortality. Low-grade inflammation, erythrocyte volume variation, and subclinical atherosclerosis have repeatedly been associated with cardiovascular disease, but it remains unclear whether these risk factors are also associated with incident AF. This thesis is bas

Should the acceptable noise level be considered to be an acceptable noise range?

The acceptable noise level (ANL) test is used to quantify the amount of competing background noise (BNL) that a listener is willing to accept when listening to speech at the most comfortable level (MCL). ANL is calculated by subtracting the BNL from the MCL. Most studies show large intersubject ANL variability and a few also demonstrate large intrasubject variability. Very few predictor variables

Analysis of heart rate variability during exercise stress testing using respiratory information

This paper presents a novel method for the analysis of heart rate variability (HRV) during exercise stress testing enhanced with respiratory information. The instantaneous frequency and power of the low frequency (LF) and high frequency (HF) bands of the HRV are estimated by parametric decomposition of the instantaneous autocorrelation function (ACF) as a sum of damped sinusoids. The instantaneous

A Noise Cancelling 0.7-3.8 GHz Resistive Feedback Receiver Front-End in 65 nm CMOS

This paper presents a noise cancelling 0.7– 3.8GHz receiver front-end implemented in 65nm technology. The circuit has a main path consisting of a high input impedance gm-stage, current-mode passive mixers and baseband amplifiers, where the input match is provided by frequency translational negative feedback from baseband to RF input. An auxiliary path with tunable gain is introduced to cancel nois

Heritability Estimates Identify a Substantial Genetic Contribution to Risk and Outcome of Intracerebral Hemorrhage

Background and Purpose-Previous studies suggest that genetic variation plays a substantial role in occurrence and evolution of intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). Genetic contribution to disease can be determined by calculating heritability using family-based data, but such an approach is impractical for ICH because of lack of large pedigree-based studies. However, a novel analytic tool based on genom

Temperature dependent nonlinear response of quantum cascade structures

Current response and gain spectrum of a terahertz quantum cascade laser is analyzed at different temperatures by a nonequilibrium Green's functions approach. The simulations are compared to recent results of time domain spectroscopy. Being able to retrieve higher harmonics of the response function, nonlinear phenomena in quantum cascade lasers are studied theoretically. For different temperatures,

Sustained Effects of Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist Treatment in Type 2 Diabetes

OBJECTIVE - Interleukin (IL)-1 impairs insulin secretion and induces P-cell apoptosis. Pancreatic beta-cell IL-1 expression is increased and interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra) expression reduced in patients with type 2 diabetes. Treatment with recombinant IL-1Ra improves glycemia and P-cell function and reduces inflammatory markers in patients with type 2 diabetes. Here we investigated the

Effective stiffness prediction of GLT beams based on stiffness distributions of individual lamellas

The mechanical properties of structural timber—particularly in terms of stiffness and strength—are subject to high variability, which also affects the properties of timber products made from structural timber, e.g., glued laminated timber (GLT). In this paper, the influence of the longitudinal stiffness variability of wooden lamellas on the effective stiffness of GLT is investigated. In a first st

High resolution sparse estimation of exponentially decaying two-dimensional signals

In this work, we consider the problem of high-resolution estimation of the parameters detailing a two-dimensional (2-D) signal consisting of an unknown number of exponentially decaying sinusoidal components. Interpreting the estimation problem as a block (or group) sparse representation problem allows the decoupling of the 2-D data structure into a sum of outer-products of 1-D damped sinusoidal si

The Swedish Version Of The Parent-Rated Junior Temperament And Character Inventory (J-Tci)

To evaluate the psychometric characteristics of the Swedish version of the Junior Temperament and Character Inventory (J-TCI), it was sent to parents of 9- and 12-yr-old twins in Sweden. The final number of responders was 196 parents who rated 92 female and 104 male twin pairs. The inventory of one twin, randomly chosen from each pair, was included in the analyses. Reward Dependence, Persistence,

Lectotypifications of names of Hieracium (Asteraceae) based on material from the Swedish provinces Gastrikland, Halsingland and Medelpad

Lectotypes are designated for 83 names of species of Hieracium sect. Hieracium, H, sect. Vulgata and H. sect. Bifida described by Swedish authors based on material from the provinces Gastrikland, Halsingland and Medelpad of central Sweden. Whenever needed, the affinities and taxonomic value of the lectotypified taxa and the taxonomic implications of the lectotypifications are discussed. One new co

Measurements of high pt identified particles v1 and v2 in sqrt(s) = 200GeV Au-Au collisions

The v2 and v4 of pions, kaons and protons have been measured by PHENIX in 200 GeV Au+Au collisions up to pT ~ 6 GeV/c and 4 GeV/c, respectively. The v4 of all these identified particles have been found to scale with the number of constituent quarks and all these particles have a similar v4/v22 ratio which is close to 0.9. The scaling behavior of v2 is studied at high pT and a deviation from the un

Non-thermal" Effects on the Blood-Brain Barrier in Fischer rats by exposure to microwaves

Effect of 915 MHz electromagnetic fields (EMF) on the blood brain-barrier (BBB) permeability has been studied in Fischer 344 rats of both sexes. Male and female Fischer 344 rats were exposed in a Transverse Electromagnetic Transmission line chamber to microwaves of 915 MHz as continuous wave (CW) and pulse-modulated with different pulse power and at various time intervals. The CW-pulse power varie

High-speed carrier-envelope phase drift detection of amplified laser pulses

An instrument for measuring carrier-envelope phase (CEP) drift of amplified femtosecond laser pulses at repetition rates up to the 100-kHz regime is presented. The device can be used for real-time pulse labeling and it could also enable single-loop CEP control of future high-repetition rate laser amplifiers. The scheme is demonstrated by measuring the CEP drift of a 1-kHz source. (C) 2011 Optical

Bilateral testicular germ cell tumors in patients treated for clinical stage I non-seminoma within two risk-adapted SWENOTECA protocols

Background. A contralateral tumor occurs in 3.5-5% of men diagnosed with testicular germ cell cancer (TGCC). Biopsy of the contralateral testis may detect intratubular germ cell neoplasia ITGCNU, a precursor of TGCC. Biopsy of the contralateral testis to detect ITGCNU is controversial. If adjuvant chemotherapy (ACT) protects against bilateral cancer is debated. Material and methods. A total of 100

Drell-Yan diffraction: breakdown of QCD factorization

We consider the diffractive Drell-Yan process in proton-(anti) proton collisions at high energies in the color dipole approach. The calculations are performed at forward rapidities of the leptonic pair. The effect of eikonalization of the universal "bare" dipole-target elastic amplitude in the saturation regime takes into account the principal part of the gap survival probability. We present predi