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Oskarshamn 3 - Optimization after Power Uprate - A heat balance deviation analysis

Oskarshamn 3 has undergone a power uprate from 110% to 129.1% of original reactor thermal output in recent ended project PULS (Power Uprate with Licensed Safety). The main objective of this thesis have been to identify deviations in the power plant, explaining the differences in power output between designed and achieved power output after PULS. The investigation has been conducted with the use of

The road to happiness : a spatial study of accessibility and well-being in Hambantota, Sri Lanka

Denna studie har för avsikt att visualisera och förklara variationer och mönster i välmående i distriktet Hambantota i södra Sri Lanka. Detta görs genom att använda en stor intervjudatabas från distriktet med frågor och svar om subjektivt välmående och andra utvecklingsfaktorer och sammankoppla denna med en tillgänglighetsmodell. Denna modell är utvecklad i ett Geografiskt Informationssystem (GIS)This study tries to visualise and explain variations and patterns in well-being throughout the Hambantota District in southern Sri Lanka. This is accomplished by using a large interview database with questions and answers on developing factors and subjective well-being and linking this to a model of accessibility. The accessibility model was developed in a Geographical Information System (GIS) as

Escaping the Hermit Kingdom An : analysis of China’s policy towards North Korean Refugees

This paper deals with the issue of migration between North Korea and China. North Korea does not grant its citizens the legal right to freedom of movement, but famine and poverty has forced many to attempt escape through China, hoping to eventually reach South Korea. Those caught attempting to leave are punished in forced labour prisons, or sometimes executed. Satellite images have revealed North

Sociala medier, journalistik och samhälle : Kina i jämförelse med Sverige

Sociala medier definieras av kommunikation mellan flera parter som också de kommunicerar sinsemellan och att användarna själva genererar innehållet. Facebook, Twitter och Youtube är några av de sociala medier som idag är populära bland användare i Sverige, i Kina är Renren, Sina Weibo och Youku sidor som fått stort genomslag. Mikrobloggar och andra sociala medier i Kina censureras och hålls under

The Arab Spring and its different outcomes: Explaining the variation in the state of democratisation

The theme of this study is the Arab Spring and democratisation. The Arab Spring affected every country in the region very differently. This study aims to explain the variation of the state of democratisation in the different countries, as well as identify the factor(s) behind this variation. Six countries are selected for the analysis; half of them experienced major changes, the other half just mi

Does unemployment leave persistent scars on earnings? Evidence from the Swedish twin registry

Does unemployment leave persistent scars on earnings? The European debt crisis has pushed unemployment rates to extraordinary levels in various parts of Europe. This raises important questions about the long term consequences of the crises. Previous research conducted in the USA, Great Britain and Sweden has provided strong evidence for lasting scars inflicted on unemployed workers wages. This pap

Liminal Communitas: a case study of Somali refugee women in Kenya

This thesis demonstrates the applicability of the concept of liminality in migration and refugee research, particularly on the empirical example of a community of Somali refugee women in an urban outskirt in Kenya. Originally an anthropological concept, “liminality” refers to an in-between period of uncertainty, a transitional phase in which people are equal and a sense of community trumps differe

Vad är då en människa? - En studie av människobilden i fyra psaltarpsalmer

Inom ramen för denna uppsats redogörs för hur människan beskrivs i psaltarpsalmerna 8, 90, 139, samt 144. Jag använder mig av grammatisk-kritisk metod eftersom den på ett fruktbart sätt intresserar sig för enskilda ords funktion och betydelser i den hebreiska texten. Inom ramen för denna uppsats belyses särskilt de ord som beskriver människan i de olika texterna. Inom det Gamla testamentet är för

Leveraging the corporate brand - What are the possible negative consequnces?

To explore the possible negative consequences associated with when a company leverages the corporate brand on its products, and suggest potential strategies to avoid these. The authors intend to investigate the opinions of experts and professional with extensive experience within the field of branding, through conducting qualitative in-depth interviews. The thesis is based upon a theoretical revie

Retorikens kreativa makt : en studie av reklamannonser

Centralt inom marknadsföring och främst dagens moderna reklam är att skapa kreativa kampanjer som fångar mottagarens intresse, en utmaning som även retoriker har stått inför sedan antiken. Uppsatsen syftar till att från ett retoriskt perspektiv studera hur kreativitet uttrycks i fyra prisbelönta reklamkampanjer ur Cannes Lions Awards 2012-2013, samt att diskutera de olika dragens betydelse för rek

Hur de kortsiktiga förväntningarna skymmer den långsiktiga påverkan - En fallstudie på Eurovision Song Contest 2013

Syftet med denna uppsats är att studera vilka förväntningar lokala aktörer har inför Eurovision Song Contest i Malmö. Vidare vill vi få klarhet i vilka svårigheter som uppkommer vid tillfredställandet av förväntningarna. Uppsatsen präglas av en kvalitativ forskningsansats, i form av djupintervjuer med diverse lokala aktörer samt två projektledare från Malmö turism. En deltagande observation har u

Beehave, den snälla bikupan

The aim with this project is to renew the traditional beehive into a modern and easy to use device. Many people who are interested in becoming beekeepers hesitate due to a number of problems. One is the amount of time that you need to spend working with your bees, it’s also costly to buy all the things that you need for keeping bees and harvesting the honey. You usually need a shed where you can s

R2P and Regime Change - The impact of regime change interests in security institutions

The responsibility to protect emerged out of the need to find an alternative to humanitarian intervention to guarantee effective individual and collective security. Eight years after its conceptualization, the principle still lacks efficiency and is applied in an inconsistent manner. With an interest-based approach, this thesis aims to contribute to existing explanations of sovereignty and neo-imp

Surface Chemistry and Electrical properties of nanowire devices

Surface chemistry and electrical properties of InAs and InP III-V semiconductor nanowires and nanowire based devices were studied using Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) and Spectroscopic Emission and Low Energy Electron Microscopy (SPELEEM). Changes of the surface as well as electrical properties in these devices as a function of annealing temperature under atomic hydrogen background were studi


In this project a solution for the benefit of bicycle commuters is discussed. Information obtained by interviewing and observing bicycle commuters lays the foundation for a recumbent bicycle.

Is Sweden looking for people or labour? - a study on the situation for third-country national migrant workers in Sweden

This thesis targets the Swedish labour immigration law for third-country nationals (TCNs): persons coming from outside the EU, ESS, and Switzerland. The reform, implemented in 2008, aims to positively influence circular migration. This study sets out to analyze strengths and flaws of the new system, through investigating the perception of actors in contact with the current legal labour migrant sit