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A Stability Analysis of the Nord Pool system using hourly spot price data.

Electricity prices are known to spike during peak hours, only to revert to normal levels during off-peak hours. We introduce a generalization of the time varying independent spike model commonly used to model the electricity spot price from daily data to hourly data to cope with this feature. We let the probability of extreme prices depend on several variables, such as consumption, reserve margin

The unknown but well-known wells in Holma. Public participation and norms in the City Tunnel Project in Malmö

Environmental management in the City Tunnel Project was a three-year, sociology of law research project (1999-2003) on how the new Environmental Code was applied to one of the largest infrastructural projects in Sweden: the City Tunnel in Malmö. The aim of this article is, after some years, to reflect on and re-examine what happened during the two extended consultations processes to try to find an

På väg mot integrerad vattenmiljöförvaltning–möjligheter och hinder på den lokala förvaltningsnivån.

On the background of geographical and structural barriers for integrated water management discussed by Castensson et al (1990) and Hägerstrand (1993) a case study in Kävlinge river catchment area in southern Scania, Sweden was conducted. The study focused on existing water-related and other forms of co-operation within and between municipalities. Obstacles for effective water management were studi

Spatial variability of soil fungal and bacterial abundance: Consequences for carbon turnover along a transition from a forested to clear-cut site

Predicted alterations in belowground plant-allocated C as a result of environmental change may cause compositional shifts in soil microbial communities, and it has been hypothesized that such alterations will influence C mitigation in forest ecosystems. In order to investigate to what degree living trees influence the abundance and activity of mycorrhizal fungi, saprotrophic fungi, and bacteria we

Transcriptional Regulation of HIF2A/EPAS1 in Neuroblastoma

Popular Abstract in Swedish Cancer är den vanligaste dödsorsaken bland barn mellan 1–14 år i Sverige. Neuroblastom, som nästan uteslutande drabbar barn, är en aggressiv cancersjukdom som har sitt ursprung i det sympatiska (icke-viljestyrda) nervsystemet. I frisk vävnad råder strikt balans mellan celldelning och celldöd, medan cancerceller kännetecknas av en ohämmad celldelning och minskad celldödNeuroblastoma is a childhood tumor of the developing sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and is the most commonly diagnosed form of cancer in children before one year of age. Although survival curves have improved for these patients during the past decades, the conventional regimen of neuroblastoma treatment has clearly reached a plateau of efficiency with regard to increasing the survival rates of h

Molecular Mechanisms of the DEK Protein in Leukemia

Popular Abstract in Swedish Många cancerceller har ovanligt höga nivåer av proteinet DEK och i vissa fall av leukemi har man hittat en genetisk förändring som leder till en variant kallad DEK-NUP214. Man tror därför att DEK kan vara en av faktorerna som bidrar till att vanliga celler omvandlas till cancerceller. En sådan roll har visats i experimentella modeller där man även sett att cancerceller The DEK gene is upregulated in a growing number of cancers and translocated to form the DEK-NUP214 fusion gene in a subset of acute myeloid leukemia. In this thesis, we studied the cellular and molecular functions of the DEK and DEK-NUP214 proteins. We found that the expression of DEK is increased by the leukemia-associated fusion protein NUP98-HOXA9, suggesting that DEK may be a downstream mediat

Genome-wide association study identifies six new loci influencing pulse pressure and mean arterial pressure

Numerous genetic loci have been associated with systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) in Europeans(1-3). We now report genome-wide association studies of pulse pressure (PP) and mean arterial pressure (MAP). In discovery (N = 74,064) and follow-up studies (N = 48,607), we identified at genome-wide significance (P = 2.7 x 10(-8) to P = 2.3 x 10(-13)) four new PP loci (at

Receptor for detection of a Type II sex pheromone in the winter moth Operophtera brumata

Abstract in Undetermined How signal diversity evolves under stabilizing selection in a pheromone-based mate recognition system is a conundrum. Female moths produce two major types of sex pheromones, i.e., long-chain acetates, alcohols and aldehydes (Type I) and polyenic hydrocarbons and epoxides (Type II), along different biosynthetic pathways. Little is known on how male pheromone receptor (PR) gHow signal diversity evolves under stabilizing selection in a pheromone-based mate recognitionsystem is a conundrum. Female moths produce two major types of sex pheromones, i.e., long-chainacetates, alcohols and aldehydes (Type I) and polyenic hydrocarbons and epoxides (Type II), alongdifferent biosynthetic pathways. Little is known on how male pheromone receptor (PR) genes evolvedto perceive the

Fluorescence microscopy colocalization of lipid-nucleic acid nanoparticles with wildtype and mutant Rab5-GFP: A platform for investigating early endosomal events.

Endosomal entrapment is known to be a major bottleneck to successful cytoplasmic delivery of nucleic acids (NAs) using cationic liposome-NA nanoparticles (NPs). Quantitative measurements of distributions of NPs within early endosomes (EEs) have proven difficult due to the sub-resolution size and short lifetime of wildtype EEs. In this study we used Rab5-GFP, a member of the large family of GTPases

Novel aspects of the molecular mechanisms controlling insulin secretion

Pancreatic beta-cells secrete insulin by Ca2+-dependent exocytosis of secretory granules. beta-cell exocytosis involves SNARE (soluble NSF-attachment protein receptor) proteins similar to those controlling neurotransmitter release and depends on the close association of L-type Ca2+ channels and granules. In most cases, the secretory granules fuse individually but there is ultrastructural and bioph

Hypermodernist Travellers in a Postmodern World

Postmodernist perspectives in research have tended to embrace ambiguity, complexity, interconnectedness and contradiction, and have sometimes been described as a rejection of the ‘Grand Theories’ of Modernism. They have been said to reflect a view that previously taken-for-granted assumptions about the organizing principles of social phenomena must be regarded sceptically, and often make use of ir

DNA-lipid self-assembly: phase behavior and phase structures of a DNA-surfactant complex mixed with lecithin and water

The co-assembly of DNA and lipids has broad implications, from the structure of the cell nucleus to gene delivery formulations. To progress in the fundamental understanding of DNA-lipid interactions the self-assembly behavior of a cationic surfactant (dodecyltrimethylammonium, DTA) with DNA as a counterion in mixtures of water and lecithin was investigated. The phase diagram was established and th

Integrated genomic and gene expression profiling identifies two major genomic circuits in urothelial carcinoma.

Similar to other malignancies, urothelial carcinoma (UC) is characterized by specific recurrent chromosomal aberrations and gene mutations. However, the interconnection between specific genomic alterations, and how patterns of chromosomal alterations adhere to different molecular subgroups of UC, is less clear. We applied tiling resolution array CGH to 146 cases of UC and identified a number of re

Female urinary incontinence. A study on heredity, urodynamic and hormonal factors and the evaluation of a novel surgical technique

Popular Abstract in Swedish Ofrivilligt urinläckage, urininkontinens, omfattar mer än 50 miljoner människor i världen, varav cirka 500 000 i Sverige. Av dessa beräknas 2/3 vara kvinnor. Ofrivilligt urinläckage är ett medicinskt och socialt handikapp för den drabbade, operation och hjälpmedel förorsakar samhället stora kostnader. Risken för urininkontinens ökar med stigande ålder. I svenska studierAbstract Pelvic floor disorders (PFD) represent a major public health issue worldwide. Aims of this work Study I: to investigate associations between preoperative resting urethral parameters (MUCP, FL and CA) and objective outcome of laparoscopic colposuspension and, if possible, to identify cutoff values useful in clinical practice. Study II: to investigate a group of perimenopausal women reporti

Temporal dynamics of bird community composition: an analysis of baseline conditions from long-term data

Numerous anthropogenic activities threaten the biodiversity found on earth. Because all ecological communities constantly experience temporal turnover due to natural processes, it is important to distinguish between change due to anthropogenic impact and the underlying natural rate of change. In this study, we used data sets on breeding bird communities that covered at least 20 consecutive years,

Novel risk factors for atrial fibrillation in an urban population

Popular Abstract in Swedish Förmaksflimmer är den vanligaste rytmrubbningen i hjärtat. Man beräknar att 1-2% av befolkningen har förmaksflimmer. Förmaksflimmer blir vanligare med stigande ålder. Bland personer äldre än 75 år har 5-10% förmaksflimmer. Var fjärde person över 40 år riskerar att drabbas av förmaksflimmer någon gång i livet. Förmaksflimmer ger bl.a. en ökad risk för blodproppar och strAtrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common sustained cardiac arrhythmia in the general population, and a major cause of morbidity and mortality. Low-grade inflammation, erythrocyte volume variation, and subclinical atherosclerosis have repeatedly been associated with cardiovascular disease, but it remains unclear whether these risk factors are also associated with incident AF. This thesis is bas