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What We Know On Purpose: Understanding the "purpose" element of the right to education in International Law.

The right to education in International Human Rights Law has found much discussion in terms of access and compulsion. This right is the only right in the Instruments that carries with it a “purpose” element, which however has been left undefined and under discussed. This study has two layers, the first being to rightly understand the “purpose” element of the right to education. The second is an ex

Taste Masking in Pickering Emulsions

Taste masking is an important aspect in the food industry. Many health beneficial foods contain compounds such as phytochemicals that have undesireable tastes. The aim of this work was to prepare particle-stabilised (Pickering) emulsions to encapsulate and mask the taste of strong flavoured oil using heat-treatment. Quinoa starch Pickering emulsions made with a neutral oil (miglyol), fish oil and

Developement of a portable β-­‐ spectrometer for in situ measurements of Sr-­‐90 and Y-­‐90 using a plastic scintillator and a silicon photomultipler (SiPM).

Om ett kärnvapen detoneras i atmosfären eller en allvarlig kärnkräftsolycka, likt Tjernobyl, inträffar kommer radioaktivt nedfall att ske. Nedfallet innehåller radioaktiva ämnen som kommer att spridas ut över ett stort område med vind eller nederbörd. Vid denna situation är det viktigt att kunna identifiera vilka radioaktiva ämnen som finns på marken samt vilken radioaktivitet dessa har för att kuIn the event of a nuclear weapon detonation or a power plant accident radionuclides will deposit on the ground. It is then important to identify and quantify the radionuclides to obtain information necessary for radiation protection efforts like relocation and decontamination. Radiation protection instruments with beta probes can be used as search instruments but the small surface of the probe an

Samverkan och prioritering av tillsyn i skolor - Mot ett socialt hållbart Malmö

Hållbar tillsyn av Malmös skollokaler Miljöförvaltningen riktar sin tillsyn av Malmös grundskolor mot att minska orättvisa hälsoskillnader. Att prioritera utifrån socioekonomiska faktorer och att samverka med andra aktörer är två sätt som kan få klyftan att minska. Vägen dit är beroende av kommunikation. Det finns stora skillnader i Malmöbornas hälsa som beror på faktorer som utbildningsnivå, boThe aim of this study was to explore how the Environmental Health Department in Malmö Sweden can apply local recommendations to reduce systematic health inequities in their regulation and monitoring of the indoor environments at elementary and junior high schools, aiming ultimately at a more socially just society. The study was comprised of qualitative interviews exploring synergy possibilities be

Pathfinding and positioning in a labyrinth game using a wide-angle camera

Alten AB has a technology demonstator in the form of a motorized and camera equipped large scale labyrinth game. The ball position is controlled by a ABB industrial PLC connected with Android tablets for user interface and a camera as a sensor for the ball position. This thesis demonstrates the ability to place a wide angle camera inside the cabinet, correcting the lens distortion caused by the wi

High Precision Positioning and Very Low Velocity Control of a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor

The purpose of this report is to evaluate a direct driven permanent magnet motor in high accuracy position and low speed operation. Actuation in this case is usually accomplished by stepping motors combined with belts and pulleys. High accuracy positioning is considered to be within 0.1 degrees and low speed 0.05 degrees per second, while at the same time have a 180 degree step response within 0.5

The Effect of Temperature on Casein Micelle Structure in Micellar Casein Concentrate

Effekten av temperatur på kaseinmicellstruktur i kaseinmicellkoncentrat. Anders Lindqvist: 2015 Med mål om att optimera produktionen av koncentrerade mjölkproteinlösningar och att få bättre kunskap om mjölkproteinet, kasein, och hur det påverkas av temperaturförändringar studerades förändringarna av koncentrerad mjölkproteinlösning efter att ha blivit utsatt för olika temperaturer. De förändrinThe viscosity of concentrated casein solutions play a vital part in the product quality of medical nutrition as well as for the energy consumption in spray drying. Previous work has shown that a lower viscosity can be achieved through processing (Hemar et al. 2011). This project focused on the effect on temperatures on micellar casein isolate (MCI). A temperature range of 5-90 °C has been studied

The Panic of 1857 in the absence of a National Bank

Research on financial crises is important and especially relevant nowadays when the economy is slowing down globally. The crisis 2007-8 and the Great Depression of the 20th century are the longest and most severe financial calamities ever experienced and they share some eerie similarities with the Panic of 1857 – they all originate in the US but have international implications because they take pl

Mätsystem för den operativa temperaturen – test av hemtillverkade globtermometrar

Den termiska klimatupplevelsen påverkas mest av lufttemperaturen som är enkel att mäta med en vanlig termometer, men för att ta reda på hur temperaturen i ett rum upplevs räcker det inte med att enbart undersöka lufttemperaturen. Även om lufttemperaturen ligger på en komfortabel nivå så kan en kall yta i närheten få personen att känna att det är kyligt i rummet och på motsvarande sätt kan varma ytThe thermal climate experience is most affected by air temperature that is easy to measure with a standard thermometer, but to find out how the temperature in a room is felt it is not enough to merely examine the air temperature. Even if the air temperature is at a comforta-ble level, then a cold surface near get the person to feel that it is chilly in the room and cor-respondingly the hot surface

The Relationship between Competition and Innovation - An Empirical Study Based on Community Innovation Survey

The objective of this study is to analyse the possible relationship between competition and innovation using Statitics Sweden Community Innovation Survey 2012. The dependent variable innovation is measured in terms of expenditure on R&D and obtained numbers of patents. The independent variable competition is measured in terms of a Herfindahl-Hirschman index and two Lerner-index, one at industr

Den svenska mineralindustrins inställning till EU ETS

År 2005 började europeisk industri- och energiproduktion handla med utsläppsrätter i handelssystemet EU ETS. Tanken är att marknaden kommer minska koldioxidutsläppen där priset för utsläppsminskningar är lägst, och den Europeiska kommissionen beskriver EU ETS som ett nyskapande och kostnadseffektivt styrmedel. Men flera företag i mineralbranschen upplever utsläppshandeln som krångligt och orättvisThe European Union Emissions Trade System (EU ETS) is the central climate political tool for reduction of carbon dioxide emissions within the union, and is still the largest emissions trading system in the world ten years after the launch in 2005. One of the industry branches included in the system is the mineral branch: the production of cement, lime, glass, ceramics and mineral wool. These indus

Simulation of Bond-Line Read-Through effects

Inom bilindustrin utvecklas kontinuerligt nya sätt att förbättra kvalitén, säkerheten och komforten i de bilarna man producerar, speciellt inom den avancerade kategori bilar som Volvo Car Corporation (VCC) framställer. Detta har lett till att man i allt större grad använder sig av lim, eller fästmedel, av så kallade polymerer som visat sig vara mycket användbara för att dämpa ljud och vibrationer.The occurrence of deformations on the surface of adhesively-bonded automotive body panels in proximity to the application of the polymer adhesive is called bond-line read-through (BLRT) and occurs due to process-induced differential thermal strains between the adhesive layer and metal substrate. This type of deformation is a major problem in the automotive industry and one Volvo Car Corporation, w

Low-power Microprocessor based on Stack-Architecture

There are many applications of microprocessors in embedded applications, where power efficiency becomes a critical requirement, e.g. wearable or mobile devices in healthcare, space instrumentation and handheld devices. One of the methods of achieving low power operation is by simplifying the device architecture. RISC/CISC processors consume considerable power because of their complexity, which is

Naturalization of Swedish Immigrants arriving in Denmark 1850-1905

The study of the naturalization decision process have gained more attention in the field of economics and migration in recent years. This primarily relates to examining whether certain contextual and structural socioeconomic characteristics can explain the probability for immigrants of becoming citizens in their new country. However, there have been little research on this decision process in an h

News as performance: To which extent the Russian-Chinese pipeline’s threat to the sacred Ukok plateau objectively presented in media?

This research has been inspired by my interest in theater. I decided to explore the connection between the disciplines of media studies and anthropology of performance through the particular case study. The case is the Russian-Chinese pipeline construction through the sacred Ukok plateau in Altai. It threatens the environmental and cultural uniqueness of this area and small indigenous population o

Att hänskjuta människovärdet – Scanlons syn på intrinsikalt värde

I denna uppsats undersöker jag Scanlons värdeteori, med fokus på hans syn på intrinsikalt värde, och då framför allt frågan huruvida människolivet kan sägas ha intrinsikalt värde. Genom att först grundligt presentera Scanlons värdeteori – hans hänskjutande redogörelse för värde (eng. Buck-Passing) - och sedan släppa fram kritiska röster, resonerar jag mig fram till en grund att stå på i denna värd

The security of communication protocols used for Internet of Things

The thesis introduces a range of communication protocols used to implementing smart homes currently available on the market. Two protocols are chosen and theoretically analysed in depth. The analysis both describes how the protocols works and describes the measures taken in order to protect it against attacks from third parties. The theoretical evaluation analyses how susceptible the protocols are

What Do Employees Desire in Their Managers? Employees’ Conception of Their Manager and its Effects on Organisational Identification

Is there a discrepancy between what employees desire their managers to be and how they perceive their managers? And if so, does this discrepancy affect their organisational identification? To suggest answers to these questions, using a deductive quantitative approach, we asked employees to firstly, rate the traits they perceived their current managers to have and the traits they desired in their m