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Fönster av liv : en studie av den offentliga debatten kring "bebisluckor" i Polen

This essay examines the different views on the inauguration of ”baby boxes” in the Polish society. The public debate in Poland has long been infused by catholic rethorics. The setting-up of ”baby boxes” in the Polish society has been warmly welcomed by conservatives in the country. The catholic church has taken on the responsibilty for the ”baby boxes”, and today most of the operating boxes in the

Funktionshinderteorins dikotomi : en teoriutvecklande studie av funktionshinderteorins två modeller

The main objective with this thesis is to, within disability studies further shape and chal-lenge the current theoretical models. With a leap out of Tom Shakespeares nuanced per-spectives, his theories are put to test by looking into two different cases to investigate if there are any potential capabilities of theoretical development within these. One repre-senting the Sveriges Dövas Riksförbund w

SJ: "Vi har asylsökande på tåget som saknar biljetter och vi inväntar nu polis." Om möjligheterna att tänka ett situerat fördelningsperspektiv hos Alf Hornborg

This essay investigates how we can re-think central perspectives in Alf Hornborg´s writing. Hornborg (2011) argues that we culturally have “an unembodied image of technology”, which leaves our machines “exempt from moral critique”. Still, there are no ideas on embodiment to be found in Hornborg´s own writing on technology. This leaves the reader with the necessity to situate the very thoughts of H

Chinese Marriage Traditions: Exploring Contemporary Changes

This thesis presents the transitions of Chinese people’s marriage concepts from before 1949 up to 1978 and explores the new marriage concepts now. The analysis part includes the high rates of divorce, left-over women and the bride price in China. I will mainly discuss why nowadays Chinese people have difficulties getting married, especially Chinese men. This analysis is based on two main theories;

Planning for a sustainble community, the curious case of Lund Northeast / Brunnshög

We’re living in a time where more and more evidence of our impact on the environment appears every day. A lot of resource and time have been spent in order to identify and inform about the ecological footprint us humans enlarge day by day. The realization of human impact on the environment introduced large scale research and UN reports on the subject and a definition and goal to strive after was e

MISSING GRAINS- Post- Harvest Loss in Maize in Kakamega, Western Kenya

Globally, around a third of all food produced is lost or wasted. This means a decrease in food available to meet global food demands, but also a loss in resources used for production, transportation and processing. With agricultural production currently facing new challenges including population growth and, increasingly, climate change, ensuring productivity and sustainability in agricultural prac

Konsekvenser av krig : en studie av svenskt ansvar gentemot tolkarna i Afghanistan

Swedish authorities received in July 2004 a letter from 24 interpreters who had been working with the Swedish army in Afghanistan. In this letter they requested asylum in Sweden after the year 2014, on the basis that their lives will be in danger from the Taliban since they have been cooperating with foreign troops. When Swedish forces will begin their withdrawal from Afghanistan the interpreters

How energy inequalities affect human well-being: A case study of Kenya

Over the years poverty and well-being has taken several definitions. Recently, a wide literature unanimously agrees that the multidimensional aspects poverty such as economic, cultural, social and ecological has close linkages to lack of access to modern energy such as electricity or energy poverty. Thus, a focus on electricity for instance would be one possible mechanism of addressing multi-dimen

A multi-commodity dynamical model for traffic networks

A dynamical model for traffic networks is proposed and analyzed. In the traffic network, the transportation demands are considered as multi-commodity flows where each commodity has a unique destination. The network is modeled by a multigraph where at each node each commodity splits among the outgoing links in a way such that the drivers are more likely to avoid a road when the density on it increa

Identity as a strategic resource: a study on alternative gender NGOs in Kyrgyzstan

Since national independence many NGOs active in the domain of gender have been established in Kyrgyzstan. Recently, this part of the NGO sector has seen the emergence of alternative organizations, voicing new issues and perspectives. In this thesis, I take a closer look at these new actors: how they differ from the older generation and also in relation to each other. I am especially interested in

Intergroup relations and the perception of identity threat: the case study of central bosnia

This thesis, aiming to contribute to a better understanding of why Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina fear a Bosniak-dominated state, is a response to development efforts of the international community to democratize Bosnian-Herzegovinian society, generate a shared sense of nationhood among all citizens and speed up its path towards Euro-Atlantic integrations. With the use of conceptual framework, t

NGOs´ Position & Role in the Dublin II Discussion: A case study on the involvement of the advocacy networks ECRE and Pro Asyl in the European Asylum Policy

The situation for asylum seekers in the EU varies greatly depending on the country responsible for the individual asylum claim. Even though the EU Commission is working to harmonize the different member states asylum policy, great disparities still exist. Many NGOs have been criticizing the Common European Asylum System (CEAS), defining the Dublin Regulation as the responsible instrument for the m

Designing for Mars: extraterrestrial full-body washing

NASA is currently working toward the goal of landing humans on Mars. One challenge this mission is faced with is the lack of technology or procedure that could provide the explorers with means to maintain good personal hygiene. In collaboration with NASA engineers and architects the task of this thesis was to design a prototype for a nozzle and a conceptual water heater for a Martian full-body was

Vad förväntas av mig? – en studie om hur nyanställda samhällsvetare i två skånska kommuner upplevde sin arbetsplatsintroduktion

Det huvudsakliga syftet med studien har varit att undersöka hur nyanställda samhällsvetare i två skånska kommuner upplevde och beskrev sin arbetsplatsintroduktion, samt att ta reda på om det finns statistiska skillnader mellan kommunerna i hur undersökningsdeltagarna upplevt sin arbetsplatsintroduktion. Dessutom har syftet varit att undersöka om det finns ett statistiskt samband mellan upplevd arb

Cultural Values and Voter Turnout - The Vietnamese in Denmark

In Danish political and academic circles a high voter turnout among ethnic minorities is seen as a sign of successful integration. The Vietnamese are considered one of the best integrated ethnic groups in Denmark. However, among the most important minority groups in Denmark, the Vietnamese has the lowest voter turnout of all. The low voter turnout challenges the explanatory capabilities of institu

The Irony of Ostracism: Can Extreme Political Actions Result From A Process Once Created To Prevent Political Rebellion?

This study investigated how ostracism and social exclusion may lead to individuals being more willing to participate in and recommend extreme action against a political cause and/or against an opposing group that is hindering their aims. In addition, it assessed if rejection sensitivity and right-wing authoritarianism moderated this effect. The participants were asked to read an article describing

"You cannot fly without wings" - A post-development perspective on the failure of the Kosovo cadastre reconstruction

This thesis analyses the failure of the post-war cadastre reconstruction that has been taking place in Kosovo since 1999, from the perspective of post-development theory. The “failure” is to be understood not as that the project process failed, but that the project failed in the sense that the finished product (the cadastre register) is not being used to the extent it was intended and is therefore

A Probabilistic Model of Neutron Scattering in Thin Films

In the light of a world-wide shortage of helium-3 (3He) a development of novel neutron detector systems (NDS) is necessary. This requires mathematical descriptions of the neutron scattering process in thin films. In this bachelor thesis our aim is to make a probabilistic model of the scattering of a single neutron travelling through a thin film, with main focus on the first scatter occurrence. The

The Maritime Labour Convention 2006: A Frozen Revolution in the Realisation of Social Justice for Seafarers

Realising social justice has been one of the central goals of the International Labour Organisation since its inception. Yet today the unique environment and dangers associated with working at sea make the world’s 1.2 million seafarers a particularly vulnerable group, both in terms of their physical safety and mental wellbeing, and concerning the realisation of social justice. Social justice is a