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Your search for "*" yielded 531675 hits
Control of Enantioselectivity in Rhodium(I) Catalysis by Planar Chiral Dibenzo[a,e]cyclooctatetraenes
Planar chiral 5,11-disubstiuted dibenzo[a,e]cyclo-octatetraenes (dbCOTs) have been developed as the first useful chiral homologs to dbCOT-ligands for asymmetric applications. Methods enabling the preparation of such compounds on a gram-scale in enantiomerically pure form are described. Evaluated as ligands in rhodium(I)-catalyzed 1,4- and 1,2-arylation reactions, tertiary and quarternary stereogen
Refugees in Europe : national overviews from key countries with a special focus on child and adolescent mental health
Many European countries are becoming multicultural at a previously unseen rate. The number of immigrants including refugees has considerably increased since 2008, and especially after the beginning of the war in Syria. In 2015, 88,300 unaccompanied minors sought asylum in the Member States of the European Union (EU) and most came from Syria, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Somalia and Eritrea. As a react
Large differences between carbon and nutrient loss rates along the land to ocean aquatic continuum—implications for energy : nutrient ratios at downstream sites
The balance between the availability of energy and nutrients is decisive for the growth and survival of organisms. Here, we evaluated how energy, in this study expressed as total carbon (TC), is lost along the land to ocean aquatic continuum (LOAC) in relation to nutrients, i.e., total phosphorus (TP), total nitrogen (TN), total iron (TFe), and dissolved silica (DSi). For the evaluation, we used d
Electroconvulsive therapy for manic state with mixed and psychotic features in a teenager with bipolar disorder and comorbid episodic obsessive-compulsive disorder : A case report
Background: Comorbidity of bipolar disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder is common in adolescence. Obsessive-compulsive disorder symptoms may be episodic and secondary to alterations in mood, and display specific features. Management of pediatric bipolar disorder-obsessive-compulsive disorder is challenging, as pharmacotherapy of obsessive-compulsive disorder may induce or exacerbate manic ep
Does Hieracium sect. Pulmonarioidea occur in Scandinavia? Finding a place for species of the Depilata group
The taxonomic position and evolution of the five Scandinavian montane species previously referred to the informal group Depilata of Hieracium are discussed. There is very little modern information about these species and as they have not been listed under any of the currently accepted sections of the genus they are at risk of being completely forgotten. They have always been considered as intermed
Fast Diffusion of a Mutant in Controlled Evolutionary Dynamics*
We present a novel approach to model the diffusion of a mutant in a geographical network. This is a key issue in the control of epidemics, since many diseases are transmitted by intermediate hosts that could be substituted with genetically modified organisms (GMOs) with a mutation that prevents them from spreading the pathogen. The main strength of our model lies in making analytically tractable t
Measuring the gut microbiome in birds : Comparison of faecal and cloacal sampling
The gut microbiomes of birds and other animals are increasingly being studied in ecological and evolutionary contexts. Numerous studies on birds and reptiles have made inferences about gut microbiota using cloacal sampling; however, it is not known whether the bacterial community of the cloaca provides an accurate representation of the gut microbiome. We examined the accuracy with which cloacal sw
The Beach Beneath the Road : Sustainable coastal development beyond governance and economics
That Florida is in the midst of an ecological crisis is a perspective increasingly shared by academy, government, private industry and civil society. Ideas about the causes of the state’s environmental problems and how best to address them, however, are not so well aligned. While some are prone to emphasize the primacy of economic growth over environmental conservation, others argue that, like lov
Who's homeless and whose homeless?
Historiens sju "värsta" generationer
Biosilicification drives a decline of dissolved si in the oceans through geologic time
Biosilicification has driven variation in the global Si cycle over geologic time. The evolution of different eukaryotic lineages that convert dissolved Si (DSi) into mineralized structures (higher plants, siliceous sponges, radiolarians, and diatoms) has driven a secular decrease in DSi in the global ocean leading to the low DSi concentrations seen today. Recent studies, however, have questioned t
Inconvenient human rights : Water and sanitation in Sweden’s informal Roma settlements
Following an increase in Roma migration under the European “freedom of movement” laws, Swedish municipalities initiated more than 80 evictions of informal Roma settlements on the grounds of poor sanitation between 2013 and 2016. These evictions echo policies from earlier in the 20th century, when Roma living in Sweden were often marginalized through the denial of access to water and sanitation fac
Junctionless tri-gate InGaAs MOSFETs
We demonstrate and characterize junctionless tri-gate InGaAs MOSFETs, fabricated using a simplified process with gate lengths down to L g = 25 nm at a nanowire dimension of 7 - 16 nm2. These devices use a single 7-nm-thick In0.80Ga0.20As (N D = 1 - 1019 cm-3) layer as both channel and contacts. The devices show SSsat = 76 mV/dec, peak g m = 1.6 mSm and I ON = 160A/m (at I OFF = 100 nA/m and V DD =
High blood glucose levels are associated with higher risk of colon cancer in men : A cohort study
Background: High levels of blood glucose are thought to be associated with colorectal cancer (CRC) and hyperinsulinemia, an interstage in the development of CRC. The purpose of this study was to examine associations between incident CRC and blood glucose; plasma insulin; and the homeostasis model assessment for insulin resistance (HOMA2-IR), respectively, and to determine whether these association
Automatic lung segmentation in functional SPECT images using active shape models trained on reference lung shapes from CT
Objective: Image segmentation is an essential step in quantifying the extent of reduced or absent lung function. The aim of this study is to develop and validate a new tool for automatic segmentation of lungs in ventilation and perfusion SPECT images and compare automatic and manual SPECT lung segmentations with reference computed tomography (CT) volumes. Methods: A total of 77 subjects (69 patien
Bostadsmarknad, bostadspolitik och hemlöshet
Combining hyperspectral UAV and multispectral Formosat-2 imagery for precision agriculture applications
Remote sensing is a key tool for precision agriculture applications as it is capable of capturing spatial and temporal variations in crop status. However, satellites often have an inadequate spatial resolution for precision agriculture applications. High-resolution Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) imagery can be obtained at flexible dates, but operational costs may limit the collection frequency. Th
’Stick tillbaka till ditt jävla islam eller vad du kommer ifrån, din jävla blatte!’ – Hate Speech and Construction of a Muslim Subject
Långsiktig kompetensförsörjning behövs i vården
Läkares utbildning har tre faser med skilda uppdrag och ansvar – från grundutbildning och vidareutbildning till specialistutbildning och sedan fortbildning. Grundutbildningen, men även vidareutbildningen, har ett särskilt ansvar för kompetensförsörjning baserat på hälso- och sjukvårdens långsiktiga behov, nationellt och internationellt [1]. Det förutsätter en analys av de arbetsuppgifter som läkar