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Morphine metabolism after major liver surgery.

BACKGROUND: Impaired metabolism of morphine may lead to an increase in sedation and respiratory depression. METHODS: In the present study we investigated morphine pharmacokinetics in patients who had undergone liver resection (n = 15) compared to a control group undergoing colon resection (n = 15). Morphine was administered IV by patient-controlled analgesia. Plasma concentrations of morphine, mor

Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin is up-regulated in human epithelial cells by IL-1 beta, but not by TNF-alpha

Synthesis of the antimicrobial protein neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) increases dramatically in bronchial epithelial cells and alveolear type II pneumocytes during lung inflammation. IL-1beta induces a >10-fold up-regulation of NGAL expression in the type II pneumocyte-derived cell line A549 cells, whereas TNF-alpha, IL-6, and LPS had no effect. Similar IL-1beta selectivity was

Genome-wide structural and functional protein characterization by ab initio protein structure prediction

Popular Abstract in Swedish Många av alla kemiska processer som pågår i våra kroppar utförs av proteiner. När de inte fungerar blir vi sjuka. I vissa fall, till exempel vid Alzheimers sjukdom eller Creutzfeld Jacobs sjukdom, beror det på att ett visst protein har fel form. Att förstå hur proteiner antar sin slutliga form och vad det har för inverkan på proteinets funktion är således viktigt. ÅVery little is known about a considerable part of all proteins and it is time consuming and expensive to study each individual protein to determine its function, structure and cellular role. Proteins retain structural, functional and sequential characteristics from ancestral proteins and hence two proteins that share a common ancestor, i.e. are homologs, will to some extent have similar sequen

Uncompensated blood loss is not tolerated during acute normovolemic hemodilution in anesthetized pigs

Clinically, hemodilution to a hematocrit of 9% has been studied, but the effects of hypovolemia during this degree of hemodilution have not been elucidated. We studied the response to blood loss during extreme hemodilution and evaluated indicators of hypovolemia. Systemic and myocardial hemodynamics, oxygen transport, and blood lactate concentrations were measured in 12 anesthetized pigs exposed t

Staff training and further development in place of redundancies: a Swedish example.

The Swedish government decided in 1994, as part of the so-called 50,000 Swedish crowns scheme, to set aside a portion of the labour market budget for the further training and retraining of local government and country council employees. The present article reports on the experiences of the training effort that took place in 1994–1995 and provides a theoretical framework for discussing staff traini

Are impacts of an exotic predator on a stream food web influenced by disturbance history?

Predatory species have been introduced to habitats spanning a wide range of environmental conditions. To better understand the consequences of predation in natural communities we need to examine how variations in abiotic factors modify the influence of predation. The effects of introduced predators may vary amongst habitats if natural disturbance affects the abundance and taxonomic composition of

The metaphor as instrument for naming the terminal states of ecological invariants

Implicit figuration and subjective interpretation make up the conventional basis of the classical discussion of the omprehensiveness and aesthetic quality of the metaphor.Its function and use in Social Science is illustrated as a background to a radical different methodological approach. By means of Perspective Text Analysis it is demonstrated that the metaphor has to be conceived as the Re-naming

Development of a system for determination of the C-13/C-12 isotopic ratio with high spatial resolution

Stable carbon isotopes play an important role in the interpretation of biological activity, particularly when the fossil record is studied. In combination with morphological and chemical data, isotopic information can be useful in paleontology and astrobiology. In this paper the development of a microanalytical ion beam system for the measurement of the carbon isotope ratio with high spatial resol

Lipid-Block Copolymer-Immiscibility

We have investigated the binary system of a triblock copolymer of poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) and poly(propylene oxide) (PPO), EO5PO68EO5, in water. The ternary system with the same polymer, water and soybean phosphatidylcholine (lecithin) has also been studied. Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), 2H NMR and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) were used to characterize these systems. The phase

Uniform semiclassical trace formula for U(3) -> SO(3) symmetry breaking

We develop a uniform semiclassical trace formula for the density of states of a three-dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillator (HO), perturbed by a term 1/4 epsilon r(4). This term breaks the U(3) symmetry of the HO, resulting in a spherical system with SO(3) symmetry. We first treat the anharmonic term for small e in semiclassical perturbation theory by integration of the action of the perturbed

Källare (informationsskrift i serien: Fuktsäkerhet i byggnader)

En källare ska alltid utformas så att den ger ett säkert och beständigt skydd mot fukt. Även om man inte avser att källaren ska vara uppvärmd kan det vara lämpligt att utforma fuktskyddet så att detta är möjligt i framtiden. I denna skrift beskrivs olika fuktbelastningar och fuktproblem i källare. Åtgärder för att åstadkomma en torr och fuktsäker källare redovisas samt lämpliga sätt att tilläggsis

Forward jet production in deep inelastic scattering at HERA

The production of forward jets has been measured in deep inelastic ep collisions at HERA. The results are presented in terms of single differential cross sections as a function of the Bjorken scaling variable (xB(j)) and as triple differential cross sections d3 sigma/dx(Bj)dQ(2)dp(t)(,jet)(2), where Q(2) is the four momentum transfer squared and p(t)(,iet)(2) is the squared transverse momentum of

Prediction of permanent deformations in asphalt concrete using the mechanistic-empirical pavement design guide

Permanent deformations, or rutting, are internationally considered to be one of the most serious distress mechanisms in asphalt pavements. Deterioration modeling is an important tool for performance prediction and diagnostics of pavements. The Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (M-E PDG) model used for calculation of permanent deformation in asphalt layers was to be evaluated. It was acco

Hydrological effects of water harvesting techniques

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen behandlar olika tekniker för regnvatteninsamling i Tunisien och dessas effekt på lokala vattenbalanser och erosion. Tabias, terrassering och småskaliga dammar undersöks. Relevanta hydrologiska processer observeras och modelleras med olika typer av modeller.The thesis investigates hydrological effects of large-scale water harvesting techniques on local water balances as well as sediment erosion. The techniques of tabias, soil contour ridges and small hill reservoirs are investigated. Pertinent processes are observed and simulated using various hydrological models.

Video-assisted gastrostomy in infants less than 1 year.

The objectives of this study were to report our experience with the laparoscopic video-assisted gastrostomy technique in infants operated during their first year of life. A total of 53 infants (35 males, 18 females) aged 6 +/- 3 months, varying from 3 weeks to 11 months, underwent video-assisted gastrostomy. They were prospectively followed up. Included are infants with neurological dysfunction, c

Several interacting genes influence the malignant hyperthermia phenotype

Malignant hyperthermia (MH), a potentially lethal disorder of skeletal muscle calcium homeostasis, manifests only on exposure to certain anaesthetic drugs. The mode of inheritance appears to be autosomal dominant with both locus and allelic heterogeneity having been reported. Association analysis of eight MH candidate loci in UK families has indicated that several genes influence susceptibility in